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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by aaver

  1. Your Gaston is great! What plans do you have for him? Do they perhaps include an insane cat and a vicious depressed seagull? ;)


    Gaston is my wifes favorite cartoon, while I'm more into Spirou and the Marsupilami, two other characters drawn by the belgian cartoonist André Franquin.

  2. [...]In contrast, I personally released a crit thread on a recent contest round and was scolded about timing.

    I would like to have that kind of critique on on my work (if I ever post any, that is...)

    Very professional and to the point!

  3. I voted YES since I think honest professional critique is rather sparse in the WIP area. Maybe that's the way it should be since the majority of the A:M users are happy amateurs that want to show their work and being encouraged rather than being nit-picked.


    I don't see a Critique Forum as another gratuitous forum like "a goat modelling forum" (I liked that one :D ), but as a consistent complement to the WIP and Showcase forums.


    I'd like to see it as the three-stage rocket of publishing your art work:

    WIP -> (Critique) -> Showcase.


    WIP Forum:

    This continues to work as it does today. No matter how far the artist has got with his work, he may post it here and will receive a mixture of positive encouraging comments and constructive guidance if he seems to need it.


    Critique Forum:

    When the artist is almost ready, but has a feeling that something is missing he should post it here. If the artist is already happy with his art he should post it in the Showcase Forum.

    Here the artist will receive "good, solid and blunt" critique. Slap on the back comments is frown upon. You will get enough of that when you receive you Oscar ;)


    Showcase Forum:

    When the artist is satisfied with the result, he should post it here.

    My feeling is that in the Showcase Forum, the artists intentions should be recognized and respected, no matter what. If you, as a critic, have further complaints, make your own art and post it in the Critique Forum...

  4. Aaver,


    How does it work?


    There is only one bone.



    As I said, this is only a simple muscle animation in an action; very static. The use of it is shown in the chor example.

    What is it that you want to do with it?

  5. I can't view it.


    BRB I'll update my quick time.






    EDIT: I still can't view it. The screen is just white.


    How large is the file?


    EDIT 3: I copied the file to my computer and I get a notice that I don't have the right compressor.



    Sorry about that. It is an MPEG-4 movie on 175 kB.


    Try this one instead (Sorensen3 363 kB):


  6. [...]could you change the plug-in in the way it´s reacting with "black and white" pictures?[...]

    I have had your approach on my mind for a long time and such a change shouldn't be too complicated to implement. However, when the "general wave" plugin is ready you may do everything you want, and more with that.


    Maybe I will make you happy anyway. B)

    This is my idea of the ImageSplash plugin (Naming plugins is not one of my strengths, right ;) ):

    • The ImageSplash plugin has the following properties:
      • Water properties
        • Splash amplitude scale factor
        • Wave speed
        • Damping

        [*]Animation properties

        • Animation length

      [*]The plugin takes two equally sized grey scale Targa images as input:

      • The Image image:
        • White corresponds to a large splash amplitude
        • Black corresponds to zero splash amplitude

        [*]The Depth image:

        • White corresponds to the deepest possible...
        • Black corresponds to zero depth (= shore)

      [*]The splash takes place at the first frame. If the splash is to take place later, the decal movie has to be transposed manually in the chor.


      [*]The plugin operates on a single, horizontally oriented patch and produces a bump map Targa images sequence.


      [*]If the user wants a displacement map on a denser grid, just follow the instructions in the RainEffects tutorial.

    I'm open for feedback on this "specification". There might be some small changes that makes it more useful.


    If there is at least 50 users (maybe that is asking for too much :rolleyes: ) who find such a plugin useful I will implement it and donate it to the A:M community.

  7. I wouldn't say it's impossible anyway. How soon do you need it? [...]
    [...]I probably will need at least 3 weeks to finish the constraint setup and build the set. So there you go!

    Hm. 3 weeks is challenging, probably a bit too challenging actually...

