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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by aaver

  1. I would go by the timing shown in the storyboard reel


    But there are only two or three frames showing this effect and there his arms, legs and head suddenly are fully grown out and the impression I get is that they grow with the same rate as the rest of the body.


    Or am I looking at the wrong reel? Is this covered in more detail somewhere that I'm not aware of?


    I probably should know the answers to these questions...


    Sorry :(

  2. I've taken notes of all these ideas. They are greatly appreciated!


    To be able to decide for the right approach, it would be nice to know the timing for this effect.


    How long for the floppy little "thing" to reach the full sized body.


    How fast does a hand, leg or head "pop" out? Hesitant at first and then suddenly coming to full size, wiggling, or what?


    Also, where do they apply the hose? Do they mend the puncture first and then apply the hose at the top of the head?

  3. Looks convincing to me :)
    Great. Then I'll wait with the details until you directors have been able to think some more about this scene.


    Pretty fierce looking for a miniature!
    I guess you are referring to my test and in that case, you are probably right.


    Yep, it looks great. Darker and more menacing might be appropriate for our movie.
    Darker is easy, but how do I make it more menacing? Maybe that's up to the animator if I make the effect easy enough to animate?


    This is the effect as of today. Animate the Tornado by moving the TornadoBase Null. Download and tell me what you think. What more has to be done for it to be easy enough to animate?




  4. Hey ! that looks pretty nice, what exactly did you do, have you animated it?


    So you think it looks like a "Whirlwind/Mini Tornado", even if you didn't know it was supposed to be one? :P


    The tornado is a simple model with rotating turbulent color and displacement materials. And a lot of motion blur. I have also built a simple rig so it should be simple to animate.


    And yes, I render an animation right now, but I have a slow computer so maybe in a couple of hours...

  5. While I wait for some art direction, I tinker with it myself.


    What do you think? Does this look anything like a "Whirlwind/Mini Tornado"?


    Don't mind the strange little object. They are only there to.., well, I really don't know why they are there...






  6. Think about the Mickey Mouse balloons that had a head and two ears.


    One part would fill up first, then another, then another.


    That's a great image. I'll try to have that in mind.


    In relation to this, how will the Loons behave when inflated? Will they be animated as if they were light as balloons? For instance how does it look when "The LOONS rush at them -- run and bound and bounce with tremendous speed." or when "The LOONS cheer lustily, bounce up and down."?

  7. Phil,


    Thanks for starting the discussion.


    First I thought of cloth myself, but then I reconsidered. I get the impression that inflating a Loon will look something like inflating a flexible rubber balloon and A:M cloth "out of the box" doesn't behave like that. If you let an inflated cloth Loon lose in gravity, it will behave like an inflexible cloth Loon not like something loosing it its shape due to loosing air.


    However, cloth will probably be used in some way, but I'm afraid we will not get a convincing effect from using it "out of the box". Tinkering with dynamic constraints in combination with cloth might be something to consider or even a customized spring system, but I have to find out how to use one of those first...


    Of course we will not use more advanced techniques than necessary, though. If the Director/Art Directors think the simple cloth effect is what they want, that's what they'll get. :-) As simple as possible, but no simpler is my motto ;-)


    As for using Newton dynamic, are you referring to Steffen's plugin? If so, I'm not sure I understand why. Maybe when Newton Game Dynamics have updated their engine to use ragdolls that might be useful, but I'm not sure.



  8. Sorry for not being clear. I know what GIMP is, but I don't realize how the following from the FAQ should be interpreted:


    Will any other software be used in the production?


    The following freeware software may be used:


    Audacity for sound editing.

    Jahshaka for Non Linear Editing.

    GIMP for 2D manipulation.


    Since it's OK with David to use Photoshop or equivalent for building maps.

  9. Done in AM means not done in Maya, Max, Lightwave, Softimage etc Building maps in Photoshop or equivalent or using Darktrees etc is fine and rendering in AM is just fine.


