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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by dre4mer

  1. Lol Zaryin ... what's the quote by Thomas Edison.... "genious is 1% inspiration 99% perspiration" with the amount of time it took to make i'd say this definately falls in the perspiration catagory :)


    Charlie it is the V12 Spline sim cloth, seems to work pretty well once you get a few settings right... though the mesh being so high res makes things more difficult to be sure.


    Okie next update...


    1. Added a belt and buckle as well as extended the vest all the way down.


    2. Toned down the chest a little, going for perphaps some more sophistication.


    3. Adjusted the SimCloth Sleeves to fit him... should be interesting to see how they... Sim now that they are on him.


    Still renders with no MP in just 29 seconds, Hash you guys are amazing, if this was poly i'd be sitting here all day... though come to think of it I already am sitting here all day.... er...







  2. Next thing i've started tackling is SimCloth sleeves for this chap, I thought it could look pretty snazzy to have real weighted, hanging sleeves, dangling as he painted at an easel. Unfortunately, it's proved not as easy as I thought it'd be. This video clip is the result of probably 4 hours of setup and tweaking, this is the first time i've ever used any cloth feature in AM period so there was significant figuring out how in the world it worked. ANYWAY to get to the bottom of it, here is an exmaple and the corrusponding settings for the sleeve. The idea being a 16th-17th century loose hanging sleeve.


    SimCloth Settings:

    Stretch Stiffness 62

    Shear Stiffness 50

    Stretch/Shear Damping 4.1


    Bend angle stiffness 5

    Bend Angle Damping 3.05

    The rest just left as default.




    It's getting there, probably feels a bit lumpyer then I would like, but if anyone has any tips or pointers to get it to look/work better please share!






  3. Thanks for the comments guys! I'm not quite sure what to think of the hairy chest myself... perphaps one more layer of clothing like a rough fabric off white shirt or something under the vest might help to cover a bit more of the chest. I think they generally did wear alot of layers like this in times past. Plus visual detail would make him rich... don't know about animatable, but intriguing none the less....

  4. 1. Tweaked his nose a bit, as it was flatter and not as detailed as the rest of his face.


    2. Added eyebrows, eyes and chest hair.


    3. Worked on a collared vest for him.


    Drapey fabric sleeves are probably next and his facial hair still needs some more tweaking to perphaps thin it in a few places on his go-tee.









  5. Wow! That is very interesting John! I've been playing with the project file you put up. You never cease to amaze me in your ability to churn out expiriments and ideas! I will see if I can tweak this in the direction i'm going for. I'm rendering a modified version right now... but it's taking a while cuz I added reflectivity I'll post it if it's anything interesting.


    Thanks John!



  6. Thanks for the comments guys :). His head is a wierd shape, kinda like a turnip. We'll see if we can get some more weaponry going. The gun is simple I guess mainly becase the project I was going to do started out as a claymation. So that gun is modeled exactly from the baked claymation version for his submachine guns. The original idea being 'killer bean' simplicity, but it's escalated from that significantly already. I like the idea to have a better holster i'll see what I can do.





  7. I think I might have posted an earlier version of this guy before. He's hopfully for a short that is yet to come. Any suggestions? I'm not entirely sure I like how his face is or not. I was thinking perphaps a gear belt and some more ammunition. Any thoughts guys? Thanks,










  8. I really like the character! And especiually the lighting you have on him there. I was wondering if you were using a skylight rig, or if it's just lights in the chor? Thanks and keep up the good work I can't wait to see him animated!

  9. Hey gang,


    I've been slaving for quite a few months this year trying to get a animated short ready to go for a film festival and boy is it tough. You never know just how much work they are till you start eh? Just for fun and to help cool my fried synapses, I slapped together a quick and dirty for you ladies and gentlemen to check out.


    Here is the link

    it's about 800k Cinepak compression


    This is one of the villain characters, though he's too low on the intelligence scale to speak he's got more then enough punch to get the job done. I know he's not perfect, but with my production schedule the way it's looking, he'll have to do :ph34r:


    Comments are welcome, but don't cretique the animation to much, this was the 10 minute type.


