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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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OK, simple Chor question.

Could use some help please.


Here's the setup...


1. Drag-Drop model into Chor.

2. Drag-Drop Action onto model.

3. Play the Chor and model performs action nicely.

4. Drag-Drop another Action (same action, whatever, a different action would be fun too.)

5. Play the Chor . Now the action gets performed 2 times.

However, the second action pops back to the starting point of where the first action started and what I want to happen is, have the second action start from where the first action ended.


Question: What do I have to do in the chor, to have the second action start from where the first action ended. I hope this is quite clear. Like, I want him to jump to a spot and then I want him to start from where he is and jump to another spot.


There's probably a few ways to do this, but, I am trying to understand better how actions can be manipulated in the Chor.

I've tried just dragging the model to another position when the second action starts in the chor but that doesn't seem to work very well.

Here's the Chor file with new rigged tom and the 2 actions if someone could help me with this. A step-by-step would really help.

(on Mac 15.0c)




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Because you're actually moving the absolute position of the model with the action....normally actions are just for cycles or actions of the body.......you have to compensate the position in the chor. So, using hold interpolation, you'll have to move the model forward in the chor by 6.54' (taken from the pos of the hips in the action at the last frame).


Here's three jumps.....



Got it !!!


Gee thanks Ken, so very much, for that quick return project file with 3-jumps.


I had to go back and forth, comparing the differences between the 2 project files, at first. Then I read and re-read your directive and as it turns out I was on the right track actually.


One BIG difference was that in MY 2-jump file, I didn't even have a New Choreography Action created when I was trying to do what I wanted. Actually, I may have tried that at one point but deleted it just before I uploaded my example file, as it was such a mess.


Any way, once I created that New Choreography Action and followed your directions, I accomplished what I wanted. So easy when you know how.

I even added another action using the same method that gets him back to the original start position (still have to tweak it some more, but it works)


I can't wait to try out this new procedure with other variations.


Thanks again.



No problem. I wonder how it would work on a path.....that way he wouldn't need to go in a straight line.


I recently wrote a lesson about Blending Actions in Russian. Unfortunately, my English not so is good to explain it. But I hope, the attached project slightly will help you will accustom with Blending Actions and NLA in CHOR


Click on the the top picture picture for viewing animation










Just in case the comment on Russian


Мини урок


Нелинейная анимация, микширование акций.


Это один персонаж - Greeny.

Рыжий персонаж - это его поза RED Thick.

Я создал 3 акции:

1)"STAND WALK BEGIN END 0-10-20" - эта акция используется, как начальная - Зеленый стоит 40 фреймов на нулевом фрейме этой акции и крутит головой добавочной хореографической акцией.

Далее от 0 до 10 фрейма - просто подготавливаю позу для начала ходьбы - хотя сделал это я зря - потому как в конце, когда они расходятся - без всяких подготовок я приблендил акцию ходьбы к акции обнимания (кривулькой метода Blend в акции ходьбы и изменением параметров Easy и Enforce в констрейне пути). Обрати внимание - пути я использовал разные для схождения и расхождения - это штука очень полезная - применять кучу разных путей в разные моменты времени, для разных частей персонажей - этим надо пользоваться непременно - для красивых легконастраиваемых нелинейных движений по криволинейным строгозаданным траэкториям. Расстановкой ключей, чаще всего, это делать сложнее, дольше и корявей.

С 10го по 20ый фрейм - смена позы от идущего к стоящему персонажу.

2) просто цикл - акция WALK

3) собственно встреча - акция OBNIMANIE - суть ассинхронизации и синхронизации акций сводится к открытию двух окон - окна акции и окна хореографии, в которую затянуты персонажи и эта пустая акция на каждого из них - анимируем акцию одного перца в окне акции - тыкаемся в окно хореографии - сверяем как оно там работает на двух персонажах одновременно. Можно заметить, что используя одну и ту же акцию - перцы, в некоторые моменты, движутся в разнобой - это достигается простым растяжением-сжатием акций. И навешиванием в хореографии дополнительных акций - например для вращения головы или вынимания рук у рыжего, когда они проваливались в его теле.


Thanks anyway here... but...


Could not open project file with either AM vers. 13.0t or 15.0c.. with the following error screen...


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