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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by Gene

  1. Hello Everyone...


    Thanks for the comments.


    I did this up to use in a shop scene I am working on and since they are required almost everywhere, I figured I am probably not the only one to need one.


    Not sure if I will get around to animating it though...we'll see.





  2. Hey Daniel,


    I think you could do something with the text and in the background have the Earth swooshing with the stars as sprites...in the final frames, the earth comes swooshing around into position and the SPRITES get subsituted with the remaining stars as you have them in the image.


    So...that was the first thing that popped into my head.


    See ya,



  3. Steffen,


    Thanks so much for this, I think it will make things much easier for me.


    I am still on vacation...but I will download this as soon as I get back!!


    Thanks again and have a Happy New Year.


    Brazil is Awesome! (Especially if you like surfing and pretty women!)



  4. Hey Guys,


    Thanks for the information. I just got to check my e-mail now as I am in a small beach town in the NorthEast of Brazil.


    I feel for you guys in the snow as I will be heading back soon....:(


    Anyway, I think importing the Chors into each other might work, but I still think that someone could make a simple plugin to import an array of a certain model??


    Anyone? Anyone?? Feature Request?





  5. Hello All,


    First of all...Happy Holidays!


    I am on vacation in Brazil (at one of the Northeastern Beaches), so I feel for all of you in the snow!!


    Anyway...I was just thinking that I often would like to have a way to import 50 or 100 each of a particular model into a Chor, but the only way I know how to do this is by dragging each one in or right clicking and importing.


    Anyone have another way? Why can´t there be a Wizard to do this?


    Thanks and Cheers!



  6. Hey Zeb,


    Yes, Absolutely.


    All you need to do use the Wand tool to select all the desired objects and then go to the "path" tab, (I choose the little arrow on the right side) and then select "Make work Path".




    This will export the AI path file and then you can use it to import in AM.


    Not much to it really, the hard part is figuring out how to make the path in Photoshop.





  7. I'va attached screenshots of how to get to the AI menu and also attached another image of the basic shapes that get extruded to make up the robot.


    The background is the inside of a cube that comes right off the AM CD. I was going to try Radiosity, but decided against it because it's just too time consuming.






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