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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by smudge

  1. Vrey nice! The landing is good and the hang once he geting in the air feels natural. My only small nitpick is that I'd like to see just a little more anitipation to the jump, more of a down word bunching up on himself before the spring. But that's rather minor thing, all said. It's just a nit-pick.
  2. Man, this guys really coming along nicely. Your expressions are making him come to life. Can't wait to see in animation action.
  3. Nice work. I've always been weak at technical stuff, but you handled this quite well. heh, heh, fear indeed....
  4. smudge

    New Short

    Gosh, what a wonderful way to have fun with your hobby *and* spend time with your kids. Yeah, it's a little rough around the edges. But it looks like you had fun doing it, and they had fun doing it. And that's really what matters. Rock on!
  5. Wow! He looks a lot better now (Male Super). And I really like the work you've done on the female. Good job!
  6. I think you've wandered from your original design. Especially in the upper legs, which is the only part that's giving me troubles. From the side his legs look fine, but from the front, you have him with a little more meat on him upper leg bones in your drawing. Go ahead and fill him out, but no more than what your original drawing calls for. It'll give him a good since of twigginess, but make it seem that his legs won't snap simply trying to support his upper body.
  7. Don't worry, you're not the first one to say this. My sound work sucks. I freely admit this, and it's something I'm slowly working on. After all, there was a noticeable sound quality difference between 'Yote Tailand Something To Remember. So, at least I'm getting better. But I still have a longs way to go. As for the actual acting, that's what I get for shoving the mic under friends noses instead of using, ah-hum, real talent. If I had more money than the three singles sitting in my wallet, I would get better voice actors. Then they can all sit around my tiny apartment mocking my sound work too.
  8. More work done on the Strut... DesertRose_Strut(2).avi 640x480, DivX, 404K DesertRose_Strut(2)low.mov 320x240, QuickTime 6, 423K I've gone and rendered Rose on a lighter background (as par JTalbotski's suggestion), re-boned the neck (it wasn't bending right), fixed the knees so they weren't wandering around on their own, and re-animated the hair (Sevenar, you read my mind ). Thing's I'm thinking about doing: Adding a pair of gold tear-drop earings maybe, and boneing up the feathers so that they bounce a little (not a lot, though), but I'm not sure if it would really add to anything... Humm... I guess the next thing would be to poke at a background for her....
  9. Thanks guys! The story is based on the first episode of a *very* long running comic book series I've been doing for Radio Comix. It was an experiment to see if I could take my panel layouts and convert them into storyboards. To my surprise, I only had to change 2 shots, one for technical reasons, the other to avoid a 180 camera move. I doubt I'll do more. (unless a lot of other folks want me to do more... I am such a feedback whore ) No toon shading on this one. It's all flat rendered, with hand painted watercolors for textures with the occasional cast shadow to place the characters into the enviroment. Actually worked better than I thought it would. The only thing that gives the 3Dness away is the fact that the forms of the characters stay too consistant. Thanks! I've been working off and on (more off than on) with A:M for almost 5 years, and been animating (computer and otherwise) for almost ten. I am nowhere near the level I want to be at skill wise. I feel that I'm still a hack. Van was suppose to compose some music for it, like he did for 'Yote Tail. He says he's gotten parts one and three done, but is having trouble with the middle. Van also has a nasty habbit of dropping off the face of the Earth at random intervils. And he's dropped off again. Alas, alack.... (smilie crying twin waterfalls inserted here) I'm glad you all enjoyed!
  10. Well.... This short is pretty much done. Since I'm kind of tired waiting for the music to come in (which at this rate, might be "never"), I'm going ahead and posting what I've got. Ebin & May: Something to Remember Boy, I learned at lot in doing this short....
  11. Well, in the interest of killing a little time waiting for my fiance to get home before taking off on a trip, I sat down and did a quick animation exercise. I think every animator and their brother has worked the Preston Blair Strut In-between exercise, so I thought I'd go ahead and get in out of my system. So, I grabbed my goofing around test model, Desert Rose, and started in. Three weeks later, I think I'm starting to take this a little too far.... Animation: http://www.backbreaker.com/~smudge/Images/...se_StrutLow.mov QuickTime 6, 360x240, 726k http://www.backbreaker.com/~smudge/Images/...tRose_Strut.avi DivX .avi, 720x480, 321k How far should I take this? Comments? Critiques?
  12. Wow, he's adorable. Reminds me a lot of the style they're using for "My Little World"... He's almost there. I feel like if you spend just a little more time on his clothes, he'll really come together. Right now, the shirt and pants aren't quite hanging right. They feel a little too much like lathed cylinders than clothes someone is wearing. Think about the character's bodily form under the cloth and how they wrap and hang around it, particulary about the waist/hips, ankles, and wrists, in your case. Otherwise, good job!
  13. Yeah, I know, my sound sucks little red rocks, sideways, through soda straws. (Dragon hangs her head in shame.) But I learned a lot doing it, and, hopefully, Everything I learned will go into bettering the next project. Wow! You got a chance to see that? Coolies! I'm hoping to post it here when it's done. Actually it is done short of Van getting off his butt and sending me the music file. Thanks for all the feed back!
  14. Well, since I'm not on the mailing list (Dragon does happy dance over new forum! Yeah!), I thought I'd go ahead and post this here, even though it's been around. 'Yote Tail Since I've got several render versions up, I've linked to the html page so you can choose which would play best on your system. Comments and critics are always welcomed.
  15. heh heh... The toon look worked very nice in this piece. It'd be interesting to see other things in this style.
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