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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Dark_Jedi

  1. lol i like him! but how does he see?
  2. looks excelent man! you seem to have goten the legs right with her lol.. As ive pointed out before.. your legs are to chuncky and with boba too
  3. Wow! it was a shock to see this back on the front page I wanted to remind everyone.. that when it was said that this project will be put on HOLD for us to do a random film for a film fest.. then once thats complete this one would be back on track To be honest I was just thinking about this one. I can assure you, you havnt heard the last of this film
  4. Yes... Amazing game!! I cant wait!
  5. Wll you already know Im in... Always love working on a good star wars project Models are great! for games anyways. the only thing that bothers me is 3PO looks a little chubby mainly in the legs
  6. So heres another render... Id like to thank jimmy_caushca for suplying me with what I need to render such a thing as this I added darktrees on trooper and the enviroment arround him... Would love to hear what you wall think
  7. Would you make bump maps in photoshop or something? aslo I use darktrees.. I was going to show a render with darktrees on but i renderd at school instead (no darktrees at school)
  8. Well there apears to be alot of coments telling me to try deceling lol. Does anyone know of any good materials.. also, what about bump maps or whatever it is that makes the decels look 3d ish
  9. Thanks everyone. Yes Ken this is for my film now. And in a week or two youll be seeing the next model (little hint... its the evil side they fight) I dunno I thought his butt was fine.. he is wearing pants lol. and im pretty sure hands are fine.. last time i mesured they were bigger then his face. as for the patch count.. I sapose I am mad lol. Hate having so many cause it slows it down severly. Yet I love to add the detail.
  10. I'll get right on the feet cfree, I never noticed before. And yes, Its all modeld.... (seing as I dont know how to properly make decels lol) And the patch count is 31122
  11. Hey everyone! My, it's been a while since I've posted here Im quite disapointed in that. If you can remember, my friend and I had to stop our Star Wars film (due to copywrite) So we started our own film.. Now I asure you, I had expected weekly updates like before.. but because of a teacher breathing down my neck, I had no time to pull all the effort im my models, and felt none were really worthy of posting lol. But now that first semester is over, we finally get to work without it being due for a certain day. With that I went back to re-make the terible Marine I put together for end of class.. Iv been working on it for three weeks now.. putting it off for posting (not sure why). Iv still got extras to add (plus helmet) and better renders to come. So here it is so far, I'd love to hear what you all have to say
  12. Kens right about this, basically all thats needed is a little more re-shaping. other then that, your doing a fantastic job. also, ken, I belive theres only one type of AT-AT, unless you count the early sketches
  13. its the angle ken you got the body pretty much down
  14. looking sweet ken.. but his toes look way to round.. there more pointy
  15. yea thats true.. the only time u see yoda withought his cloak is when it falls off in the battle with sidious... ill try and get a pic for u
  16. lol his head looks pretty big. i really cant wait to see this done
  17. holly cow ken im loving this heres a front view pic.. his left ear seems to go straight.. then up and curl.. while the right ear seems to saty in a smooth straight way
  18. ok so its looking good but i think his skin is sagging too much at the bottom.
  19. being my picky self i gota point things out hear.. i think hes getting fater now.. same with his ears. and to answer questions... yoda is .66 meters yoda really dosnt show his teeth much so this is the best pic i could find. his teeth are basicly roundish jagged one more thing.. i feel very strongly that you should model the main bumps in his head.. and here is some other pics to help u
  20. your really making him look older now, and thats good. but there seems to be a bulg right below the right cheek if you see what i mean
  21. looking good. but theres something about his mouth that dosnt seem right.. i think its too bulgy also his ears arnt both the same keep that in mind, and i think they need to be a lil lower and last there are some large bumps in his head that i dont think can be textured on
  22. that was so terrific I watched it a third time I love it! fantastic!
  23. iv modeld about a hundred lgithsabers loll there very easy
  24. oh yes ken it is seriously getting there! although i still feel with the size of ears and face that his head (excluding the face) is to small other then that i find it very well done
  25. excelent ken. i think the eyes are just about the right size.. although he looks a little chubby in the cheaks
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