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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

John Bigboote

Hash Fellow
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Posts posted by John Bigboote

  1. I think it was THIS THREAD that put us over the top!




    I missed the 'hash fellow' thing when it was going around...what mysterious powers do these 'fellows' yeild anyway? And how come there are so few of them and they lay so low?


    Quote from' Life of Brian'- " Romans? What 'ave the rowmans eva done for us?"


    For what its worth Rodney-

    your a jolly good fellow to us...hip-hip-hoorah! (add horn sound fx here)

  2. Why let Raf have all the fun... do it yourself! After running your model thru TSM do this:


    1- new pose, %, name LEFT FIST.

    2-Turn on TSM constraints.

    3- zoom in on Left fist and 'pose' it to your liking, using TSM2's finger-bend-roll-handles... I also use a little 'muscle mode' magic...

    4- repeat for right fist with new pose.


    These poses are 'handy' to have just to keep your model from having a static hand in animation, just keep sliding those pose sliders back and forth during the animation, even if you never even go all the way to the closed fist...


    BINGO! If Raf made one with TSM it would prolly not work so well from model to model.


    Hope that 'elps!

  3. Believe it or not, for most of my mechanical 'blocky' shapes I do my modelling right within... Adobe Photoshop!


    Model in Photoshop, you ask? Yes, up to the point of extrusion. You draw your shape using the pen tool (bezier) and when done 'export' shape to an AI file. (adobe illustrator) Then in A:M, use the AI import wizard and it will add the bevels perfectly to your design.


    Works like a charm and saves hours of bevelling time.

  4. Maybe something is missing in the veneer of the candy, you should take a good look at an m&m thru a magnifying glass...there would be a little reflectivity, no? Maybe this is a good time to experiment with v11's reflective filters and falloff...


    I look forward to seeing some animation with your TSM2 rig!

  5. Dear Anzovins, Thank- You! You JUST made me a better animator.


    I FINALLY got a chance to throw one of my characters thru TSM2 and make a few test actions, and I LIKE everything I see. It shows-up in the animation when a better rig is used...


    For example, the new way of controlling the knees...the old way was fine...the new way is WAY BETTER! The spine, arm and leg stretch I imagine will come in very handy, a GREAT new feature!


    I watched Raf's movie and did everything he did, once done I realized I needed fan bones so I added them in AFTER TSM2 with no problems, I simply made a new ON/OFF pose called 'MY FAN BONES' and click it on as I turn on TSM's rig.


    Everything is faster, highly comprehensive... BIG IMPROVEMENT UPON AN ALREADY STELLAR PRODUCT.


    I'm actually looking forward to doing more characters... how TWISTED!




    Matt Campbell (aka John Bigboote)


    link to Rafs movie...


  6. It seems to move the splines ok in Relationship mode but when I try and make it work in my Choreography action it doesn't seem to have an effect.


    Forgot to mention, when you add a new pose to a character thats already being used in a chor you need to save,close, and reopen the project before that particular pose slider will take effect, I've heard of other ways around this, but this is the way I get my NEW pose sliders to react...


    Your animation is looking lots better.

  7. Here's an example, no audio yet, of using distortions in the face to get some elasticity into it.... I plan to add more 'extremes' to these poses, seems you just can't make them extreme enough.


    In this scene MissD. complains about her boots...


    'stars' were added in After Effects using an animated morey pattern.


  8. Good work. Here's my 2bits:


    The face is too static. Did you make the pose sliders or were they provided? Either way- make more. More EXtremes. It looks like he's got invisible glue all over his face prohibiting motion. Put your hands on your face in the Macualey Culken 'Home Alone' pose and talk, feel movement?


    Hash's new distortion box feature makes it easy to add flexibility to a face. I usually make a new pose with a +100/-100 range and call it 'FACESQUASH LEFT-RIGHT' then in musclemode lock just the facial-skin CP's and then go into distortion mode and add 'squash' to one side of the face while adding 'stretch' to the other...then go to -100% and do the opposite. Slide it back and forth accordingly during the animation and you have some neat facial action.

