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Ramón López

*A:M User*
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Everything posted by Ramón López

  1. Hi again! Well I have been testing all the "..|" possibilities and nothing seems to work when a parameter like ".X" is present... I'd like to be wrong, but can you see something wrong in this simple example that should make jump that warning window? I think I have probed too all the possibilities here but I thought too in the other issue and you had a solution, so I still have some hope , THANKS!
  2. ...YoO-HOoOoo!!! That "+" sign was the solution! The result is exactly this: "..|..|CP #1.Translate/2+..|..|CP #3.Translate/2" (without the ".X" part as I'll explain you below) And well, I don't know why I didn't realize it... Maybe cause I was thinking more in something like a special "concatenate" sign to join different "elements" into the same expresion, maybe I have no idea ...Anyway, THANK YOU very much for the good & quick help! But in this case it shouldn't happen, isn't? I mean what could be wrong in a simple expression like this "..|..|CP #1.Translate.X"? That's cause I thought it could be a bug that should be Reported unless I be missing something... Ah, and the main reason to use expressioin directly over points to me, is cause I think that in some situations this way offers certain facilities and possibilities working with animatable points into Distortion Boxes and in the more practice way, it's really difficult to explain to me here... but beliveme if I say you it's important and if not I'd use the other way, just cause it seems more the way A:M is intended to work... BYE & THANKS again!
  3. BTW, do you think this could be something to be Reported? Cause it should works in the same way as in the bones case, is't? Or... am I missing something, that could be very probable...
  4. Ey, thank you for the quick answer!!! But for some reason I get the same "Sintax error in the expression" message when I try to control any axis separately, any "..|..|CP #1.Translate.X" or "..|..|CP #1.Translate.Y" results in the same message and, of course, with any effect over the controlled points, and... well, finally I 'm not totally sure about that "= (x1 + x2) / 2" part means in this case, oh! my maths... Any other possible way? THANKS!
  5. Hi, I'm treating to get an expression to be able to control a point with the movement of several other points, I mean a point that moves automatically the average of the distance the controller points move, you know, just like when you add several "Translate To" dynamic constraints to a one bone and it moves in the middle when any of that controllers bones is moved... I have tried to "concatenate" (cause it seems not possible to add several expressions to a same parameter) little expressions in this way "..|..|..|Spline #164|CP #169.Translate ..|..|..|Spline #165|CP #170.Translate" but it doesn't works and I have tried to join'em in all the ways I can imagine "&, |, /, ., etc..." with the same "Sintax error in the expression" message (except in the "&" case, but it neither works at last ), so well... any help in this unknowed area to me it'd be very appreciated , THANKS!
  6. Well I'm going right now to try it! It seems that I was thinking more in some specific parameter just like something like "soft edges" or blur/smooth, but I see things could be different talking about raytracing than in the other normal cases... hmmm, really I don't know too much thing about lighting yet... Well, THANK YOU very much to both for the a advises and for spend your time posting that images, BYE! PS: Hmmm... jitter? I'm not totally sure about that word means in context
  7. Hi! Yeah, that is... All my raytraced proyected shadows seem to me like a bit "sharp" and I think there must be a light option to avoid it in the same way I can add blur (or smooth) to my Z-Buffered shadows, isn't? Although I've been study all the options unsuccessfully and finally I don't know if really I won't be missing something about all this... Ohhh, this damned A:M curse! Always a newbie... THANKS!
  8. Hmmm... HI! And sorry, but... could you tell me which tutorial are you talking about? I'm now so interested as intrigated... THANKS!
  9. Hi vern! You can try it if you want but doesn't try to render it... I have been experimenting a lot with this (with his pros & cos...) technique until it start to crash A:M every time I try to render any project that uses that Hair Locks, I reported the bug time ago but I've recibed any support on this , fact that (joined to the curious "hide" way to accede to it) make me think if that lovely feature doesn't be becoming in an abandoned one or something... that it'd be really a pity... And Well, here is the link to the repot just in case you be interested... bye!
