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  1. I selected the hand bone and used the Ctrl Scale icon (top toolbar) to scale the hand and all its children finger bones. That worked but then all dem finger bonz disappeared from the pose window even tho they're turned on in the model view. Then I saw that there was a "Hidden" channel added to ALL those frickin' finger bonz in the relationship window. I had to delete that Hidden channel from all the finger bonz one at a time to make them reappear. So, my question is: Did I cause that to happen using the Ctrl-scale function? and is there a way to turn them all off easily?
  2. Messed up a pose and can't delete it. What am I not seeing? Any help appreciated. Apologies if I've asked this before.
  3. Thanks to all the help from robcat and others with my "thread" reveal pose I set it up and it works fine in the pose window, and the threads flow as wanted but as soon as I put it into the choreography - ZIP! NOTHING! No effect and the pose slider is wigging out-displaying numbers that aren't the same as the timeline. See attached PRJ and JPG file screenshot. Any help greatly appreciated. Why would it work in the pose windows and not the chor?????? ThreadsTest01.prj
  4. I don't know if anyone else has experienced this problem but I noticed that when I deleted the relationship of a pose from a model, it would remove the pose from the PWS but not remove it from the 'Poses' window for the model. If your text editor isn't in the list select choose another app and navigate to Word Pad. Step 4 - Select Word Pad and you should see something like this Step 5 - Press Ctrl + F and a find box will pop up, search for the pose entry you want to remove. In this example I'll search for 'Head grow shrink' When you press Find next (or enter) the document will auto navigate to the entry for the pose you're looking for. To make finding the poses you want to get rid of easier, I recommend renaming them to something unique in A:M but you don't have to do this. Step 6 - Highlight the pose info like in the examples below OR A percentage Pose will show as and an ON/OFF Poss will show as Highlight everything from [Pose name] or [Pose name] to or as shown in the screen grabs. Step 7 - Hit backspace to delete the entry Step 8 - click the save icon to save your changes. Step 9 - Open up the project your model is in (or import the model into a new project) and all being well those pesky poses should be gone. You can even rearrange the order of the poses in the pose list by highlighting the pose you want to move and cut/paste it below or above another entry. Maybe I should have made a video for this but hopefully, you can follow what I'm saying.
  5. Hiya! I've recently purchased MODO Indi (to give it a serious look see to see if I want to save up to buy a full-on version of MODO), and so far I'm rather impressed. It hasn't crashed once on me, and it's work flow and my brain flow seem to be more or less on the same page. Anyway... ...I was fartin' around on their site looking for any of the extra stuff for MODO that I don't get with MODO Indi (mainly the scripting and plugins stuff), and came across something called "ACS 2 Kit" ("Automatic Character Setup 2 Kit"). One thing that instantly popped out at me was just how similar it seemed to be to a lot of the built-in stuff we have here in A:M. One thing in particular made me think, "Hey! That's a cool idea for A:M to implement!". It was, as my title suggestions, a "Thumbnail" of various 'poses' for stuff.... hands, legs, bodies, etc. (re: "Actions" and "Pose Sliders"). I would love to see this in A:M! To be able to make a pose, say, a "strong pointing finger", a "loose pointing finger", a "crooked pointing finger" and a "exaggerated pointing finger"... and have a thumbnail of said 'pose' right there with it. Our "Pose Sliders" and "Actions" could have the ability to store a thumbnail for it. When we needed a "loose pointing finger" we could pop it up, see it right away, and click. If we didn't know exactly what kind of point we wanted, we could see the thumbnails until we saw one that might work... click! Applied to our character via bone naming convention. Anyway, something like that would be pretty cool and useful to me. (MODO ACS thing...: http://www.thefoundry.co.uk/products/modo/kits/acs/ ) Paul L. Ming
  6. I would like to be able to control the Enforcement of a percentage Pose from a on/off Pose. Is it even possible? I am constructing a character who is talking trough the corner of his mouth. Witch corner he is talking trough is varying depending on angle to the camera. I am planning to use Dope Sheet to quickly make the basic lip sync before fine tuning it. I am going for this approach: I make two percentage poses for all phonemes, one for each side (Right A I, Left A I, Right E, Left E, Right O, Left O etc.) and form the expressions of the mouth. Then I make a percentage Pose for each phoneme (A I, E, O etc.) In these poses I control the poses above (Pose A I at 100% vill set both Pose Right A I and Pose Left A I to 100 %) And finally I make an on/off Pose for each side of the mouth (Right LipSync and Left LipSync) This is where I want to control the enforcement of the right and left poses.... The result would be: When Right LipSync is on and Left LipSync is off my character will speak only from the right corner of the mouth. When Left LipSync is on and Right LipSync is off my character will speak only from the left corner of the mouth. And if both poses are on he will speak from both corners of the mouth. By this approach I am aiming for a dynamic way of changing "talking sides" while having the dope sheet to speed up the lip sync. I tried to do this but the Enforcement did not stick when trying to set it in the relationship... Is this kind of control not supported in Animation Master? If not, do anyone have any suggestions for a workaround to achieve what I aim for?
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