    Enjoy! :D



  10. Hey gang,


    I've been slaving for quite a few months this year trying to get a animated short ready to go for a film festival and boy is it tough. You never know just how much work they are till you start eh? Just for fun and to help cool my fried synapses, I slapped together a quick and dirty for you ladies and gentlemen to check out.


    Here is the link

    it's about 800k Cinepak compression


    This is one of the villain characters, though he's too low on the intelligence scale to speak he's got more then enough punch to get the job done. I know he's not perfect, but with my production schedule the way it's looking, he'll have to do :ph34r:


    Comments are welcome, but don't cretique the animation to much, this was the 10 minute type.


    Enjoy! :D



  11. Hey guys I haven't posted in forever and a day. I modeled this character quite some time ago and I would sooooo love to use him in an snazzy animated short. But man alive i'm having the worst time in the world trying to rig him. NOTHING works in the shoulders and hips. Does anyone out there rig character for you for money or something? I'm pretty much at my wits end with him I simply can't rig him the way I need. Or can anyone recommend anything? I'm about ready to print him out and burn him just out of pure spite, then probably slowly disassemble him into to binary.....


    He's got a desent look, with dual mini submachine guns he's a bad boy ready to do some wreck serious carnage on evil...if he doesn't destroy me first..


    Thanks for any input here's the character in DivX Format


    Character Dude (240k)



  12. Stuart, No kidding, it has to be contagious. I've had much of the same trouble over the last 3 months as I've been trying to pull an animated short together. I think part of the trouble lies in the fact that there is no "right" way to do it (generally speaking). Just better ways and worse ways. Some scenes just seem to have it, others seem to lack something, and it's like you can't always put your finger on it. Novice makes a great piont, does it pull you in, does it draw the audience and tell the story, has to be the most important. Also, DON'T GET BOGGED DOWN! If you get stuck on a scene making endless revisions move on and come back for a fresh look later. Especially if your working alone and there is no one to bounce ideas off of. I've nearly gone crazy during this production. When it's finished I think I'll buy a one way ticket to the Bahamas and celebrate... :lol: you're welcome to come. [i]"Art is the pursuit of something that can never be grasped"[/i] Cheers, -Ethan

  13. Has anyone expirienced the wireframe showing faintly through in there final renders? It only seems to show when I have both depth of field and motion blur turned on. Otherwise it vanishes, and even then it only shows up in some of my scenes. I use the same character in all the scenes so nothing is changing inbetween. [img]http://www.ethrian.com/pic/wireExample.jpg[/img] You can see this effect in the eyes here. Is this something I need to take up with Hash? Thanks, -Ethan

  14. Looks terrific Graham! Could you possibly use a cylinder extruded out in a wavey form slowly getting bigger? Then give it mostly transparency and some refraction, and bumpage for the distortion and slowly fade the effect out with a transparency map? Render time might take a hit. Just some thoughts. Great work. I'd love to see this baby composited into some live action footage.



  15. I've had the same problem myself, the only "solution" I know of is to render it out in pieces like you have done. You might try rendering them out as TGA's that way at least if it does this you won't lose your AVI's.



  16. Well i'm not an expert on these things but wouldn't it be much easier to simply use another form of compression like DivX or Mpeg? I've gotten extremely good results with divX myself.



  17. Daley, Paul V 1. I would use the DV setting. I would also be using Premiere, so I would have it setup to be using DV - NTSC settings (720x480, .9 pixel aspect ratio). This kind of depends on your end format though. For me it's obviously... miniDV.

    Great thanks for the settings! I'll probably try working with these. Mini DV is what I would like to output it to, but so far I havn't figured out how I can output firewire video to the camera. You can change the camera to DV input but not the computer to DV output that I can see. How do you generally output it?



    I might consider checking out netredner prices thanks for the info!



    Jack Morrison: For shots where the camera isn't moving, render the background frameonce (set your characters to inactive), then render the scene with the background inactive and include an alpha channel. This will probably reduce the render times significantly, then you just need to composite the images afterward. I'm sure there are tutorials around somewhere for doing multiple rendering passes.


    This is a really good idea but unfortunately, the camrea moves in almost every shot (go figure) It felt more professional when the camera was active than when it was static so i've tried to keep it moving wether it's subtle or sweeping.


    Thanks guys,



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