  10. Well, you don't know how much I'd love something like this... I always have dreamed too with that cause we'd definitely have all the liberty to create anything in the most efficient way, I mean, when I have worked with a 2D app like Anime Studio or even AFX, I always have wanted to have more 3D "liberty", and well... OTOH when I work with a 3D app like A:M I have all that liberty with I dreamed but due to it has not specific 2D tools the most simple things began to complicate inevitably more and more like in the try to make that 2D patch with connected details, ohhh... how I know that is true... So, well, that I wanted to celebrate now is that some people here seems to agree with such a feature and not only that, but they/you are treating even to convence Martin to make it possible! So, THAAANKS!!! And... well, just in case it could help , here is all my support and best wishes , bye! EDIT: ...Oh, yeah! The power of NURBS with the "versatility" of HASH Patchs, I don't know if that could be really possible but definitely my favourite dream by far
  11. Ouh, yeah (HI!), 3DS Max does the same thing but all the time, I mean, both in realtime previews and final rendes, and here I only can get this kind of lighting works in the realtime view... So... have you experimented the same problem? I mean, when you add a light into a Model, in the viewer you can see how the default "global" light is disabled and that is OK cause is that you can expect, but when you render, all the lights (Default light + Custom Lights) are again illuminating the Model so it appears over-illuminated, or double-illuminated or however be called, and of course without dark parts cause the default light... Well, it's probably better explained HERE and I don't know what to do to can obtain the results I want cause it seems that there is no way that default light be definitely turned "Off", and since you (at least) seem to be using this kind of lighting, well... any help or clue, if possible, it'd be very appreciated, THANKS!
  12. Well, I've been looking for any solution but nothing ...I've created a simple primitive sfere to avoid that any other factors can take part in the results, and well, you can see it... Justly the same as I feared... Well, of course I was still hopping get the third rendered image has a similar aparience that the preview one in the center, cause I asume the program must "deactivate" (or at least provide you an option to can do it manually) any automatic ilumination once you add some customiced light, isn't? And, in fact, it seems to do it well in real time previews but not in final renders... think that make me more curious about that... So I still think I must be missing something or... even misunderstunding the pourpose to add a light to a model?? Hmmm... although I don't think so cause a light is a light and the result should be the expeted or similar at least... Or, in the other hand, should I star to consider to reporter it as a bug? Well, anyway I wanted to be totally sure befere that happens and cause of this I have upload that simple project just in case you want download it and make a quick test to see it with your own eyes and post any thought... Light_Inside_a_Model_02.prj ...It seems like an important issue and I'd be very gratefull!
  13. Hmmm... I'm afraid the gamma always have been adjusted and never (well, except the first days of v.14 as all of us I think ) have caused a problem to my renders... Anyway I have been play with it just in case and nothing seems to change respect the over/double ilumination, but at least we can rule out this one so, and as I said avobe, THANKS for the quick try!
  14. ...HELLO! As you can see from left to right, I have a simple Model inside I've created a simple (50% intensity, BTW...) light, then you can see how its represented in the realtime view and more or less that's how I'd like it appears, and finally what I get when I make a Render instead... And (as always ) I don't know if I'm missing something although I have played whit all the options I have found... Well, the case is that if I add a simple Bulb light inside a model, it seems like if this light be added to the "default" light that any model has, so in real time view I obtain that I wanted to get, but when I render I obtain a double? iluminated object... So, could be an option somewhere or something that I'm missing to aboid that and get a render image more similar to the center preview one? I'm sure the solution must be there but for some reason I can't find it, so if you can... THANKS in advance!
  15. Oh, THANK YOU KenH! Now I know, at least, that I'm not misunderstanding something or seeing a necessity (well, for me at least) where there is not such necessity at all... I think tomorrow I'll add this one to my growing personal A:M Reports list and I'll wait to see what happen... I know really it can be not a priority but it seems to me like something practice that one hope to find working on certain situations, so I'll be crossing my finguers (those that I still have not crossed ) for it... CIAO!
  16. ...Hi! Well, at least I always have found it a little "weird" and I'm not sure if this is resolved in that way for some reason or even if it could be a bug (although I don't think so cause we were talking about be a very old bug...) The case is that it seem to happens in any case, Action, Relationship, etc... but let's say you are modeling, ok? You add CP's, and you can see how it appears listed in the "Project Workspace Window" inside the Splines folder, thats right, but then, if I want to select one of they, and I select it in the PWS window it's not selected in the main preview window so there is no way to know which poit I have selected... And the only real method I have found is selecting the point directly in the Main Window and then right click over it to select "Select CP" in the context menu, but it seems too me an unnecesary slow method and even I can't do a multiple PWS CP selection in this way... So? What is the pourpose of can select CP in the PWS window if I feel totally blind doing it? It's simply I can't see the reason cause work with points must be different of work with Bones, which you can select in the both ways in example... I know it's not exactly the same thing cause you can Name the bones as you want, but anyway I think it'd be useful and quick can select points in that way cause that's one of the main reasons for PWS is intended, isn't? So well, I'd only like to know if I'm totally comfused about this issue or, if not, I should ask for a Feature Request or anything... THANKS!
