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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

semi new expression idea part 1


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Tried the idea of having a bone randomly position itself and have other parts with bones of model translate to that bone as different lag rates. Then I added a sprite material for fun...hey its late....anyway here's the result


happy holidays



the Gnome...Mr T....inkering



need some sleep


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It's funny...


You explain what you did, and I always think I know what to expect....


...it never ever looks like what I expect....


"Oh yeah, bones translate to another bone...random...with expressions...different lag rates... okay..."




"What the heck....!?!?"




Vernon "!" Zehr

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its sort of like your avatar you never know who's looking at you or what to expect next




Merry Xmas



actually what you see is four balls on the ends of a plus sign following an bone not assigned to any points and that movies randomly with each ball of the plus sign following the random bone and emitting sprites

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