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Everything posted by LurkerAbove

  1. Hey it did. Thanks so much! I have a deadline, so I was in a tizzy!
  2. Help Help! I thought, the links to the older releases wouldn't point to the same file, but they do. Is there any way I can get version n, because I think there is a problem with o that's forcing me to roll back.
  3. Could you elaborate on this?
  4. That would do it. I see your point.
  5. Thanks for mentioning the file C, but I'm not sure why I would use that instead of something like the wiki (althought it doesn't seem community editable) or using the helpful links here. One advantage I see with using the links and adding such online is because the tips added online are more community accessible. Am I missing something?
  6. Great question. I'm not sure. I want to try it out. I also punted and got the Rogers book. Let there be knowledge!
  7. Shift-A is a beautiful thing to know. I can't wait to try this out. This and Y (which adds a control point to a selected spline) are great tools to have.
  8. Thanks so much for clearing that up. I know that keeping up with documentation is hard, and the basic splinesmanship tutorials still rock on toast, but its moments like that which make the veins in my head throb.
  9. Guess which intersection is BAD... [attachmentid=22667] bad spline continuity causes creases and weird shading artifacts . Splines like to cross like an X. they don't like to bounce off each other like two parentheses )( the basic splinesmanship pages are still solid advice. can you point to an example that didn't seem right ? Thanks for the illustration. Here's an attempt at one of my own: [attachmentid=22668] When the red and goldenrod splines were the same spline, I got weird artifacts. It was only after I shft-attached did it work like I wanted it to. As to what didn't seem right, I probably mis-wrote. Here's what I read on the basic splinesmanship page: Unfortunately, I didn't see anything cool or tricky. Using Add Lock didn't seem to be different than using just plain old add. Sadly enough, I still don't know the difference between them.
  10. Thanks for clearing some of that up. I have a vague notion why the GOOD is indeed GOOD. Can you help me understand why BAD is BAD?
  11. That one I haven't seen. Its a pretty slick tutorial. I think the idea of pulling out the features is kind of neat as well, and cooper was put on a shelf for another day. The A:M handbook has Martin's face, of all things, and tries to explain things about hooks and 5 point patches, it comes after the quintessential dinosaur example, which I'm very excited to try.
  12. Those are helpful, and if you haven't found the basic splinemanship site yet, its well worth the read, and its fascinating. Great stuff, but it leaves me wanting to know more. like, "What's Spline Direction?" Without a def, it sounds like left or right. I'd love to actually do some animations or screenshots of spline concepts, about when they hook up and when they don't. It does seem as though splines are the root of all evil
  13. Thanks for the info. I'm on V13, and tried to search under Shift A and didn't seem to pull that up. It is helpful, though, and perhaps I need to dig into the older technical references. its hard to use some of the older references though, because the interface has changed, and sometimes things are referred that don't exist. I don't mean to gripe, just pointing out.
  14. It looks like when you weld control points Shift+Weld vs Weld (right click while holding the left mouse button on PC, or a ~ click on mac) the behaviors are different. It looks like Welding the ends of a spline together joins the spline, making one spline, while Shift+weld seems to attach them, but they don't form one smooth spline. Can someone point me to documentation that explains this better. The book also mentions something about spline direction, which I can't seem to find information about either. I've looked at the basic splinesmanship web pages, and they are great, but also dated. Also, in an attempt to force me to do things rather than just see what's going on, the basic splinesmanship page sometimes gives instructions without a 'completed example'. So what is the difference between using A and Shift A to add control points? When I do it, I don't see any difference on my model, but the tutorial indicates there is one, but *I'm never told what*. Its maddening really. But I promise to read all documentation that I'm pointed to, and I will document any anecdotal knowledge so that this becomes easier for everyone. It seems like a lot of problems come down to splinesmanship, and I'd like to beef up our collective knowledge in this area, if I'm not the only one having trouble.
  15. Did you ever get this resolved?
  16. So I've been using layers in a toon render for quite some time, and I've been very happy with it. viola! [attachmentid=21446] However, when I do a line only render, I do not get my layer any more. For example: [attachmentid=21445] Is this by plan? Design? If so, how do I make my layer come across fully and have my model be lines only. Inqjiring minds want to know!
  17. Very nice!
  18. No problem. Thanks for replying. I'm really enjoying this exploration of the rig. Its great work, and I'm sure I miss much of the cooler portions.
  19. I have a quick question. I've only been through 3 of the tutorials, so I'm not sure if you already cover this. I have a model with the squetch rig installed. But, I want to change the model, which means new CPs to attach to bones. Sometimes, it seems like its hard to tell exactly which bones to attach the CPs to, while on simpler rigs, the modifications are pretty ...well, simple. Any thoughts? Also, sometimes when I'm working with bones, I hide and unhide bones. Sometimes, when the bone needs to be unhidden, its hard to find because there are so many bones in the heirarchy. I'm thinking I'm taking the long way around to accomplish these tasks. Are there simpler solutions?
  20. I've checked the 'final' dialog, and it seems to be on. Haven't tried jiggling it, though, and it is annoying sporadic in whether it works or not. I'll try that, thanks.
  21. Here are the steps I follow: 1) New Chor 2) put a model down 3) Drag Frame Burn on to Shortcut to Camera 1 4) In Camera Properties Apply Camera Post Effect is ON 4a) Make sure I'm the Camera1 view. 5) Render to a .tga file I don't see any post effects. Am I doing something wrong?
  22. check out EASE under the path constraint. Should help some.
  23. Rabbit doesn't have a heel, but his toes are long. You know, I cannot remember if I ran into this problem. I don't think I did. For some reason, 'Take a walk' was one of those that if you did exactly what the book told you, it worked. Now the pitch, that's where the extra keyframes come in. Now I think that walking for me did have a false start or two, and I had to start over. Its not too long of an exercise, and one well worth doing a few times. But, if it still goes wacky, go ahead and post the project up, and I'm sure we'll be able to figure out what's up. Cheers!
  24. That's a great solution, and the shortcut on the keyboard is 7. You can select the CP in the PWS, press the 7 key, and you'll see the line change. The reason this is not in the tutorial is because the tutorial suggests using more keyframes to fix the problem. This also works, and you probably should play with both solutions because each has different applications at different times. So basically, you're not doing anything wrong Cheers!
  25. Heh. Symptoms it was really late. When I opened up the Cornell box project, I noticed that the shape of the camera frame wasn't the usual shape I get. I tried rotating the camera, and that didn't change the orientation. So, I posted a question here. Then I found I could move the handles on the camera cone and thought that fixed the problem, so changed the question to "nope, solved it". Then I found the aspect ratio hadn't changed. So I changed the post back to a question. Then I realized the shape changes when you updated the resolution, and it became "nope solved it again." Perhaps I was up a little too late
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