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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

TAoAM by Mouseman

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One of my goals for 2008 was to go through all of the tutorials in TAoAM. Some of them I had actually done in years past, but I wanted to do them ALL. Well, I'm (mostly) done now. (I want to put in a little more work on 11.5.)


I know most people post their entries under the topic for each chapter. The thing is, I haven't been doing that all along. But I did want to post them, and I thought since they were all almost done, that it might be easier on everyone if they were all in one spot. Is it just crazy to be thinking that?


Anyway, I'm gonna post them one per response.

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Its great to see you posting your exercises.


While the topics have historically been posted in each Exercise topic thats never been a requirement.

Anything that will help you focus on the exercises and get through them is fine.


We've tried at various times to move to individual topics for each person but its never caught on and generally we move back to the main topics. I'm always ready to give it another try. Now that TaoA:M has its own forum it might work better to have all the exercises for each person together.


There are Pros and Cons to both posting methods.

The way that works best for you... please feel free to pursue.


So far... so good! :)


Do you do requests?

(I would like to see your pitch from a 3/4 or side view)

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Do you do requests?

(I would like to see your pitch from a 3/4 or side view)


After rendering once in 3/4 view, I was a bit unhappy with it. I made some changes to make it seem less off-balance, and to have the right arm flow through a little better.


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Exercise 6: The Door Is Stuck

I worked on this in April, May, and June of 2005, then I did a bit more and rendered it on 2008-01-29. As always, there are some improvements that I could have made if I were to do it all over again, but I'm relatively happy with how it came out.


I rendered this one as an NLE. 1312 KB; 18 seconds.


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Exercise 20: It's Getting A Bit Hairy


Done on 2008-03-30. This one stretched the limits of my poor little laptop after upping the density. The hair on the head is a little thicker than I might have liked, and I could have combed it a bit more in some places.


And who can resist a quote from the movie? "Laugh it up, furball!"


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Well done, what do you plan as your graduate project?


With the hair, I had great difficulty too, but I've since realised that one of the settings in the hair is Realtime, and if you put it down to 2%, only 2% of the hairs show, which is enough to groom it.

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Well done, what do you plan as your graduate project?

I hope to spend some time to complete the Eggs, Potatoes, and Bacon animation I made for one of the Mini Movie Contests. And after that ... I'll have to come up with another project.


But first, I have 2 more Exercises to finish.


I'm sad that I was not able to contribute to TWO. Between job and personal life, I don't have reliable time to donate; I sometimes go weeks without having time for animation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Exercise 11.5: Make a Face

Done on 2008-04-20, though started a few weeks before that.


I finally had some time to come back to this project.


Similar to the airplane, this one was a little frustrating because the proportions of the front and side are not the same. An ideal situation would be simultaneous pictures for the front, side, and top from the same distance and with the same resolution using a near-isometric view. Part of modeling, though, is the fact that you will almost never have this situation.


Also a little ambiguous were the corners of the mouth and the nostrils for the nose. I was able to fiddle enough with the nose to get it to look right, but I was still a little confused by the 5-point patch on the corner of the mouth. I probably would have found a way of doing it without the 5-point patch.


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And that's all of them. It only took me 11 or so years of owning A:M, but I finally sat down and worked through TAoA:M.


Special thanks to Rodney and Caroline for your comments and suggestions throughout. You guys make a huge difference!

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Here's the thread for sending off for the certificate:



You are right about how unlike real life if the rotoscopes were the same size. I have taken many many photos of people (and dog) in various positions, stretched them in Photoshop, and they have never come out right. The chin moves, or they blink, or somehow the top of the head shrinks.


I'd be impressed if you managed without a 5 point patch. It seems to me that a round hole going into a square mesh will always need 5 pointers (like the giraffe ears)


Anyway, congratulations again! I hope you learned some from it, even after 11 years - I sure did.

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