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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Chrury Sanson

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Everything posted by Chrury Sanson

  1. maybe a little more distinction between the roof and the main building?
  2. Well, whether you read it here or there, I'm working on the under-sink cabinet doors and I'm editing the stalls to be bigger. My dad mentioned that they usually open inward and the current size doesn't allow that.
  3. Thank you! I wasn't expecting four exclamation marks. You just gave me a nice ending to a great day. And yes! It IS actual braille. I found this text to braille page, did some editing of the images it gave me and placed two decals. One's a displacement map whilst the other is a color overlay. So it does say "Toads" with proper spelling. Edit:GAA! Luigi might be finished! I have to finish the bathroom ASAP! {panics}
  4. Update! The door: A revamped sink corner: Do you like the purple? The only thing I think I'm missing is some sort of cabinet door(decal or otherwise) for under the sink. And maybe a trashcan. I'm stumped on the ceiling and the lighting. Critiques? More texturing on the sign?
  5. I do! I can really see the difference the beveling made. :thumbs up:
  6. First, if you haven't already, check out Yves' beveling tut/explanation. Link But to bevel without redoing! That takes some work. Here are a pair of way I get the job done. #1 The extruder: Here I have a cube. First, I extrude the sides that will have the bevel. Next is where the beveling starts. I connect the extrusions like so: Notice the hanging splines? The extruded section will sometimes want to attach the wrong spine. Add a hanging spline or two to make sure the spline you want rounded is getting the attachment. Then you select your extrusions (one at a time) and translate them in towards the original shape. Here I have already moved two of them: And the last one. How does that look? :cool: We could stop there but there are some extra CPs and splines in there. See them? That's the original shape. To be more efficient render wise, they should be DELETED! Then just break any left over internal splines. Viola! I'll get to the 2nd way in a bit. Hope it helps! Chrury
  7. Looks good, but it could use some beveling. As for me, I made a (very) simple baby changing table. It won't get much (if any) screentime, but I can add whatever detail you think it needs.
  8. La Toilet:
  9. yo yo! an update and a pair of queries. All that's left are the toilets. The back wall looks kinda bare though. Should I go for a diaper changing table? I'm stuck on how to texture it though. It's turning into a nice looking bathroom, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to get that "mario" look in there. Any ideas? And as for the take this is in. If it's not placed in stone, I think you could do it with sound effects. Might be less crude that way. Something like this: {Luigi walks into stall} {stall door closes} "Zzzip" (zipper) "dur dur durt" (coming up pipe noise) "WHOA!" (Mario) "MARIOOOO!" (Luigi) The bottom two can be(and are, if you can find them) official sounds. Just my $7.38 worth.
  10. If you can get the timing right animation wise, it sounds like it would work great.
  11. That reminds me of a DDR Mario Mix stage. Your inspiration? Progress on the bathroom: (bad lighting at the moment. Sorry 'bout that.) Overview: Sink: Urinals: Handdryer: Not much texturing just yet. I'm going to make a paper towel dispenser and a soap dispenser. Still waiting for the toilet proper. Unless I'm making that as well. Suggestions? Comments? Fluff?
  12. The bathroom is coming along nicely. if someone would like to work on textures, toilets, soap dispensers, or lights for it; go ahead! It's hard to get some of these details in by myself. And hey, NUNs! What happened to crumblenet.com? I get what looks like a German or French IT corporate website with loud Mario music and nonworking links. Big WIP?
  13. I noticed the shadow in the "in-game shot" is rather pixelated. Is that going to be fleshed out? Pretty sweet.
  14. Mario Film home page Is that what you are asking about?
  15. I have been forgotten on Crumblenet's 'about us' page. Put me down as Chris/Chrury Sanson, k? Thanks.
  16. I would love to see you use proper punctuation and grammar. Take2 has been rendered out to VGA resolution. There might be one minor glitch to fix. It just needs its sounds and approval from the group. So 95% finished for take2. When the main characters get finalized and the script written up, things will start going faster. I don't know haw much will be in the script so I'd say we aren't even 10% done. I'm praying for you, thetanman.
  17. You don't know? What you have there is a general item block. Anything from coins, mushrooms of various types, fireflowers, starmen, to a yoshi eggs pop out of those with a simple hit. EDIT: Mage beat me to it.
  18. I need an opinion. Should the goomba walk fowards or sideways into the frame?
  19. I've been meaning to ask, theantman, is your signature supposed to be like that? Or something like this? I rendered off a low version of take 2 and got some help from nuns to place the sounds. Low quality for speed. take2_low.mov I'm not liking those ideas. For contrast: Super Mario Bros Z (If you have an hour to kill, there are 5 of these) Mario gets Massive Super Mario Physics
  20. Makes me wonder how long the render would take without the unseen pieces. Great job!
  21. Ah! Ye Olde squash & stretch! I'll see what I can do. My apologies on the delay. My comp is rather finicky when it comes to mov files.
  22. Update: I have completed the first draft of the lip sinc for take 2. All it needs now are some secondary motions and various tweaking. I'll render it off after I stick the secondary motions in. While you wait, here's a pic of the goomba with the chalkboards new diagram. (approval pending )
  23. Thanks, but I do need some opinions.
  24. Only a small update today. My computer got taken over when I usually do my AM work. I might just have to animate in the mornings if this keeps up. Which do you prefer; The chalkboard coming from the top? boarddown.mov Or the side? boardside.mov (careful, they're quick) Of course, if you have another direction you'd like me to try (or if something's bugging you) feel free to let me know. EDIT: I have no idea where that sound came from. I had the dialog muted too...
  25. As he is just a head, there is almost no where for his jaw to go! So it can't be quite like our mouths. I get going on his lines.
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