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Tried to make some photorealism...

Well just newbie photorealism

Thanks to Mr Talbot for the model and the education

Sure there are better students


But perhaps this is the future

a virtual Michael J in everyones living room

Sure you have to use your VISA-card first

but then he steps in to your own Holoverse



Or shall we make some Iconoclasm?



Stop rendering the living and the dead?


The question is for sure not so easy to answer.

But think about it - feel about it?

Comments welcome!


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Some things in life are scary...


But nothing like Michael Jackson.


King of Pop he was in his old glory days,


but now he faces a trial because of children,


like the ogre defeated by the orphans in fairie tales.


Thank you.




(I think it's doing good, but i would brighten his skin color and make the nose less pointy)




When Michael Jackson becomes a religion...then we systematically destroy the images of him because we should be worshipping him directly...then it will be iconoclasm.




And, of course, that would be impossible because some of us wouldn't stand the image of our god's nose falling in the middle of the stage, like some sort of egiptian sphinx cursing our souls for the eternity...


Wow. That looks professional from this point of view. very photorealistic, that is-ugly, head to big for his body, other very horrible traits. It looks good!


Michael J was not so diffucult to make after having looked through

Jim Talbots tutorial 1 and 2. You find them here:



step 0:

And having unzipped tutorial 1 you will also find the head model I have used.

The head is inside this tutorial:



And I had to Google up some pictures of Michael J. And I had to manipulate one of the Pictures in Photoshop rotating it a bit and mirror one side. And I have also manipulated the lips to close them.


step 1:

Then by importing the manipulated picture to the Talbot head model to Animation Master as a Rotoscope I cculd begin to move the CP:s around to better suite the picture I have made up in Photoshop.


step 2:

And then practising the things you can learn from Mr Talbots tutorials 1 and 2.

You have to flatten the model and make a screencapture and then in Photoshop place the picture so it suits the screencap by a little manipulation eg scaling.

And then saving it and importing it in A:M to use it as a decal. Thati is all.


And you have got your Icon in step 3 to render on the scene.


For sure it is more to do on the model. It took me five hours to do this.


Now I will have a try to make Michael J talk by a little lipsync using my own voice trying to whisper some truths to the public. :P




Hope their will be more celebrietis to see from you folks!

Just a tip on some suitable ones:



When Michael Jackson becomes a religion...then we systematically destroy the images of him because we should be worshipping him directly...then it will be iconoclasm.

A quote from JoshB.

Yes what do this idoltry do to us? Replacing the image of ourselves and our relatives with some manmade face you cannot reach, speak to, hug or box, not smell.

Soon they are coming to our own Holoverse univers!?.,

Not only Michael J, Clinton, Levinsky, the whole gang

stepping into our living rooms. Great we can party together with them for some bucks....



The future? Holyverse or Holohell?!.,




The ones trying to enslave us - the big global cooperations - can give "our idols" some Artificial Intelligence - using Neural Networks:




Or shall we make some Iconoclasm?



Well the problem is we cannot stand on our own legs. You have to have something to eat, somewhere to live, someway to defend your property, time to negotiate with your neigbours, making friends with them.

To fight the global companies :ph34r: we have to try to figure out how to do it yourself together with others in small groups :rolleyes:<_<:) learning to stand on our own feet.

But that will not be easy:



You have to get a little unsure first - :unsure: - sitting down meditating - loosing your I a bit a day - to grasp what to do with your I - and not only you - all others have to begin figuring out for themselves - for Our Selves:



It is a scary image - but then so is the subject. -


An obvious thing that occurs to me (if one is really trying to make a photo-realistic model of a real person) - is that the modeling & the decal should not be symmetrical - a definite give-away, best to modify the cps after the copy paste flip for the inevitable irregularity of the face

Yes what do this idoltry do to us?


What idolitry? What I was saying is that iconoclasm is the act of destroying religious imagery? Therefore, iconoclasm does not apply if the image has nothing to do with relgion. Thus, until people start worshipping Michael J as the founder of some unknown religion to praise some unknown god, and then we destroy images of him because they take away from his glory--there is no comparison to iconoclasm.


Now, if you made a "photo-realistic" model of the pope. Then someone destroyed it because it takes away from the glory of god. Then iconoclasm will apply.


The future? Holyverse or Holohell?!


When people accept non-reality as their reality it will be a hell. However, people do that now. Why are people always afraid of the future? Since, time in memorial people have been trying to frighten people into stagnation. Don't move forward because the world will explode if we do. Throughout the ages people have been doing this--why perpetuate it?


We have moved forward. We cure diseeases, we can communicate around the world in miliseconds, we have explored every inch of land on this planet, we have gone to space and back--and the world's still spinning.


The ones trying to enslave us - the big global cooperations - can give "our idols" some Artificial Intelligence - using


A person cannot take advantage of you without your permission (Franklin D. Roosevelt--I think).


Well the problem is we cannot stand on our own legs.


An individual is an individual. If everyone in the world were to disappear I could still survive. We can stand on our own legs. There are just a lot of people trying to convince us that we can't.




Thanks a lot Mrs Nancy Gormezano and Mr Josh Bruce. It makes me really glad

:D to have some reactions on what I have tried to do.


For sure Mrs Gormezano faces are not symmetrical. I know. So moving some points it will make the face more natural. But thank you for your comment. I really like your work. You are a genius! :P You have a lot of phantasy. I really appreciate that. Because I do not think so called photorealism is realistic. Photos or Videos only takes parts out of a beings I - just showing the I behind a "mask" for certain moments, movements.




I have only tried to show how simple it is to do something photorealistic. Take a model - take a photo. Move some points in the model to suit the photo. Flatten the model. Make a PrintScreen of the flattened model. Take it into Photoshop. Suit the photo to the printscreen picture of the flattened model. Save the new picture. Import it into A:M. And place it as a decal on the model. And then you can move some points to make it a little less symetrical. That is all. Perhaps not perfect. Not really artistic. But something.... you can use to do a little lipsync letting the "photorealistic" model say something.




About masks: :ph34r: and eye-glasses: B)

So exaggerating, distilling from reality I believe more in - using your own I as a lens - not only the lens of the camera - though your sculpturing have to have some connections with what we call reality - the forms and matters we on our sattelite circling the sun-sattellite encounters. But reality in a deeper meaning I believe can only be reached through meditation - taking away all your I:s meanings - but meditation will make you silent - you can no longer speak - you have no words left - but going through such an experience can make you see that your I - your words, your conceptions are made up - more or less connected to reality - like natural science having a connection - but still it is concepts.


And Mr Bruce I really like your answer. :D It is yours beliefs. You are trying to communicate. Figuring out something for yourself. Giving me an answer. A little do-it-yourself philosophing from both sides. I really hope many more will step into our little discussion. For sure we have not the same opinion. But that does not matter so much to me. The thing is we are trying to reach some standpoints. Perhaps making a common ground to stand upon, walk on, sit and lie down to - to model on - animate on...








To illustrate the problem - John P - not Michael J this time - showing some different faces - the problem is not only that media - big global firms with thousands of employees are choosing which of the faces - masks to show us. The really problem is electricity - our new fire(power) and wheel(digital computing) - making this possible - taking all the million spectators faces away. We cannot see how the other ones are reacting - we cannot touch the other ones - not smelling them - not boxing or hugging them - instead we are all hypnotized of some common faces taking our thoughts and feelings away not being able to communicate them like equals. :blink::unsure::angry::(<_<;)


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