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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by AMAR

  1. gerald u right it is martin my typo.


    This is because there are quite a user base of hash at this level and this can be benificial like adobe certification or certification from macromedia or some other software package to use as and additional tool in markerting yourself.


    I know institional or if their was a user at this level they could promote themselves as such.


    This question came to me because i've been an educator for the past 4 years and have been a 2d/3d software user for over 12 years.


    Upon realization besides my skills acquired have no visual or paper certifaction of these skills cause they were all self taught.


    So this was were the spawn of this post derives from.

  2. I notice that most programs have a way of authorized through some testing or method of understand who a pro user or not.


    Does hash have this?


    If it does not I think it should be some validation for certain users so this can be used as data for us in our better marketing ourselves as Hash AM users.


    Also their will be a list of people that will become an extended level of support for projects or functions when traveling to certain towns. These users can become satelite specialists.


    Well anyway my question was more a reference to How adobe and macromedia and some 3d apps have certification or the educator of professional users.


    One more thing these certifications if considered can be for generalists, animators, developers, modelers, special effects experts, etc.


    Just wondering?????????

  3. No offense they are some good entries but most of the ones that stand out seem like they would have some infrignement of a particular movie character copyright or celebrity personality conflict.


    What happened to Jim talbot's Dwarf Guy and the Old Butler looking Dude he did now those would be good for a mascot Soulcage has some great stuff that is there own that really would've been great.


    Shaun Freeman's Mother Chicken character would've worked too.


    I just ranting ... I personally would've entered something but I had no time maybe next year.


    I just think the entries at this point should be better overall not just a few. Probally because of all the great advancements and all the great characters people have worked on throughout the year.


    Ohh.....one other good one was the realistic samurai character a user had created.


    I just think that there's alot great entries that wasn't entered that can really exploit hash's ability to do awesome 3D graphics.


    Ok.Ok. that's my four cents worth.

  4. That's some great animation!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Wonder how a mocap system like that works with hash cost.


    Oh? I did notice the right arm passing through as the head turned but I think this was more a demonstration of how realistic you can have a character in Hash move.


    Great job I need one of those systems that would be a great tool to use and play with.

  5. Hi shawn i'd try the above series of books. They are available at borders and other large book chains.


    There approximately 10 x 15 books with aerial photos of whatever city you want (it depends on availabilty also). I live in Chicago so I have Above Chicago by Robert Cameron.

  6. that can also be done with a reg gaussian blur and a layer mask going from dark to light using the default color settings with black first and white second.


    You can tweak the midpoint slider to determine were the lighter diffusion of the blur will occur.

  7. well good glass mat would be made up of a white mat or for colored glass an offwhite color tint with the color applied like lite green.


    then a refraction of 1.56


    then a reflection of 10 - 20%


    any impurities in the glass can be applied with a bump, or displacement map and color maps with alpha channels applied to them.


    Make sure though to make your glass capture realistic glass though you make a double side glass that's anywhere from a 1/4 inch to whatever thickness the glass will be to make it have and show the refractive and reflective properties in the glass on both sides.


    Also don't forget to apply a specular for dull glass the spec size will be higher and the intensity will be lower and vice versa for shiner newer glass. But remember for duller glass though the reflective properties will be anywhere from 10 to 0%.


    Good luck and be careful glass is



  8. being a computer geek and a pc and a mac user since 86 or 87. It's seems like forever.


    The best experiences where on the mac, amiga, and sun. But adding the aforementioned the best is building it yourself with is a good experience but isn't always cheaper as people preach it is. To have a quality machine that works with less kinks you have to have the ability to run through different configurations with different boards and devices. So getting back to the "off the shelf" question.


    I'd say that dell has sold me i have 2 of them a laptop and a desktop. If u know what u want u can have them build the one you want from their base model. Or if your computer tech savvy you can later buy the parts and get your essentials. They have some of the best deals i've seen for "off the shelf" computers.


    Right now if I had to choode a "off the self" system it would be Dell there goode workhorses. Then of course a dual 2.5 gig mac and a dual 3+ Itanium or Opterion or A Athlon or Intel chip with HT technolgy built-in for rendering purposes.


