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3d picture modeling


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ok... that was with video and stuff... but there was a demo of one done in i think "Animation History" ?? he did a picture with a man and added in an alien... he used two pictures and seemed to layer them... that is what i really want to do

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I hope you are familiar with Photoshop, or its equivalent.


You basically do it in layers, using different tgas with alpha channels, and build up the photo.




This is a painting by Rousseau with Thom added to it.


1. Create a new project.

2. Import the background image (this can be a jpg, as an alpha channel is not required on this one).

3. Import the Thom model (or your own).

4. Create a choreography, and position Thom in it. Delete the ground from the choreography. Render the chor to a tga. Render with the advanced settings, and under Buffers, make sure alpha is turned on. This will create a tga with black around Thom, but with an alpha channel defining where he is.

5. Import the Thom.tga you just created.

6. In Photoshop (I used photoshop elements), create a selection (alpha channel in photoshop) around the part of the picture that you want to have in front of Thom, save the selection (Select Menu > Save Selection) and save the picture as a 32 bit tga.

7. In A:M import that picture.

8. Create a new choreography. Delete the ground. Right click the camera > New > Rotoscope. Select the background picture.

9. Right click the camera > New > Rotoscope. Select the Thom.tga.

10. Right click the camera > New > Rotoscope. Select the tga you edited in Photoshop. Only the part that was selected in Photoshop should show, allowing Thom to appear behind it.

11. Render.

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The best tutorial on this subject I had seen was the one from Alien Song?




The picture listed there? I remember seeing a tutorial on how to create that with the cut up photo and layers, but can't seem to find it now. It was nice, because it was showing the images within the 3D space in A:M.

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  • 1 month later...

ok...sorry about not being on here for a while... been busy.. ok.. finally got photoshop elements 6.0. I tried doing that .tga stuff... and for some reason.. i seem to get stuck on the part where you select the part of the image that is going to cover the other image.


but this way is not the way i saw it done in one of the videos that i can't seem to find right now. I know it was called "Animation History" or something... its the one that was done by victor navone.. with the alien.




he did it with layers... and im just trying to figure out how he did that.

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So you select the part that is going to cover the image.


I notice that in step 6 in my post above, I did not spell out that you Save that Selection (Select Menu > Save Selection), before you save as the 32bit tga. I will edit the post to reflect that.


Do you think that's what messed you up? When you import that tga into A:M, the part of the image that was not selected should look black in the PWS, but when you create a layer with it in the choreography, it will be transparent.


My post above does it with layers - I do not recall how Victor did it, exactly.


When you say you get stuck - what do you mean by stuck?


Have you had PSE before? What's different about version 6.0? Have they allowed you to disable the horrible Organizer yet?

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ok.. the step i was having problems with was the "save selection" part. I couldn't find that anywhere in pse. I did find it... and i was able to do it. Thanks a lot. and btw.. i don't know about the organizer thing, since this is the first time i've had photoshop.

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