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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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    iMac G5 2.0 Ghz 160GB Internal HD, 250GB External HD 1440x900x32 Widescreen Display Built-in Airport Extreme, Bluetooth, Modem, CD/DVD-ROM Burner ATI Radeon 9600, 128MB VRAM 512MB RAM OS X 10.4.5 Tiger iLife '05 ...etc...

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  1. Nice! I think Revo looks a bit much like a character from Big O. Michael Seebach AKA Schwarzwald http://www.paradigm-city.com/images/proschwarzwald.jpg
  2. Thanks all. kenH the reason i even asked was because it was messing up in a poly-app. All fixed and looking better than ever now though!
  3. Ok owell, I guess I can work with that. Too bad though, that you can't mark that for a no-patch to export to to a diff program.
  4. I'm having a bit of trouble getting this to work. I want to delete this patch in here, but it won't work! If you look in the little square you'll see the selected patch... VVVVVVVVVVVV
  5. Hey not bad, I also think the dust should hover in one spot. Also it could be a little bit red and blood-sploched.
  6. On the bluescreened one, you make the background blue and take that out, then put in the tripod. that way it isn't blue. Funny stuff!
  7. True but it can never subdevide perfect unless you do it by hand.
  8. O.o You're right, I just started getting into A:M modelling, before I used Wings3d. Thanks for the advice. Although it will need to be smoothed in A:M so when exported to 3ds it wil lhave more polyz.
  9. Alright, here. I recalibrated my profile again, this time to match that of a windows more closely. (It tells me.) Much better I might say...so here you go. I know the ship its self is a little dark, but that's not the point. The wireframe is.
  10. Dunno. I really don't know. This morning I couldnt't post a new one anyways. I barely had time to write that post before gonig to school. PS: What's with that weird distorssion on the front sides? It's not tere in the UV. PS2: (Mine came calibrated, don't know why, but there was no change after I calibrated after I got it.)
  11. Ugh you have a messed up screen, like that of the old iMacs at my school. My screen is synched with what real colors look like out here in teh real world. It shows the ship as really lighted up.
  12. Welll her it is. I still need to touch up the seams and change some of the textures around, but take a look! When finished it will have specular mapping, normal mapping, etc for teh game it will be going into. Also I plan on using it in the opening animation for that game. It'll be done in A:M. (I'll post a small movie to show the whole thing after my browser gets over timing out from waiting so long! I hate slow internet!)
  13. Too bad you can't just change it in the decal view. That would be better. Owell. As part of my question above: If I were to just copy a small part of that image in the uv editor and put it randomly onto a square image, it wouldn't work right, right?
  14. I was wondering how you change the line colors in the Decal View because I have a white background(for now) and I can't see the lines. Also how does the UV Mapper work? I mean I can just take the UV Coordinate picture and put it into an outside image. How does it track that? It doesn't make sense to me.
  15. Thank you everyone for you help, it's fixed now. Special thanks to luckbat who took time off from his work to help me out on AIM. Get this: The image had a 100-percent alpha channel that i didn't know about!!!!!!! adurrrrr!
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