  17. Of couse it works now!!! Thank you very much to both, I think I was made me a mess treating to do it in the same way as other apps do similar things; anyway... do you think it'd be a good Feature Request to can re-arrange a certain pose simply dragging it to the place you want instead have to move all the other poses just to finally get the same result? I think it'd be a very quick and intuitive way to resolve it, isn't? Unless that must exist some powerful reason cause it can't be made in that way, of course... Well, THANKS again for all! PS: I knew I was not mad... (I hope you too )
  18. Hi KenH! I've updated the image, although that doesn't clarify too much... The case is that not only I can't re-arrange my poses in the list but, even if I put a certain "Pose" inside a "Pose Folder" I won't be able to take out it never more even trying to do it in the Relationships Folder/sub-Folders! That is what seems to me the more strange thing... And, well, althought I have not lose all hope (yet...), there is not much more possibilities, isn't?? And, Even though that I'd swear have seen how someone did it in someplace sometime that I can't remember now (or I'll be mad... ) ...Well, I'll be here looking for a way, of course any idea/clue more it'll be very well welcomed, THANKS!
  19. Hi! Well, that is, I remember to have read that it was possibble, but now that I can't get it in no way I'm not totally sure yet... But... anyway it should be possible, isn't? I mean, to click over that little four arrows icon at the left of a pose in the "User Properties" of a Model and can arrange it or put it from one folder to another, but the case is really I can't do neither of two things, look it... ...and cause of this the poses remains every time in the same order that it was created and if I put a pose inside a certain pose folder, that I can, then I can't undo or variate it anymore, so... it'll remain inside the folder forever? Hmmm, strange... and I'll bet/hope I must be missing something basic here... BTW, I've tried to change the order of folders created inside "Relationships --> User Properties Relationship" folder and yes, I can change the order there, but changes take no effect in "User Properties" and again all remains the same... Well, any help/correction in this matter will be really appreciated, thanks!
  20. Hi! I don't think so... I think he has putted the correct settings there but the reason of he can't see the transparet parts of the image in the Viewers could be cause, for some reason, that transparency isn't showed until you change the "Percent" value option (that just bellow "Type" option where you choose "Cookie-Cut"), well... try it if you can, cause at least is that I've observed lately, maybe a little bug, yeah... but I'd prefer doesn't have to Report it yet just in case the hash team be forced to release the v14.0 Beta 10 for it!
  21. And finally it works!!! And well, I can't be more happy cause I'm putting a lot of hope in all that marvellous relationship possibilities and his mixing and combination between other features, sometimes (although I'm sure I'm not doing nothing new here) up to unsuspected limits... (I think )
  22. Ah, THANKS for the answer! It was only that I was not sure what really happens when you report a bug in v13 that "surelly" will exists too in v14, I thought that probably the bug would be searched for the programmers in both versions to kill him definitely at the same time, but... it seems that the best thing in that cases is report it for both versions if possible?I say it cause I did it in that way for another issue but I was not sure if I was doing the correct thing... Well, the good news is just now I've seen v14 Beta 6 is available so we can know it inmediately , Let's try it!
  23. Ey, Robcat2075 (HI!) I've been working/investigating latelly a lot with that "Path Constraints" inside Distortion Boxes and other similar situations with or without SimCloth with some crashes here and there too, cause of this I'm very interested in the progression of this issue, so... well, do you think/know if your 0004655 *AM:Report* will be solved in the next A:M v14.0 Beta 6 too? I hope/suppose it'll be, but as actually it only appears in the 13.0 u "Change Log" and not in the v14.0 "one", I only wanted to be sure just in case another *AM:Report* for v14.0 must be reported... Well, and that's all for now, THANKS!
  24. Well, I'm not totally sure about nothing, but have you applied "Compute All CP Weights" clicking with the Right Mouse Button over the model in the Model Window? If not, I think you must do it for "Has Falloff" take the proper effect over afected CPs.
  25. Ohmmm... Very well, the simulation only afects to the SELECTED Choreography Action, I should suppose it, but seems that I was doing something wrong/messy with all that Chor Actions... Ah! Another thing... Someone said me that you can Simulate only the part that you want, I mean "from THIS frame to THIS other one, but I can't find the way (yet!) Well, let's see...
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