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Everything posted by rbjohnsn

  1. Thank you ever so much. The mirror Mode was on causing me to spend days pulling my hair out. I have never used that function and I guess this is a good time to learn about it! That was the problem all along.
  2. No such thing as being safe! All the CPs in the Y axes are frozen in the X axes. They will only move up & down on the Y axes. I've attached screen shots starting with the half model head. Then selecting the center line group using the comma [","]. Then the picture after doing a CFA. You will knote the shaded results looks great except for the few missing patches. BUT Next I select the results as to work on a just a part of the model. In this case the total results were selected, but it made no difference what part is selected to work on, everything goes to pot. I never had an issue when using AM version 10 with this function. This is happening now with versions 12, 13, 15, 16. Personaly I thought it was a hardware issue, but I've tried it on three different computers , using AM 12 &13, with three different versions of Window XP [XP home, XP pro, XP media] with the same results each time. I am forced to use version's 15 & 16 on one computer.
  3. You guys are fully. I guess his uncle likes his women that way. To each his own.
  4. I know how to do a copy flip attach, but my computer doesn't. Everything get discomboerated. Also anytime I do a copy many of the CP's are locked on the 0 reference line and will only move on the Y axis. Is it me, my computer, or the software?
  5. rbjohnsn


    I like your work. As I was moving the cursor around I noticed on avatar the Avatar MOV page had an error. No page was available
  6. It's been awhile since I used the Dopesheet but... I thought the phoneme breakdown was saved. Is this not the case? Of course if something has removed or replaced that you'll either have to copy from a saved version or relaunch the Auto Phoneme. Have you tried Right Clicking to see what options are there? I did recopy from an older version. Thats when I lost the sync in the action file. The "Auto Pheneme Breakdown" funtion is grayed out preventing any futher occurence of using it. This all happened because there was just one frozen CP in my cloth that was causing the simulation error. I recovered the cloth simulation by using Beta verion 16 step 5. This has be another learning experince with AM!
  7. Thanks all for the suggestions, but being the tanatious person I completed the whole dialog with short sentences. Had it working pretty good until I tried to get the clothing simulation to work again. When resolving that issuse I somehow lost all the phoneme breakdown. It turns out, it will only function when adding a new word, sentence, etc. .. Question: is there any way to redo the Auto Pheneme Breakdown on all the diolog currently in the Dopesheets without having to start over reentering each word again? Thanks for any help!
  8. I've only used the dope sheet maybe 10 times, but from what I can remember, it seems to favor fairly short snippets - no more than a short paragraph. So create several Actions for your dialog and line them up in the Chor. Thanks for the suggestion. I have not had a chance yet to try a dopesheet for each sentance. What I've seen buy looking at the ACT file with a tex editor is the fram counter gets reset to zero for the word. I beleive it is a math function, of the software using the mouse, to position the word with the WAV file. The dopesheet also gets corrupted when playing the action. I've played with this operation now for 6 years and have just begun to understand how to manpulate the controls. The video tut helps, but still very vage as to how.
  9. What is a comfortable length for the dopesheet? I've got a somewhat lengthly diolog, and it seems like the memory locations are very eractic. I've tried the problem on three different computers each using different verions of XP, (Home, PRO, Media), each exsibet the same issue.
  10. If you are using v13s or later, then it wouldn't be a version problem. The Squetch Rig does not install like the 2001 Rig...use the instructions in the included text file. I can't think of a reason for there to be no bones showing up, what are the steps you are following? The only text file I saw was to reset all the constrants. Is this the file you mean. If not where would I find the file in reference? The latest version is in this post along with the latest Squetchy Sam. The text file for installation included in the ZIP file is named "Posable_installation_steps_04_23_2010.txt". ------------------------ EDIT ------------------------ The Squetch Rig uses an entirely different method of installation than the 2001 Rig...follow the included instructions. That would be an old version of the rig...you don't have to reset any constraints in the present version. Hope that helps. Found the text file "Posable_installation_steps_04_23_2010.txt" in the download ZIP file, problem there was a 0 file length. Not sure as to which download as I made numerious. Sorry! I found another file which had the "Posable_installation_steps_04_23_2010.txt". Now I am beginning to realize all the work involved to install this RIG. Off to see the wizord...whish me luck!
  11. Found my problem to be I imported the rig into the boneless model, when I should have imported the bonneless model into the RIG.
  12. I just downloaded David Simmon's tutorals 1 thru 5 on how to install the Rig. From just view the first one so far I hope they will resolve my problem. For any of the newbies I would recomend viewing the tutorals for undersanding the mechanics of AM and how to model aside from the Squetch Rig. And again thanks David for your hard work.
  13. Just want to thank Rodney for posting David Simmon's work on installing the Rig. David's first MOV provided insight, over and abve, what has taken my years to find the hard way. Now I can understand why my model of Jennifer has been so hard to control. Thanks again David.
  14. If you are using v13s or later, then it wouldn't be a version problem. The Squetch Rig does not install like the 2001 Rig...use the instructions in the included text file. I can't think of a reason for there to be no bones showing up, what are the steps you are following? The only text file I saw was to reset all the constrants. Is this the file you mean. If not where would I find the file in reference?
  15. I imported the squetch rig into the boneless model, then auto assigned the bone. Then started a new action only to find none of the bones were visable in the action window. This is how I added the 2001 rig.
  16. I've been playing with making this rig to work without success. I've assignded all the CPs to the bones, both in my model and JD's but when starting an action the mode has no bones. I went back to the 2001 rig which functions as I learned with all the previons of AM. I also got the latest ver of AM thinking the problem maybe associated with AM's verion. What am I over looking?
  17. Your correct, I downloaded it from his website which I found by surfing Hash. The brain is not connecting well these days. Thanks for the help...
  18. Help me out David, as I am new to this, whois and where would I contact Steffen? Thanks for the quick response...
  19. Yes I did select the correct version (prior to ver 15.) I'll do it again. Downloaded again and still the same problem. The file downloaded had the same date, size, etc...
  20. Strange, I downloaded the plugin and installed in the correct directory, but when loading AM ver 13t, there is an error. Attached is a picture of the error when running AM. Anyone else have a problem like this?
  21. Great Flip Flop. I'll check it out. Thanks
  22. An actual... boing-boing-boing... spring? Can you show an sketch of what you are trying to do? Do you mean modeling it or rigging it? Rigging, I've got the spring. Ref: picture inclosed.
  23. Found conflicting materials caused by importing MDL files. Thank for your comments.
  24. For the life of me I've not come up with how to make a spring that compresses between the sole and the heal. Has anyone been confronted with this idea?
  25. How does one trouble shoot an error (error loading string 128). Ref attached snapshot of the error. Where would the list of errors be found?
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