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Posts posted by LeeAnderson

  1. Thanks for posting that Mark! You're very talented; the A:M community is lucky to have you. As far as the jacket goes, I'd be surprised if anybody noticed it aside from you. I mean look at how far the male-uddered cows got in the movie Barnyard. Good thing us artists think about stuff like this, otherwise the general population would be living in visual ignorance :D


    What kind of schooling did you have? Have you always been able to draw? Great work, I love it! You always have so much personality in your work!


    I agree about the Brimstone thing. For being such a quick story and concept, it came out pretty decent. Maybe I'll keep working with it!



  2. Thanks Caleb!


    One note, though. You've got his jacket buttoned on the side a ladies jacket would button on. I make that mistake a lot! Last year I did a Frankenstein standee for A&W Root Beer and it made it all the way into printing without me noticing it. :-)


    Mark I think just the part that you did a standee for A & W Root Beer is cool enough, but now that's it's relevant to what I'm doing, it's even cooler! Do you still have it? Could you post it here...uh...for reference purposes. I wanna see!


    As far as the jacket goes...I wish this was the first time I had made this mistake, but it's not. You get into "the zone" and you forget about stuff like that. There's also something seriously messed up with his right arm around the elbow area. But...for my first piece of real character concept art, I'm pretty pleased.


    I really wish I had time to model it for real. Oh well...



  3. Haha! Oh crap! I forgot all about that.... thanks for sharing. We should DEFINATELY go with that one! :D




    I got to thinking about this and thought: what if Doctor Buchanon (or Doc Canon) was a real bad guy instead just some made up one? What would he look like?


    Although I'm not really that skilled as a concept artist I came up with this today:




    What do you think? I wish I had time to model it...oh well



  4. pink with bunnies.


    YES! Why didn't I think of this before?! In addition, perhaps his face should be painted like a mime...or maybe a doll :D


    pink with bunnies? don't be ridiculous - duckies I say! (how quickly they forget)




    Haha! Can't go wrong with the duckies...maybe bunnies on top and duckies on the bottom?


    I think it looks great, Lee!


    And I like the backstory so much that I've written a theme song!


    (To the tune of "The Flintstones")



    Project Brimstone!

    Got enlisted by Nightrun, Inc.


    Cam Keene

    (former Marine)

    Found out Doc Buchanon was a fink


    In a suit of armor, watch him fly

    He's got lots of wires in his thigh


    When you're

    Project Brimstone

    You are nothing like that guy by Stan Lee!


    :D :D :D That's one of the first times when I was truly laughing out loud at the something that someone wrote! Careful though, I hear that song is copyright material ;)


    Thanks for the laughs everybody, I needed that!



  5. Hey all,


    I still haven't talked to Martin about this issue, but I figure that I'd switch around some obvious things, if for nothing else than to have a little fun!


    Here's the corny story I came up with:


    Cameron Keene, part-time marine, was enlisted by the shadowy group Nightrun Inc. to be the soldier inside their latest covert program, Project Brimstone.

    Reluctantly, Keene agreed and found himself in the laboratory of Dr. Walter A. Buchanon (later to be his the Keene's evil nemesis Dr. Canon :D) being hooked to a rugged suit of armor loaded with every kind of fire arm possible. Wires extruded from his body, sensors monitored his vital organs and soon he became a living weopon!


    ...How's that, aside from waaaay campy?


    Here's the WIP:




    Here's the final minus tint/bloom post effects, DOF and hair




    What do you think?



  6. Those updates are awesome Mark! You're killing me! I love it!


    One note about the backlight (smart people correct me if I'm wrong): it's general pupose is to seperate the character from its background. I know it's just a test but I'd consider darkening up the background a little on the first pic.


    Henrietta is coming along very well! I'm impressed. The style reminds me of a model that Sze Jones did. You may find some inspiration from it (be warned, some of her stuff is a little too risque for my tastes...not this one though).


    You're modeling is getting more crisp all the time. Congrats!



  7. Great tests Mark, I like it!


    Thanks, Lee! I'm really anxious to see Henrietta with hair so that I can stop thinking about Star Trek: The Motion Picture every time I look at her. :-)


    Haha! Is this the one where they go into a dark cloud at sea called Veeger?


    I have a general sense of what you mean by bloom. I definitely think it's part of what I'm wanting to give it an old movie look. Is this something I can set during the render?


    Here's your first picture (a_muted.jpg) rendered with bloom in A:M...I hope you don't mind me posting this here...




    You're running v 14 right? Bloom is a post effect. There are two ways to use it (that I like to use, anyway). With either way, you'll need to either import the bloom post effect from libraries or create a new post effect and right click/change type to/hash inc/bloom.


    If you want to put it right on top of your scene you can just drag and drop it onto the camera...usually the settings are a little strong at first...for this I used 20% strength and 20% threshold with the defaul 6 radius.


    Or, if you want a little more control you can render your whole scene out first without bloom and then use your animation as a rotoscope and apply your bloom to the camera then (it will render out the same way). I use bloom whenever I want that old movie kind of look.


    Sorry for hogging your thread. I hope that helps and it will look good no matter which way you go!



  8. Great work Mark! I love it! Your style always impresses me, it's so clean. Henrietta is also looking good, the modeling is really smooth. I look forward to seeing her with that same sassy look as in your drawings!


    It's funny when I look at it now, it seems more like old black and white TV. Maybe the specular brightness is part of that impression...


    I agree, that's a cool look. Something that occured to me is that you could tone down the specularity and then add some bloom as a post effect, that could make it easier to control...it's hard to get things right the first time. With bloom, the overexposed effect could be more uniformly distributed across the frame. Keep the spec size though, it's great...just lower the intensity a little.