  9. Alonso- Nice reel, I see your strength lies mainly as an animator. Your motions are smooth and have a similar 'look' from scene to scene.


    I know what you mean about relocating, I am in the same boat. You need to find a couple of off-site freelance gigs. Which unfortunately in the A:M market are slim2none.


    What to do...what to do...

  10. Yes, I can send you an icarus txt file, to what email address? I'd copy it right here but it's almost 400k of text.


    It does not look so good for Icarus either, seems that Hash removed all or any feature reference of Icarus on all older versions of the software back to v8...I checked. Good for them, legally. Bad for us.


    Lets hope that in the future Animation:Master, the software that wants to be considered 'professional grade' will support one or many legal motion tracking softwares.

  11. http://www.kci-group.com/z/icarus.htm


    OK- Thanks to Marcel Bicman for STILL hosting this page. It appears that Hash has 'done away' with the ability to import .txt files for camera data, which would make it hard to use BouJou text files OR the old Icarus. ( I still have Icarus, it was powerful software for freeware)


    I've written HashSupport to see why this ability has gone away. According to Marcel's tut you could :







    To import the Features

    create a new Model

    right-click > Plug-ins > Import > Icarus Camera Tracking (*.TXT)

    select the file you created with icarus, hit OK

    Small Splines will created in the Model where the Features in Icarus were.

    The lower CP of each Spline indicated the feature position.

    You can add the geometry that you'd like to re-create into this model.

    If you do, i'd advise you to group the imported splines, to be able to easily freeze/hide them while modeling.


    To import the Path

    create a new Choreography

    right-click > Plug-ins > Import > Icarus Camera Tracking (*.TXT)

    select the file you created with icarus, hit OK

    insert the Model containing the Features into this Choreography


    "endquote. If the problem with this feature was that it said the word 'Icarus' than the solution may be as simple as removing that word. I have my old v8.5 disc at home, I'm going to see if I can use that to import, then save and reopen in v11...another 'workaround'.


    It would be nice to be able to start using Boujou. Thanks again Zpider, keep that page up!

  12. Hey-


    I would like to show more of my work, but conforming to the 1mb limit is killing me...if I post a 10sec clip I have to compress the berjeeves out of it and then I get replies saying 'too much compression' when it's 998k. Anyhow, I noticed that other people seem to be able to breech the limit, is there a 'status' beyond master that allows for this?


    I usually use Quicktime with Sorenson3 at about 15-25% quality because that is what Hash recommends on A:MFilms...

    I know bandwidth costs money and all that...I would not want to go crazy and start posting 30 mb files, but 2,3mb would sure help.


    Just wondering.

  13. We used to have access to a free-ware motion-tracker in A:M called 'Icarus' which was subsequently taken 'off-the-freeware-market' to be refined and sold later on...


    It would export the camera-tracked data as a .txt file which you could then apply to A:M's camera, worked pretty well too. The Maya guys in my office have BooJou---I'll inquire if it can export camera data as a text-file and get back to you...

  14. Yes, the trapcode 'shine' in particular has been the 'flavor-of-the-month' this year...you see it EVERYWHERE! We joke at work that it can take even the WORST designed animations and make them palpable. It is the elusive 'make look cool' button. Trapcode 3D stroke is prutty cool too.




    expensive effects but WORTH IT.

  15. I use AE and taught a class on it at a local college, which was ironic for me because I never graduated college myself, so it was funny to wind-up teaching at one. ANYHOW-


    AE would be a wise investment because it is a perfect complementry app to A:M or ANY 3D app. Photoshop as well. The percieved goal in 3D is to get it ALL right there in the choreography and render it ALL to frames and be done. UNfortunately it doesn't always work that way. Sometimes you find you will need to composite a scene or effect, and AE is ideal. This becomes particularly true when striving to achieve photorealism or combining live-action and 3D, or heavy effect shots.


    The production-bundle has more effect/filters, motion tracking and stabilization among other HI-end features. To get started the regular V should serve you well, and you can upgrade to production later when you upgrade to a higher AE release...which seems to be about every 2 years or so.


    Hope this helps.

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