    Even though hash doesn't utilize the two chips u can run dual instances rendering out individual parts of your project.





    Also if u have the money to get a dual gig mac you can have one mean workhorse or catch a dell deal and get 4 to 5 machines for the price of one machine and start to build a junior Renderfarm .


    So to conclude i'd good with the dell yes the tech support isn't the greatest but with every company contraacting their tech support to INDIA what do you expect. They aren't going to perfect something that customer have gotten use to until they understand customer and can proficiently translate the proper response it a timely manner to the customer. And this applies to most of the support of any of the top computer vendors you'd buy from who's product has been consistently good for the last three to five years.


    Ohh.......:D and this was more than 2 cents but I thought I jump in to this discussion and give my comments based on my experiences.

  9. Well i use both and I like them both the Macs have been always more user friendly than the pc.


    PC's are cheaper but there worklife is a term of two to three years.


    I've been using the macs for over 15 years alongside using PC's


    I couldn't turn on a 10 year PC and run any of today's graphics apps but I can run on my old powermac 7600 macos x and hash, or any other 3d ap.


    I can use it as an optional graphics or a modeling machine.


    There is no 10 yr old pc you can do this with.


    So to do a literal option the pc are like amercian cars they are cheap, good for the moment, but depreciate fast and are always easy to find ok and quality parts fors.


    Mac's are like Honda's, Toyota's, and Nissian's, they cost more and are reliable for the long term. By the way they are very upgradeable the one reason I've decided to use pc's currently because

    1. Cost- which i've come to terms with that my pc only have a max life of 3-4 yrs.


    2. Applications- to use hash, maya and other apps that were more stable on the consumer-pro PC due to the quality of the ports didn't run as well as it did on the consumer-pro MAC.


    that's basically it Really I can do whatever I need to do on a Mac or Pc.


    One last thing upgrades are about the same cause of capatabilty is an issue it's always require to research the products you're buying on the pc more than the mac. Cheaper parts don't mean better parts so the price in upgrading the PC is the same by today's standards. That was an issue in the past but that just it the past.


    Lastly the PC os is still trying to emulate the mac since the mid 90's so much so gates invested in mac's stock so he even believes in the mac. My bigest concern with PC is the massive amount of files that accumulate in abudance and if there is a problem with viruses and adware the hide and are more prevelent on the PC.

    Working on the PC has made me more aware of this on the Mac I think I had only one persisent worm virus and maybe and autostart. One the PC maybe twice that and aton of persistent adware software trying to get in.


    I never here of an operating system coming on the mac with a built in virus they didn't know about until about 2 or more years after the software was released.


    That's my 2 cents ...........ok ......maybe more than 2 cents......... ;)

  10. Control Hairs - rather than have ALL hairs react to dynamics, a user could set up a second set of hair settings that would apply to the less-dense control hairs. The dynamics of the control hairs would be proportionally applied to the regular hairs (kind of like CP weights). This would probably speed up hair, because only the control hairs would be visible until render time. Maybe the control hairs could have CPs on them too, for absolute control.
    This can sort to be done already by using multiple hair materials not to the level of detail as you would like but just like anything it just require some creative approaches to accomplish this.



    • More Particle Interaction - I'd like to see particles be able to do things like stick to hair (remember when Sully falls in the snow in the Himalayas in Monsters Inc?).


    Right now you have to particle systems you can use in hash with some creativity and the right camera angles this can be done using the sprites collision detection and texture maps.


    • Liquids - This is probably the biggest thing I'd like to see added to A:M. Pouring and sloshing liquid would be so useful, and it's pretty much the only animation thing that A:M doesn't have a solution for. I want to be able to have a character splash around in water or pour himself a glass of milk to drink.


    This can be done with a combination of soft body and rigid body dynamics using a dense enough mesh creating the soft body have the mesh model react to another model with the rigid body to create.


    But in all fairness to Hash to compare it to the other apps would be fair due to alot of these plugins generate by the Big Name 3D apps come out of Big Budget Productions who generally made these plugins for proprietary use. But in a effort to supply to masses and greed these plugins are offered the public via sometimes for a steep price. Some of these plugins offer poor support and aren't the best for the method you are recreating.


