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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by chris

  1. I like your animation the camera movement suits the msuic very well. A couple of very small things. First I noticed a reflection in the first shot seems to suddenly snap on near the end of the clip. Do you know what causes it, it's a little abrupt and distracts from the animation a little. Secondly, and this is so minor I didn't see it untill the third time I watched it. As the camera comes to a final stop in the last shot it seems to come out of a subtle dutch tilt a little right at the end but could be eased out a little more to smoothen it a bit.
  2. Your tubes and rooms idea reminds me a little of these... I used to have a few of them for my pet hamster.
  3. Just a quick note... you have some funny patch shimmering going on there... I assume it has to do with the splinage mess that occurs when importing a 3DS file into A:M but thought I'd mention it. It will probably become more noticable when textures are added as patches will pop out through the textured mesh when animating a messy imported model like this. You may have to do more cleanup after all. :S You did do a remarkable job importing it though... I usually choose to remodel it than try and work through all that strangeness.
  4. Well done! Looks great! Though the illusion is broken a little when a few of the houses and things he tromps on don't turn to rubble under the weight of the mighty muppet but really well done none the less! I have had my eye on SynthEyes for some time now. Hmm maybe I should be looking for a project that will justify me buying it.
  5. OK Yves, I'll try that again when I get home tonight, though that IS the first thing I remember trying when the shader wouldn't work for me. Well, I'll see tonight I guess!
  6. Thanks Yves for the Skin Shader! Small problem I am having though... I have had success when rendering from the modeling window and applying it through the Render to File Settings/Option Tab to the whole scene, however when I apply it to just a Group or Model's properties, it won't render!?! Is there a setting somewhere that turns this feature on/off or overrides it to default render settings? I have read the manual concerning Render Shaders however I haven't found a solution to this issue as of yet. Any ideas?
  7. William, I know this question gets asked every so often and indeed does vary greatly on the skills and speed of the artist, however... ...how much time do YOU spend on modeling a character this detailed. Predrawings, Modeling, Texturing, Boning/Rigging, Testing etc. (If you have a rough idea, a break down like that would be interesting.) Also, if you have the time, what are your tools of choice for everything from A:M plugins through to texturing, tools etc. (If this becomes too popular a topic I'll take it to a new thread, but I wanted to ask it here first.)
  8. Well, Mike was asking about a wireframe image, so here they are. Oh, and Philip, actually I did make a "sucker" version but it nearly tripled the patch count on my model to only have suckers going half down each tenticle (I was going to bumpmap the rest in). I think I may still try a version with suckers but I'm gonna have to come up with a less spline heavy version that I'm happy with, each sucker had 16 patches, I could do with a 12 patch version perhaps but that still really adds up. (12 patches x 42 suckers x 10 tenticles = 5040 patches!!!) My Model is currently below 3000 patches.
  9. Thanks Paul! Thanks for the idea to enter it into the A:M image contest, ya it is to bad it ended August 1st. Oh well, eventually I'll figure out how to been deadlines. I appreciate the supportive words though. Congratulations on your win. Nicely modeled.
  10. Well I thought I would post a few screen renders of the squid I made for the TSM contest (I had the modelling complete but did not enter because I hadn't textured it.) Here are some pics of the untextured model.
  11. Just bumping this thread to the top of the forum again to give JavierP another opportunity to see it again and please his awaiting audience. Encore my good man, your audience it waiting
  12. I just ran across this thread again but I missed seeing the animation while you had it up and would very much like to see it as well. Could you please post it again?
  13. OK I said I would post that ear model if I found it, and I did, so here it is. The shaded verision on the right is the first model I ever created in A:M (it's a little spline heavy) and the shaded wireframe on the left is a slightly reduced spline version of the same model (still too heavy on the splines). I really like Takahiro's ear model and I think I will rebuild my a new ear model sometime using some of his strategy but also including the ear canal that you can see on mine. I think that's an important feature that most people miss, or skip.
  14. You want to hear something funny? A realistic human ear was the very first model I made in A:M back in version 7. Wow, I must have been ambitious or something! It did actually turned out quite well and I learned a great deal about modeling in A:M while working on it. Mine was a little more patch heavy than takahiro's but visually rendered about the same. I built the rest of the head as well about a month later and it ultimately did get used on a book cover by our publishing department here at work. Never did really like that book cover though. I'll see if I can find an image of that ear model (maybe the whole head) somewhere and post it. Really Nice model BTW Jim! Top Notch.
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