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Posts posted by Ilidrake

  1. I've been working on a little 2 minute film now for a year. Off and on of course. The thing that has really mired me down is lack of planning on my part. I know what I want to do and need to do and I think scheduling these tasks would help me a great deal. I have of course attempted to write up a schedule in spreadsheet format but with little luck. Does anyone know of a ready made template for excel or word that would help streamline this process so that I can concentrate on the tasks that need to be completed and not just worry about the format of the schedule. or am i over thinking this?

  2. I've always been a fan of google for searching the web. So I said what the heck and downloaded Google Chrome and I have to admit I'm impressed with it. Very minimum on buttons and toolbars (the way i like it). And fast!!!! Much faster than Firefox or IE.

  3. Okay so the rig and all weights are in place. I also used a few fan bones for some of the simplier areas. Not too sure about colors or clothes so I kept it really simple. I'm working on the face rig. I've been looking into getting zign track for AM but haven't come to a conclusion. Is it worth the money or would simple pose sliders work better?


  4. So rigging a character has got to be the most complex and frustrating part of a character. So to learn and teach myself I did this guy real quick and have been rigging him for the last two days. So far I've learned alot and this is what i have so far. no animation yet. I've had AM since 9.5 I think and I've never done the first animation piece successfully LOL.


  5. Been working on my newest model with the TSM2 rig and I'm having trouble getting smartskin to work with the hips. I've added fanbones to the area but would like to use smartskin to smooth out the trouble CPs. I've targeted the upper leg bone but when the smartskin window opnes and I attempt to manipulate the bone nothing happens, I can't move it. Sometimes AM crashes when I try this. Anyone got any pointers on smartskinning with this rig?

  6. Okay, first pose with the new rig. I'm having a lot of problem areas around the upper thighs. I think it's mainly the spline layout. On an after thought I was wondering if you guys have any pointers for rigging? I been checking tuts and such but haven't been able to come up with an affective route. I thought maybe smartskin, but I'm not 100% on how to use it.


  7. Looking good! Is that Serg2's female body?

    Yep, thayt's the one. I didn't feel like modeling and entire body so I just used his. And yes, if I actually do an animation piece with this credit will be given ;) And of course I'm also using it to learn how to be a better splineman. It's a great model and I recommend anyone wanting to learn to pick it up.

  8. LOL No horse for miss zorra just yet (not sure I could rig one). I still have to work on her boyfriend after I get her rigged and ready to animate. As for a non clothing shot, there isn't one. I modeled her body and then modeled the clothing around it and then deleted any mesh that would bleed through while animating. Thanks for the comments.



  9. I continue to work onthis and can honestly say I've never been more excited about a model. I rounded the face even furthur and the over all look is sooooo much better. kudos for the tips :) I also reworked the hair, though you can't see it in this shot, I got it into a ponytail and shaped it. The over all look is better. I also wne ahead and rigged in a quick jaw bone to test basic mouth movement and the layout of splines will work so well for animating. So, what do you guys think of her so far? Please, I could use all the pointers you AMers have.


  10. I was thinking about the hair system in AM and it works pretty good if you have the patience. It occured to me last night while grooming a model that being able to "hook" hair between meshes would be really useful. That way you could have two meshes and to groom you simple manipulate the mesh in diffrent directions to make the hair bend. In theory it sounds useful to me :) Just throwing my two cents out there.


  11. Okay I've spent the morning tweaking the models face. I've removed a great deal of splines that are unneeded. I've also tweaked the eyes, nose, and lips. I also rounded the face a bit. Ive also spent hourse playing with the hair trying to give it a thick full look but have been unable to achieve anything that looks good. Does anyone have any advice on making hair thicker and fuller? I don't mind putting in the effort for grooming I was just wondering what general settings work best. I have version 13 right now...will be updating soon.



  12. The commands for detaching and reattaching are simple. Shift K will detach the splines and then when you have two positioned where you want them right click them together.

  13. I havent looked at it but if your missing patches on the model then perhaps they are 5 point spots. If they involve 6 or more points you'll need to break the mesh at those spots and rework it so you have 4 or 5 point patches.

  14. So here he is rigged out and being prepared for the start of my first official animation short. I downloaded a sound bite from the movie Oh Brother Where Art Thou. It's 18 seconds long and is pretty attainable. I still have another character to model along with a few simple props. I hope to see this complete and keep everyone updated.


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