Thanks - I'm still figuring out how I want to do her hair. Hope it turns out ok. As far as the two tone, do you mean the white middle? if so, I plan on that but havent figure out how to do it. If I select those cps and set as a separate group and add material it looks too...blah. So I may have to do some decaling which I haven't learned how to do that yet in AM
I've been hiding in my basement
The color does seem off from my original, I am still tweaking the material plus need the addition of the second white/silver tone once I figure that out. I'll fix up the nose thanks for 'pointing' that out. It's in the shape of a heart, I need to fix the color on that too.
The arms don't have an extreme amount, but it's knocking on that door. The main high splinage was due to the hands and chest area having many splines. It helped define her muscles but I do need to work on decreasing them with future models.