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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

sweeper cage like object

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I think your experiments are the most enlightening things I've seen on these forums (and most everyone's posts here are enlightening, so that's saying something).


I would be interested to know how you built the cage from sweeper. I'm assuming it was done using "Duplicate," but did you do a different round/pass for each layer of the cage, or just one? What settings did you use?

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Woo! Watch that video for two minutes, then try to walk a straight line.


What interests me is not the two minutes of what I thought I viewed, but the nineteen hours that actually passed. This should have been viewed by a poet.

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okay simpler model and simple shape to sweep over the model


Quick Tutorial but because the qt was too large over 4 megs it is a wmv file




Project file V13S saved after the tut




I added a material and rendered this is not in the project file




Questions ?


Oh and thanks for the comments....you are getting sleepy

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If your on a mac I am not sure it will open ..it should open in windows media player or winamp. try right clicking and saving it then try viewing it


If you look at the project file right clip on the path in the chor you can see the setting used in sweeper.



Anyone else have any suggestions

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Ahh--yup, worked on my PC at home. I was checking in on my work Mac. The thing pays my rent, but my god do I hate Macs. They're like Fischer-Price computers.


Rantrantrant. I didn't know how to see the Sweeper settings, though, so I've come away with more knowledge than I had before. Plus a chance to throw a dig in at Macs. Life is good.


If your on a mac I am not sure it will open ..it should open in windows media player or winamp. try right clicking and saving it then try viewing it


If you look at the project file right clip on the path in the chor you can see the setting used in sweeper.



Anyone else have any suggestions

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