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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Ravager

  1. how was i supposed to know? thanks
  2. i uploaded a video to the A:M FILMS area, and it has been 2 to 3 weeks since i did and it still isn't up there...... i filled out the parts that were required to be filled out, where did i go wrong?
  3. well, there WERE restraints on it, but i deleted them, and its a thigh bone.... but i'm getting around the issue, so i guess you guys dont need to worry anymore, but thanks anyways
  4. well, this seems to happen in both chor and action...
  5. well, i try to move a bone, and it restricts me to move it... i don't see what the problem is, but i dont know, does anyone have an idea about what is going on and how it can be fixed??
  6. whew! thanks, found them
  7. hey guys, my library has somehow been erased, and i can't find a Thom model anywhere on the internet.... does anyone know where to re-download the free models that came in the A:M library??
  8. yep
  9. well i meant an image like a rotoscope, instead of seeing it in only one direction i was hoping there was a possibility that it would be able to face you all the time...
  10. how do you make it so that anywhere you look at an image, it always faces you?
  11. alpha channel?
  12. hey guys, I FOUND OUT WHAT THE PROBLEM WAS!!! YES! the problem was that that one project was somehow corrupted, good thing i have back-ups! thanks guys one more question though.... why is it that there are entire areas where i can't post? ex: anime area.... is it for Hash Fellows only or somethin?
  13. thanks! oh, and one more thing... is it possible to make a black texture visible and not the white? instead of the other way around?
  14. as in shape? ex, 500x500....... or size? ex, 5mb?
  15. Have you tried using something other than a JPEG? Convert the textures to TGA files and see if you have the same problem. i have tried that, and they will import, just without an image, they would just be blank
  16. well, it has happened in all versions, and the older the version, the worse it gets. yet it is still a major issue in v. 14a
  17. practically every time i try to import a texture into my project, it says: "Exception #019 in the "Jpeg" image to open." and about after half a dozen of these most of my current textures are gone. on top of that, the program quits very easily if i'm not careful, or even careful at times. it will easily freeze, in which i would need to forcefully quit, here is the data that the system gives me when i send the error report: szAppName : Master.exe szAppVer : szModName : hungapp szModVer : offset : 00000000 and i can't even render anything anymore.... i always get an exception #010, what a pain. this issue occurs in EVERY version of A:M. if anyone knows what to do... please let me know.... i can't work in my project with it messing up like this.....
  18. well, i meant sprites, because i'm not using images for the particles...
  19. how do i make it so a particle is rotated the way i want it to be??? like if the particle is vertical, and i want it to be horizontal, you know... something like that. thx
  20. whoops, sorry, i figured it out, sry
  21. oh, and another thing, how do you make it so that an image is shown in a light?
  22. perfect! thanks man
  23. i try to select a light that is with a model, and it won't let me select it, or even move it. what do i do?
  24. yeah, i was talking about other particles, like snow or rain.... thanks anyway
  25. oh, and one more question, how do you make it so that the particles appear on the outside of an object, and not the inside? because i have "object collisions" on for the particles, but they get stuck on the inside of the object, what do i do?
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