    Sorry for not getting this, but the FAQ says only GIMP for 2D manipulation. What does that mean? And when you say Darktrees are you saying non commercial plugins only or would it be OK to use Emilio's Wave Machine or Sweeper or some of ZPiDERS commercial plugins for instance?

  10. This is where I'd like to discuss the effect "Inflating a Loon"




    This effect will be used after the following:


    BIG LOON turns to his audience -- suddenly -- there's a sharp explosion -- BIG LOON looks panic-stricken -- he deflates.


    What remains on the platform is a heap of flabby, WRINKLED SKIN that looks like a collapsed rubber balloon.[...]


    and this is how the script describes the effect:


    Some LOONS wheel out a big machine to BIG LOON'S skin, connect a hose and PUMP air into BIG LOON. Slowly BIG LOON swells out.
  11. I would be happy to help as much as I can with all those effects and particularly with the following:


    Water/Founain effects <Markeh>

    Roaring Fire (Mrs Yoops Kitchen)

    Whirlwind/Mini Tornado

    Waterfalls to drive Water wheels

    Inflating a Loon


    And regarding the TD position I think I could handle the "Waterfalls to drive Water wheels" effects.


    One thing though:


    [...]The effects MUST BE DONE using AM.


    Exactly what does that mean? For instance, Is it OK to build maps in other applications? I guess it is, but what is the principle behind "everything must be done using A:M"?

  12. Anders,

    Should it be applied to pre or post stabilized footage?






    It should be applied to whatever comes out of the Voodoo Camera Tracker. My Importer only translates their camera data to something that A:M understands.


    Actually I'm very new to camera tracking myself, but I don't think it matters whether the footage is pre or post stabilized. The Voodoo Camera Tracker "only" calculates camera data for a camera that would match the footage. For those with much experience from camera tracking, this may sound stupid though :unsure:

  13. Is this a version 12 plugin?

    I dumped it to the hxt directory of 11.1 ( on windows machine) and nothing related to Voodoo shows up in

    either Model -> Plugins -> import or in Model -> import Or in an action or Chor.

    Maybe I'm out of practice at importing stuff.



    Right click on the camera shortcut in a choreography.





    If nothing else, I could at least have told you that. <_< But you found out how to use it and it works for you too. Great :D

  14. The Voodoo Camera Tracker has been discussed on these forums lately. To be able to use it in A:M, I have programmed an import plugin. It works for me, but since it's a quick hack, you should expect it to have bugs. Also, it's not documented at all so help your self until I have some more spare time.


    Since Voodoo is free for non commercial work, so is my plugin.


    Please report bugs and make feature requests in this thread


  15. [...]But as far as that water displacement, I'm sort of waiting for Emilio or Anders or Marcel or Stephen Gross (collectively known as the rat pack in my eyes) to come out with some whizy plugin that doesn't quite make a whole movie for you, but makes things like that more easy.


    "The rat pack" LOL and thanks I guess :-)


    While waiting for the plugin, I'd be happy to try to make the water displacements for the Oz movie fountains. If you think this sounds interesting, just make a simple test fountain, send the project file to me and I'll see what I can do.

  16. Long time no see. Welcome back! :D


    - it is policy that contest entries are not to be shown before voting

    I'm not sure, but I think the policy rather is that the entries should be anonymous before voting and personally, I think this is a good policy.


    If it's possible to allow anonymous WIP treads in a dedicated Contest Forum, I'm all for it and I think it will probably bring more interest to the contests as you say.

  17. I'd say, wait and hope for the best. Or rather, wait until you are ready with the whole bike and then see what is the difference. 15 s extra per frame may not be much to talk about. Only you know, though. How many frames do you plan to render? When is your deadline?

  18. If you can live with using just bump maps (or better yet, normal maps), go with that. Displacement maps for that kind of high frequency geometry wont help you much, though.


    You say you want to get rid of all the extra patches because it gives you much longer render times. That's a bit surprising. Are you sure about that? What difference are you actually experiencing?

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