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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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    animation, computers, photography, monty python
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    1.8ghz amd, 120gig drive, 256mb video nvida, 512meg ram, windows xp pro

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  1. THAT'S IT system problem! sorted, no deleting and i lerned lot of good get arounds. i.ve remove A:M from the system, restarted then reinstalled of the origanal disk version 10.5. all works fine. i am going to finish this project, them i'll reinstall the upgrades i had, too see if it goes wrong somewhere along the line. (ever the optomist) thanks for the help angus
  2. the project i am doing is from the hash video tutarials Path Ease (walk, then wave) web (4MB) zip (3MB) @ http://www.hash.com/VM/ its just that when i follow it. ditterent things happen. and it didn't when i done it last year. there must be something i am missing.
  3. tried that still the same. when i try to get the kinght to walk all the path them wave i.e. 100% ease on path then wave at the end of the path. the walk action is deleted from the veiw but not from the proterties. it happens with any action that is set to run on the path. if i get the kinght to wave whille moving along to path then jump. when i set the pathease to 100% for the end of the first action. it delets the first action. its as if there is some sort of overide on the pathease so the the ease dose not change. i noticed from your project that the pathease setting rises as the knight goes along the path. with mine the knight is at that possision in the path it does not move. if i set the pathease to 100% at 2 seconds it's at the end from the start, 50% in the middle at the start and stays there. knightjump is the three project files so you can see. knightzip is my origanal two file one with the action a one after the pathease has been set. knightZIP.zip kinghtjump.zip
  4. I may be a bit late but if not put me in the draw please. i'm still lerning, i could do with all the help i can. angus.b.hart uk 3.00pm
  5. hi again. back on the A:M larning again after soom time. picking up on the last tutarials i done. i have come across a problem with my A:M on my computer. when i follow the project pathease on my machine. as i go to set the pathease to 100% for the first action, it delets the action. i draw the path. i drag and drop the knight. i constrane him to the path. i drag and drop on him the walk action i drag and drop on him the wave action i drag the walk action on the time line to last to 3 second i drag the wave action to start at the 3 second point i go to frame 3:00 (3 seconds) in the time (frame) box i open up the path propertys and set the pathease i type in 100 press the enter key and the walk action disapears from the timeline. the action is still listed but the line i exstended in the timeline has gone. if i run the frame the knight just stays at the end of the path and waves a the three second point. any ideas????????????? attached is the two projects knight2 is before the pathease is set and knight3 is the sane project saved after i set the pathease.
  6. love the clip, great fun there seems to be a lot of these "imagine what happends when on one is looking" films in computer animation. i wounder if 2d animation was the same at the begining? fantasia? nether the less I like it
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