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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Posts posted by kualrobi

  1. That sounds like an excellent idea, Jason! 90 Days is reasonable for any contest. 'Winter' is a topic anyone can do something with. 'Winter is coming' may not have actual snow yet, but decorated shop windows and streets for instance. Could be fun. What about setting the deadline two days before Christmas, so voting can be done between Christmas and New Years and you have something fun to start the new year with (posting the results)? Rodney mentioned storytelling. That could be a theme too some day. Create an image that somehow tells a story in itself. Like you're watching a frame from an animated film.With 'winter is coming' one needs to show that something is about to occur, so it's got that story element already in it.

    'Winter is coming', 'winter'....I'm in!

  2. Thank-You for showing that... the 'on-location' is WAY cool! Is this a permanent museum installation? I like it!

    Yes, it's a permanent installation in the Arsenaal in Flushing Zeeland. Every minute or so it repeats.

    A:M Track takes some getting used to, but with some tinkering it can prove to be very effective.

    great stuff.

  3. Hi everyone,


    That is very cool! The name is not my username Kualrobi, but 'Arthur Scheijde' from The Netherlands.The 3D man I created is an actual historical figure. He's called Michiel de Ruyter and he was one of the most memorable admirals in the 17th century. I wrote a book about him and for the presentation I made a 3D model of his torso so he himself could take of his hat in a little animation. For another project this Michiel was completed and with the facial modelling software from the Hash store I created a talking model. These days Michiel is a talking painting hanging on the wall of a historical children's playground in his hometown Flusing where he was born in 1607.

    In 2010 my mascot entry, a vulture on a bull, got second place, so it's nice to see the skills having advanced. Thank you everyone for voting! You are very kind. And thank you Hash for making such awesome software! And congratulations to Dusan and John for their wins!




  4. Hi John Bigboote,


    I see that you have had plenty of advice already. Perhaps my scribbles will add in preventing problems in the future.

    When I give someone a quote I always state underneath that what the customer buys is the endresult a.k.a. the rendered images as an animation.

    The 3D models always remain my sole property. It is the only security you have that people will return to you.

    You made the models for a company that went bankrupt/or just stopped working. I've worked at a large company that went belly up. Technically the company that went out of business

    ownes the models because you were in their employ (as I understand). If they did not back up the models, then they are simply lost. If they (not the third party) want the models you could propose to exchange it for the vacation pament they owe you. It would not be advisable to have the third party pay that.


    If the belly-up company was not bought by the third party that is now requesting the models, they do not own the rights and you are obligated to nothing.

    Apparently they think the models are good enough to continue with, so you could offer to work on the project again. You could give a quote and have them sign it.

    Then you would have a new deal with rights and obligations. Your investments is the use of the models. Their investments is that they pay you. Another way would be to arrange a deal where you work with another animator. Just don't be counted out.


    This situation was a big issue between Pixar an Disney with Toy Story 3. The two companies had an agreement that Disney was (co?)-owner of the 3D models and had the right to make a third installment of the Toy saga on their own. In fact they started it. Pixar was not happy with this. When Disney bought Pixar (which was very smart of Disney) the expectation was that making the third film would be put to a halt. Instead, the Pixar talent was activated and a good story was develloped. Hence the realised third Toy Story film. Ownership of 3D models is often overlooked and should be made clear before a project commences.


    My advice would be not to give the models, but to propose a quote for you to make a new animation or to continue making the previous.

    That is a professional standpoint and entirely in your right. If someone wants other people to match, or better your efforts they are free to do so with newly created models. The fact that A:M has a unique model extention works to our advantage in cases like this.


    I once made an animation of two mouses which were the mascots of a amusementpark. Some advertising agency stated they could do a better job.

    They wanted me to hurry over the models and explain how I had made them. I stood firm and kept the models. The advertising agency could not match, let alone better the animation.

    Some two years later the amusement park wanted me to make some more animations. That was a pleasent job. And I have a new quote that could be turned into a deal this year.

    So; remain professional, but don't just budge because someone is barking at you....






    see karakteranimatie.nl for one of the newer mouse animations.

  5. Hi Frank,


    In my country he's known as Guust Flater. Excellent!! Really like the 'working' image. That's entirely his spirit. For an animated short perhaps it's a nice idea to do something with his huge musical instrument [harp]. You know; the one that makes awful noise..


    Keep it up. looking cool.




  6. You want sharp line edges? Here's an idea.

    - Make a line drawing in Illustrator, save it as a regular ai.

    - Open the ai in photoshop

    - Keep the line drawing on a seperate layer. Set it to multiply in the layers window. make it the top layer.

    - color/shade the image on another layer under it.

    Save the psd. Then save the colored image as a tiff or jpg or whatever, without the lines layer.

    -open the tiff or jpg or whatever you made in illustrator.

    - arrange it wackwards under your original line drawing.

    -print, and voila, a shaded image with lines sharp as hell..... :blink:



    Arthur / kualrobi

  7. Hi Julius,


    Do enter the world that is Animation Master and all other programs will fade out of memory....



    because; once you've tasted the cream, you don't want the milk anymore.

    [this is from an artist point of view.]


    and why stick with milk?




    [meaning; modelling in A:M is different. You could import the shape in 3ds and then create a new .mdl around it. And you will want do that once you see what you can do with it after modelling.]




  8. Hi Fellow Hashers,


    Interesting discussion;.....not! It reminds me of a question once asked by an art teatcher. How do you define what is art and what is Kitsch [spiritually valuable vs. ugly/fake/sh**t]?

    The answer lies not so much in cerebral deduction or logic, but more a question returned; Why on earth would you want to define the difference?...


    Taste varies from person to person. So does ease of use..


    To ask why spline based creation should[n't] rather be polygons is probably equally as useless. It works well for millions of people, specifically artists; leave them this excellent program using splines. And after that; look at the slogan on some Mac posters....

    Love the program because it workes in a different way.

    Feel free to disagree..








    "Life is too short to be in a hurry" J.Spitters

  9. Hi Vern,


    Cool to see that the images are there on the ARM! I think I sent it twice thinking I hadn't, but cool to see they're there..


    It could be a nice image contest topic to create a suitable image for the ARM upper right corner. Waddayasay?




    Arthur Scheijde

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