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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Profile Information

  • Name
    Bernd N.

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  • Hardware Platform
  • System Description
    P4 3Ghz 1GB DDR400-Ram GForce4-4200Ti

JackMcRip's Achievements


Journeyman (4/10)



  1. Sorry, that I don't answer on ICQ. But I want to tell you, this is a great job :-) I say it here. Perfect ! This are work's that makes A:M public.
  2. For Export A:M-Models it is very important to check and change the Hooks and 5Pointpatches. Sometimes when make the Hooks and 5pp's the normals direction not corect. (You should change/check the normals everytime direct after create these patches) Some other Application like C4D R9 or Lightwave can create NGones (feature like Hooks or 5pp's). For this app's, it is better when the 5PointPatches are holes, when exporting. Steffen Gross had written a fantastic Plugin to select the Hook and/or 5pp's. You found it here: http://www.sgross.com/plugins/ He is a great A:M-Developer :-)
  3. I have many models i never finish render, because i learn at this and they looks dreadful. I help Farstar ... (great A:M-Project) Now I bought Zbrush and love it, too! I never want miss A:M !!!!!!!! This is what i want to say ;-)
  4. Then I model this .... and help to final modeling Lidodeck on this ship:
  5. And here should finish his adventure...
  6. And here is the first scene:
  7. he get a home only for modeling tests:
  8. Then I have a second Idea to make a adventure! This was the main character:
  9. A test to make a titlebar of my private homepage. But was to mawkishly
  10. The first Idea to make a adventure with Visionaire!
  11. A modeling learing result Elvis:
  12. My first tree ! Now i have a tree Plugin from Marcel - Thanks ...
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