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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by Troy

  1. YES... YES... Y-E-S! I'd love a tutorial *hint hint* *nudge nudge*
  2. Thanks so much! This has helped tramendously! I'll upload the file when I get home from work, untill then, its still 12mb
  3. Heres my first animation of him swimming! I realise now I need to bone the barnacles because they kindof come off the body. If anyone has a better suggestion on a way to make the barnacles stay instead of boning all 53 barnacles, im all ears!!! Its a 44 second animation thats 12 mb. I also dont know how to compress files into smaller files so I put it in a zip file CLICK TO DOWNLOAD Comments, again, are welcome Troy
  4. copied and pasted the link and still says its not found
  5. I like the first one better, because it seems as tho you were sad. But the lighting in the 2nd one makes it like a happy looking place (i dunno just my thoughts) anyway, nice peice of work ( i love the first one )
  6. 12.03.03 Finished texturing if anyone wants to check it out CLICK
  7. Update 12.03.03 CLICK TO SEE THE MOVIE CLIP! -added barnacles and texture to side fins Comments/suggestions welcome, plz! Also, if you guys are getting annoyed of me keep posting, or updating to much, just private message me or tell me on here. I know it might get annoying to some people. Happy modeling, Troy
  8. Thanks for the idea sean, am working on that right as we speak, but got to stop now because of work! Work always ruins my fun
  9. I love it! And I must say... those ears look AWESOME!
  10. me likes
  11. Update 12.01.03 just trying to texture the body first, then the back fin, then the top fin, then the side fins. but I dont think the bumpmap is working right, i set it to 300 and you can barely see any bumpiness (is that even a word lol). Anyway, comments welcome. //edit// oh ya, one question. Can you put a texture over a texture to make stuff blend? can't youd do that with a transparency map?
  12. Heres the link to your messed up top pic you spelt 'front' as 'fornt.jpg' hehe Anyway, good start, but the thing I see wrong with it is there are splines inside your model. Those are useless and you can take them out if you want. It wont do anything to your model... its just useless Anway, make the new imac cool looking plz, the imac's at the store look really weird
  13. Thanks for the comments so far. Well, I was talking with phill eavens about that also (keeping the fins seperate from the whole mesh) and he said it would be a lot easier, and there you wouldnt see any problems once the whole model is textured and all. The only problem I saw that was going to be hard was that the fins have 6 control points that I would have to connect to a patch of 4, so Im not sure if it would come out right using the 5 point patch, because 5 point patches usually create a very weird deformity always for me Anyway, thx for the comments, i'll keep you posted on what happens with him
  14. 11.26.03 Hey hashers Heres something I started today, any comments welcome, please feel free to bash/trash/rant/comment on my work Heres some wire/drawing of it, its going to be a huge whale/fish-like animal that movies real slow. Remember, its a WIP And heres a movie: CLICK Regards, Troy //edit// - by the way, thanks pleavens for all your hosting help and help modeling!
  15. I like a lot! GJ!
  16. I hope I never get in a fight with this guy GREAT MODELING!
  17. LOL! nice image
  18. Good Lord! I have one word.... WOW!!!! Amazing work Jim, maybe one day, you can teach me a few things
  19. When downloading, it says "Server Failure" Might wanna try getting a different host
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