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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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    win98 AMD800 256RAM nvidia TNT2 16M 40gig HD

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  1. Pretty neat! Are the voices computer generated? Some sounded a bit peculiar in their cadence.
  2. Must be a newfangled thing, I should probably keep my mouth shut given I'm still using v13 (But hidden geometry in muscle mode does not appear at render time, unless they changed that too)
  3. H only works in muscle mode when you have part of the geometry selected, it hides the rest. I is the one you click to hide a whole model in chor mode, you have to click the icon in the project workspace (The one beside the hand) to make it visible. (H)idden geometry does not render but anything made (I)nvisible does, it's just to lessen the clutter while you work.
  4. I dunno, but you can't argue with the results
  5. If you click on the first post, the blue girl, it's actually a gorgeous animated gif. Thanks for the site. Yeah but that's not actually his work (The model, the animation is), he's just commenting about a free app you can download here His work is the gorgeous Saber and Rider models, here's another page with his works, here's a detail page of the Saber model construction with plenty of wireframes and construction shots
  6. This guy made a Saber model in AM. He's like the god of anime models in 3d so it should be informative
  7. Aah, there it was. Thanks a bunch Rusty, it was driving me crazy.
  8. I installed Steffen Gross's autosave plugin and I notice it's making date based directories but they are all empty - the plugin instructions page says I have to turn it on in plugins properties, but for the life of me I can't find where the plugins properties tab or window is supposed to be. Thanks in advance. (Version 13t on windows if that makes a difference)
  9. Fine model you've made there, although I can't help thinking it might be a little patch heavy still... compared to Joe W's hunter or my own models, I feel she could lose a spline loop here and there and keep the shape definition pretty much the same while improving animatability. Regarding the rigging in mid animation, when I discovered the smartskin feature that lets you tweak in the middle of an action I was quite taken with the idea, but then I ran into problems with popping CPs and the difficulty in locating smartskin keys once created. If you have any solution for this I'm all ears
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