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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by Gene

  1. Anders, thanks for the project file


    I did a quick test and it needs a lot of tweaking...it's along the lines of what you have posted. sort of.


    I do have a question about the sprite images. What is the best way to prepare these as far as removing any hard edges? I saw that the image on the Hash CD appears to be like a cloud material done in Photoshop or something like that.


    Any advice?






  2. Ok, I made some tweaks to this file, but I think the same thing is happening...the sprites are trying to stick to each other.


    I would like to test blobbies because the look more realistic, but the only problem is that there is a huge hit with render times and my little machine won't handle things all that well.


    Here is a link to the latest test:


    Water Wheel Test





  3. OK, so here is the rough starting point for this effect.


    I started with a blobby and I thought it looked good, but the render times were ridiculous (like 1 day) for a low resolution, 6 second sample.


    So, I am now looking at sprites to see what I can do.


    Below is a screen shot and QT.


    I am noticing that the sprites try to hold on to each other like a chain. they don't appear to be behaving individually and bounce off the buckets as opposed to falling into them.


    Have a look and please post your comments or suggestions.







  4. Hello Everyone,


    I am starting this post because I have volunteered to to take on two effects for the Movie. The first is a roaring fire effect, but this thread is for a Water Wheel effect!


    I am assuming this is the kind of wheel that is driven by a small stream of water at the top and not driven soley by the current at the bottom.


    I would like this to be a place where everyone can learn, post WIP's, get technical advice and try different techniques.


    So...I'll be working up a small project to get things started...





  5. Hello Everyone,


    I am starting this post because I have volunteered to to take on two effects for the Movie. The first is a roaring fire effect that happens in Mrs Yoops kitchen.


    I would like this to be a place where everyone can learn, post WIP's, get technical advice and try different techniques for this roaring fire effect.


    I thought I would put down some images of different types of fire to get this started.


    Have a look at the photos here too!


    Pictures of Fire


    I am really open to hear how other's would approach this?






  6. Hey Grubber,


    Let me say that overall, I think it's pretty damn good.


    First thing that jumped out at me was the jump backwards (backflip). I really think he needs to jump higher. Right now it appears that he is slamming his body down into the floor if you know what I mean.


    The second thing is the first kick. It seems like he has gained momentum from somewhere and it loses a bit of credibility.


    Otherwise, you have good body placement and poses...good job.



  7. As always...excellent work and great style!


    Have you ever considered writing a "making of" so that newer users can get a feel for what it takes to put something like this together. (i.e. techniques, tricks, software, tools...etc.).


    Oh...wireframes are always interesting too!


    Keep up the great work...I'll be looking forward to the next one.



  8. Well, for the gloss and shine there are a couple of things that matter.


    Once you assign the shiny parts to a group, go under the surface properties and add Specularity. Start with a white Specularity colour and small specularity size (5%?) and large intensity (80%).


    Then turn up the reflectivity to about 40.


    You will notice that the colour of the vehicle will change slightly because it will start reflecting the colour of the objects in the environment so keep that in mind.


    Don't forget lighting is important too, so make sure to check that specularity is turned on for any lights.


    You will have to play with the settings to get what you like.


    Nice plates...Alberta is a great province.





  9. Hi Avi,


    Here's my two sense. I would make the crayons thinner and longer so they more closely resemble real crayons. for this reason, the box looks too short.


    I would keep the tips of the crayons straight so they don't look like melted wax. Then, I would give more bend to the crayons somewhere below the black stripe like it was the neck bending and looking at the crayon on the floor.


    This will probably be a little bit of a challenge since the crayons have no eyes or face to lead the viewer where you want.


    The colors look right for the part and I really like the text for "Crayon".


    Good stuff!



  10. Hi Tyler,


    Overall, I would say you did a decent job. Modelling vehicles is not easy and it's something that I often hate doing, but you get better with it each time.


    Just a couple of comments:


    1. The bottom of the car (reflection) looks brighter than the surrounding area and I noticed that unless you build an undercarriage for the car, you often get this strange shadow effect.


    2. Can you explain how you built the wheels? I can see some strange geometry or decal there? My suggestion is to build the geometry of the rim as best as you can, but in some cases, you can approximate the geometry of the rim and then past a decal onto it and it will look convincing...see below.


    Keep at it as I think you are well on your way to some great looking cars.






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