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Everything posted by LurkerAbove

  1. Okay, I'm missing something, or I'm not being clear in what I want to do, because when I played a bit with the timeline, I didn't see how to insert frames. The ability to move frames was pretty cool, but I don't see how to select multiple frames and must insert them anywhere. Is that where you still use the dialog box? Thanks in advance.
  2. What, just move them around? No way!!! I have to try this out. I found out all the cool things when I can't try them out.
  3. Hi all, I've found myself bogged by the move frames dialog. Can someone give a quick rundown on this? What's Before and After entries for? What's the Offset and Scale for? Or is there a portion of the manual I'm just missing?
  4. When I get to the hair chapter, I'll play with that. As it is, I'm still working with my poor flower. But its good to know that I can now use Sir Nigel again, and its not his age that made him so slow. As it was, I was figuring that I was going to have to model a walker for him.
  5. Well, I had no idea that Nigel was so hirsute! (hairy). That "fixed" it, since nothing was really broken, just some fault between the chair and the keyboard. Thanks again.
  6. Or is there something about Sir Nigel? When I add Sir Nigel to a chor, the entire system slows, and I'm staying in wireframe. Perhaps its just me?
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