  8. The last week i haven't got much time to play with this, but I have updated the RainEffects plugin with some new features:

    • Variation Percentage for Rain Amplitude and Drop Radius
    • PreRoll to fill the surface with drops and PostRoll to let the surface fade down after the last drop.



    Next weekend I will start with true interaction. The first will be an automatic foot print plugin. Nothing fancy, but probably quite useful.

  9. [...]As I have no clue regarding how hard this would be, please just take it as a "wish".

    I wouldn't say it's impossible anyway. How soon do you need it? (I always find it easier to get things done when there is a deadline ;))


    Also, it looks like you didn't get the interest you deserved from posting this plugin. Don't pay any attention to that.
    Well, I don't, but I do note when someone is happy with it :D


    Now, if your demo had a nearly naked female cavorting in the water, this thread would be 50 pages long by now.

    But on the other hand, I think I would have preferred such a demo also :blink:

  10. I ran a test combining your project with sprite rain, thought you might be interested in the result.
    Of course I am. Seeing someone playing with my plugin is a great reward for my efforts! :D Thanks for sharing!


    Can't wait to see what you make next.
    I haven't got much spare time to do anything really, which is both good and bad... :rolleyes:


    After watching your movie I realize that the RainEffects plugin could do with some minor modifications (e.g. random variation for amplitude and drop radius) and I think I'll start with that during this weekend. Also, I have done some successful tests with true interaction between "water objects" and "splash objects". For now it runs very slow but I think some simplifications might push it into useful speed. For a the final version I guess I have to write my own patch tesselator, but I haven't even started to look into that so it will probably take a long time, I'm afraid...


    If there is a fluid effect in particular that you want, please let me know and I'll try to prioritize that.



  11. [...]Is it possible to do a boat wake?

    No, there is no true interaction yet. It might be on it's way though.


    Actually I'm not sure of how far I will go with this plug-in. RainEffects is just a proof of concept - now I know it's possible to make a general wave plug-in for A:M. Maybe it's better to move on to this instead of polishing the details on RainEffects? What do you, the users, think? :rolleyes:

  12. I think you've posted a similar thread:


    Sorry if that offended someone, but although it may seem like a shameless plug, the first post showed an animation and that is not possible on this forum.

    (I guess the WIP section would have been a better choice than to litter up the Showcase forum, but it's too late to change that now :()


    The reason for posting here is that I think it's the right place to tell about a new plug-in.


    Still, that's a pretty awesome plug-in.  :D

    Well, thanks, but although it has potentials I don't think it's awesome yet ;)

    I haven't seen a plug-in doing this kind of stuff before, though, and to be honest, I didn't think it was possible with the present SDK. After studying the SDK more carefully, I have changed opinion about it entirely. Now I think it's possible to make almost everything with it. B) Maybe even a "make dragon" button, although I have to leave that particular feature to someone of the gurus... ;)

  13. That looks good!

    - how about some random variation in the "amplitude"?  not all rain drops are the same size or make the same splash.

    I'll add it to my ToDo list :)


    - when two wave peaks coincide do they get added or do they just pass through each other?

    They get added together as they should, but I realize it's not easy to see in the animation. Try to make your own rain effects with the plug-in and I think it will be more obvious.

  14. I have played with the SDK for A:M for some time and so far it has resulted in a plug-in for simple water effects. See the attached movie if you want an example of what it can be used for. I hope you don't mind the green color. It was supposed to look like poisonous goo... :D


    The plug-in is in an early alpha state so please read the disclaimer before you use it!

    It is only tested in A:M v10.5 so please let me know if you have problems getting started.


  15. No real material can have an IOR below 1.

    Not quite true[...]

    Of course. :rolleyes: I wrote too fast. I thought of common material that is transparent in the visible spectrum (some of those are probably also highly dispersive though).

    For materials in general and for all temperatures and frequencies the IOR can be from less than zero to several millions..

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