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Posts posted by Gene

  1. Ok,


    Here is my example... a few things to note.


    I get treads which are flipping on the path and I can't understand why? Anyone have a clue? Please see link below.


    Also, I could repeat the animation to give a continuous flow, but if the individual pieces of the conveyor were different from one another, you would have to animate the full rotation which would be a pain...not even sure you can use Ease values over 100?


    I still think there's got to be a better way...need to think about his one.







  2. Hey Dave,


    Are there general rules as to how you place bones in the treads and so forth?


    I am trying my own test (in an action) on a tread and as I change the ease for each tread, the bones for each tread are turning and rolling all over the place.


    I am going to try this in a Chor just to see if there is a difference.



  3. Hey Dave,


    This was sort of for the forklift, but actually, I will probably just use an alternate method.


    As for the Kinematic Chain...I am not sure really how these are used or what happens when they are applied.


    I sort of remember them being used on character rigs to give bones a target or something like that.


    Can anyone elaborate??? Might give me another option.





  4. Well,


    I tried the spline path, but I am obviously doing something wrong because the bones just don't line up the way I want and the bones go out of orientation.


    So, I just went straight ahead and moved the each link to the next position forward (i.e. one link ahead) and then just repeated the action in a chor.




    You'll notice that there is a slight jump in the chain, but that was just the way I positioned the bones on the last frame. I wasn't too picky since this was just a test.


    I will have to figure out a more accurate (and easy) way to do this.


    Thanks all,



  5. Hey Dave,


    I think I have that Bike somewhere....was that the one from Animation Pit Stop?


    I am going to give this a shot with a simple model before attempting anything big.




    Now that seems so obvious, I don't know why I couldn't make the connection...but you know how it goes when you've been staring at your model for a couple of hours...the other parts of your brain stop working.


    Thanks Guys.


    I will post my results...



  6. Ok, so I've been trying to figure out the best way to animate a chain and sprocket like on a bicycle, but I see no easy way to do this.


    The easiest way I can think of is to use a path in a chor, and add a bone to each link in the chain that would follow the path.


    Then, I guess I would have to constrain the path to the sprockets.


    Please let me know if you have any better way to do this??


    Oh, another question...why isn' it possible to add a path in an Action? Wouldn' this be useful?





  7. Thanks everyone for the input...OK, so I guess I will have to stare down the forklift at work tomorrow.


    So the masts are moved by Hydraulic cylinders (Tilt) - Saw that! Got it!


    I think I have figured out David's has explanation of the chain moving over the double sprocket to lift the forks. Makes sense and the sprocket acts like a pulley, hence the mechanical advantage (right Reikster!).


    But, now to complicate things....


    Telescoping masts??? I imagine those are also driven by some chain mechanism? I could always invent something, but I haven't been able to figure it out by looking at photos.


    ..AND....how in the world can I animate the chain moving over the sprocket as the cylinder lifts the sprocket!?!?


    The images you guys found were useful. I had others from a Google hunt, but not as clear as some of those.





  8. Hello All,


    I am putting together a semi-realistic forklift, but I can't come up with a reasonable explanation as to how the lift works. Most forklifts have hydraulic cylinders and a chain, but I can't figure out how they are joined together.


    I think that the chain drives the forks up and down and the cylinders are for the "pillars".


    I would love to have good reference material or even an explanation would be great....this is currently where I am at. forklift


    Thanks in advance.



  9. Hey Tanassi,


    I was thinking about learning Rhino, but I would really like a second opinion as I don't know any Rhino users.


    Could you or anyone who is familiar with Rhino contact me at eliscio@hotmail.com. I would really like to know what you think of the program...pros and cons.





  10. Hi All,


    I was thinking about building a bridge model and just adding it into an existing image of a river where I would have the bridge span across the water.


    I am trying to figure out how I do this and although I recall seeing something something on one of the tutorials out there, I can't seem to figure this out.


    Could someone point me to a tutorial or project file on how to Project a model over an image.


    I am also interested on how to get the lighting to match.





  11. OK, here is the different angle...yes, I notice some things.


    The head will definitely not fit in the shell and I realize that I scaled things in different proportions, plus the head helmet thing wasn't really planned so it made the head larger. Anyway...no biggie.


    There are a few other things that could be cleaned...you can probably pick at some.


    Anyway, thanks again all






  12. Just curious,


    But is there a theory about seeing a character at eye level?


    I have 3 cameras setup, but I don't really know why I chose the one I did.


    Will try another shot...


    John Bigboote,


    I haven't rigged it yet as this is an area that I am not so good at, but I did try to leave enough space to have it's head retract although I would probably have to make some changes.


    Will post another....





  13. Hey ddustin,


    I think the image looks flat with the items which are closest to the viewer. (i.e The foreground tables and those small drums). You might try some decaling to get the highlights on the edges, but personally, there's no way to beat modelling the bevels in there right from the start.


    Actually, the long square tube in the back doesn't look bad at all and I see there is some specularity on the legs or is that just reflectivity? Either way, that part comes across well.





  14. Hello Everyone,


    I did up a cleaned up project of the trees with animated decals as leaves and I would like to make it available to anyone who wants it.


    The problem is that the project file is about 11Mb zipped and that means only about 20 downloads and my account will be frozen.


    Could anyone offer up some webspace to make this available to others? The project file is large due to the animated decal






  15. Thanks for all the replies.


    I went through all that I could find and if your willing to pay for a very cool plugin by Richard Rosenman, then that is the way to go.


    But, the method in the link (posted just above) seems the correct way to do it, albeit, a bit cumbersome.


    Perhaps someone could make a Photoshop Action/Macro that would do this??


    Depending on the type of thing you are mapping, a quick method that is good for a more homogeneous surface is to do a similar thing as above, but not as much effort.....use the Photoshop>Filter>Distort and chose "Rectangular to Polar". This distorts your map so that the top half will decal on a sphere properly. However, the bottom will show a seam.


    So, from there, I simply copied and flipped the decal vortically (on a new layer). and edited each image to use the stretched areas on the top and bottom. I had to blend the area in the middle by using the Eraser tool set at 50% opacity.


    Finally, when I am happy with the blend of the two layers, I merge them (CTRL+E) and that is about it.


    I tested this out and it works well for certain decals that have a fairly constant surface. However, if I was doing a planet, I don't think this would work properly.


    Thanks for your help.



  16. Hello All,


    I was wondering if there is a "Make Spherical Map" button in Photoshop? Plugin?


    I have an image that I would like to use as a spherical decal, and I know the top and bottom need to be "stretched" so they map on the Sphere correctly, but I don't know an easy way to do this.


    Any suggestions would be appreciated.





  17. Hi All,


    I can't believe how long it took me to figure out how to rig a simple piston and crank assembly. I did this about a year ago or more and today, when I went to try it again...I just couldn't figure it out.


    So, for all of you who are have tried this at one time...I just threw some quick notes together on how to do this and attached the animation into a zip file.







  18. I will try to add some color to the shell and take a look at the decal which is applied on the eye.


    The angle of the shot makes some things look a bit out of proportion, so perhaps I will post an updated shot when I can tweak some of the suggestions made.


    Thanks for all the input, you know how it goes when you are too close to the forest....(however that saying goes).





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