    Whatever you go with, I'm sure it will look great!



  9. I think I need to go less advanced for my first attempts at modeling people. I don't have a good grasp on anatomy yet either.


    lol...I know what you mean.... this was my 3rd model EVER in A:M...yup...I'm a comic junky through and through...but look at how terrible it is.




    See? You shouldn't give up yet. I don't think that this model is too complex for you at all! You're just about the most knowledgable person out there at A:M. Tell you what, if you want some good comic book/anatomy model sheets for your first try, just let me know. They're easy, all you have to do is follow the lines. Don't give up!



  10. Wow! Thanks everybody... I wasn't expecting this kind of feedback for a simple torso...but thanks just the same. You're comments were really generous!


    Don't they let you use laptops in the mission field? I'll send you one.


    Haha...I can see that scenario being bad either way it goes. My companion's wondering why I spend so much time by myself and walks in to find a computer on my lap....yikes! HOWEVER, you can send me one when I get back (so I can work with the production team that you'll have by then) :D


    Way to go!, Shoot ,that would have taken me a year to model and texture and that's not much of a stretch.....


    Just keep going with it Mike! You start to find things to get around and things to get through quicker... just takes a lot of practice, which is awesome when it's something like modeling.


    Very nice work. It even inspired me to try something new: modeling! :lol:

    I just kind of winged this one. Do you have any pointers about the areas like the knee? Right now it just kinda looks like another muscle; probably make it more square in shape.


    Hey Matt it's looking good! If you don't mind, I made some critiques on your picture:




    There's a lot of cases where the natural curve of a spline just won't work. For the knee, you should tweak the horizontal bias handles until it looks more square like you said. Also, your muscles don't seem to have any weight to them (I mean, the models muscles, not yours personally :) ). So for the quadricep on the right I drew in how I would make the splines. See how they sag so that it appears the muscles are being pulled downward? This makes the characters more beefy and less balloon-like.


    The spline that says: "profile" is the way I would make that spline look, you guessed it, in profile. See how in your reference picture that it kind of bends inward at the spot? I would pull that spline back and then use the bias handles on the vertical spline to create a similar effect.


    It's a great start though! You can keep posting here if you'd like!


    It is so amazing how well you texturings work... you should write some tutorials for your unwrap-processes and the textuering itself...




    Thanks a lot! At this point there actually hasn't been too much unwrapping, and what there has been has been very similar to the way that Will Sutton describes in his great tutorial. A tutorial like the one that I would write would involve a lot of cross A:M/Photoshop work.


    Since I don't feel like I have the time or the motivation for that: here's a quick texture breakdown of Cap. Remember, these textures are temporary, and I will (or would) unwrap it all later and use this as a base for the final textures.




    Also, here's some modeling tips and a wire of the torso, the belt and buckle are temporary, btw.




    Thanks again everybody!



  11. Hey everybody...


    As the time with my family gets shorter and shorter I find myself with little spare time. One day after work a friend of mine wanted to go to the comic shop. As you might have guessed I picked up 2 volumes of "The Ultimates" by Mark Millar. If you're a comic fan, I would highly reccomend it.


    Anyway, I was inspired by the style (which is really groundbreaking) and decided to make this quick little "doodle" in a rare free afternoon that I found. Chances are, I won't be able to finish this...but here's the torso.




    Modeled from scratch except for the temp belt buckle and the textures are a combination of materials, dark trees and maps.


    Hope you like it!



  12. Wow, great work on the gut sack! I think that the term gut sack is great in and of itself...but nice job!


    Absolutely amazing Model !! and Yes...a challenge to rig and animate.


    (could you share the details of your lighting setup, please? - also very nice)


    The lighting is nothing special..


    lol...thanks Kevin!


    Nancy, the lighting is Yves 89 light skylight at a light yellow color set at 2.5 percent. I then used two klieg lights, both z-buffered soft shadows. I used one as my key from the right to help make details stand out and I used a blue-ish one in the back to simulate a kind of moonlit look. For a realistic model like this I used really desaturated colors on all of the lights.


    Again great work Kevin! You're modeling has improved a lot...but this old one isn't too terrible ;)



  13. Hey Kevin great work! The level of detail here is great! If you really want a colder color for the WIPs try changing the skylight color to more of a blue and put the intensity back up to about 2.5 (or wherever it was at). The backlight could then be a warmer color or even a green.


    Great job again!



  14. I popped in over at CGTalk and gave you 5 stars. Great job, Lee.

    I saw that someone, of course, made the CGTalk-required "You did this with Hash?" comment. I bet no one saw that coming. :lol:


    lol...yeah...and the even more required: "is it more stable?" question. If it wasn't stable, there would have been no way to finish this picture...



    Fantastic image Lee,I now have this this as my desktop image.

    Also having it there gives me a kick up the backside to try and do better with my modeling.



    Thanks Jay, I actually made it wallpaper sizeable from your request... I hope you enjoy it too Darkwing!



    i love this work :o


    Thanks Luis!


    Well I'm actually working on the tin head now...getting him rigged and ready for the mascot contest...



  15. Awesome Gary! Looks great!


    Heres a background, at least until Lee finishes up th one he's makin for me.(U do still want that honorary brutha card dont ya? Where your goin u r gonna need it :lol: )


    Hahaaaaa YEAH! You kill me man! If I make you a background I get the card? Yeah, I'll do it! I'll even help you with lighting! (I have a feeling if I actually tried to use the card I'd be beat up even quicker...it would still be awesome though!)


    Keep up the good work!



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