    In order for Hash to get something like this to the public is one way


    Increase the price or get more industry support.


    The latter would be more do able because of the User base hash supports.


    I think once more new users see the Hash name attached to more successful projects and more money is put into Hash for this type of support and the money is maintained the your dreams will be realized.


    Goal: Get the word out and finish more productions in the industry to bring this support to a realization.

  11. This may needs a page or a donate/support hash plugin page for this desired issue and since this is more a community based more than commericial based program.


    We can get 200 or more users to donate $50.00 or more to this issue and those that donate to this get an update email or on the forum weekly on how close we would be to this goal.


    I support giving for a noble cause ......My dream is to have Hash having the ability to create Real-time online graphics (ArticPigs), Real-Time Video (donate to Plugin writer to develop a hash exclusive plugin to work with a best game enigine fit), and to see Hash creating award-winning big production movies (films and animation).


    I ancipate it happening soon and If I knew how to program (write C++ or Java) I'd create it for free for the 6+ years of me using the application I long to see something like this happen. I would like to be part of it and I want to go to 3D events and show my work off that I've done in Hash and Let the Maya/Lightwave/Max and SI users grunt and astonishment when they finally realize the true power of hash.


    OK..OK ....i'm a little exicited but I know, and wait because the sleeping GIANT soon will AWAKE!!!


    This has been a message brought to you by a dedicated HASH USER. Support Animation Master!!!!


    By the way let me go and order my yearly upgrade....... :lol:

  12. I agree with you guys. It's a great little application that requires a lot of patience but the results are the great detailed scripts that you can create. In addition to this the detailed scripts can be used for graphic novels, online cartoon , animation, movies you name it.


    Another good application for the scripting side for more so for the dialogue and pacing of the hard copy script you and use Final Draft Pro.


    So using Dramitica Pro for the skeletion of your script, developing the foundation for everything that makes structure.


    You then use Final Draft to create the Dialogue and the Pacing read right like a real script.



  13. Hey, Hashers


    Here's an update of my character with some clothes on :D


    I got to finish her costume and of course the rig......oh and give her a wig.


    This is the img update and I have 360 animated view of her also.


    Comments are welcomes........be brutally honest.


    My goal is to finish a model that will rival some of the high density models you see on CGTALK.


    Thanks for the coments so far. :)


    P.S. I'll probaly use three techniques for the hair (1. wig and texture, 2. Hair mat and texture and 3. Use the v.11 hair stylize feature with textures once I get 11 sometime in july. :( )


  14. Thanks Frank for the complement but even in those truths you say I still find error and i'm sure others can that's why I posted it.


    Thanks maybe when I texture her and add the costume I'll get ruffle from the bushes. :D


    by the way let me post those costume possiblities.



    P.S. again i like your fred. :)

  15. thanks for the comments guys.


    I'm fixing up her waist to hip area now and since she's a hero type trying to figure out an outfit I got some ideas I'll post the pics in a sec.


    But i'm open to suggestions and if you see any thing else that stands out maybe i can correct it.


    Since the face is of someone i know the textures have been already started.

  16. Thanks Yves,


    I'm very familiar with these techiques and seen used some time ago on the sherwood forest site.


    I also have played around with TSM.


    Used smartskin and the fan technique.


    But I feel I'm right on the bring of creating my own system that will benifit me and my characters.


    I've been using hash since 98 and have accumalated at least 50 to 75 characters and i think it's about time to start animating them along with the props.


    This "cog" phenomenon I was trying to figure out cause i've been to Mike site and try to purchase his cd to no avail.


    Use the 2001-3 hash skeleton all work great but still it does have that personal touch to make it work universally for all my characters.


    This would greatly boost my confidence in producing quality animation out of hash and finishing a few of of pitch projects i'm working on.


    I emailed Mike hope to get a ressponse.


    Thanks again i'm trying what use suggested......and I think i'm getting a little bit more clarity just got to understand the phlosophy of the COG bone treatment and I think I should have all the bases covered on rigging application and terminology.

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