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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by antonyw

  1. Hi, rijk long time no see, do u remember me?? haha Antony Wong
  2. Hi, A:M ver11 handle the glow effect at the end of render(I guess). so dont know how to avoid such problem. Thanks All the comments Antonyw (i just have a question for everyone...I have this same problem when i use glow: see in his picture... the eyes are glowing and it is actually glowing on the topside of the hat. i have experianced the same thing when i use glow, and i just wondered why the light/glow emits through objects/patches. i was wondering if there is a way to stop it from doing that.) Cool character! Hi, The Rendered pic is locate at my personnel computer, I will turn off the pc when i sleep. that is why u cant see the picture. Thanks Antonyw
  3. Hi, All Long time didnt post any render here, so the below image were done in last two years, A:M ver11(if i remember correctly). Any comments are welcome Thanks Antonyw
  4. But what is the effect? Sprites or particles? The Effect is done in Illusion(special program for making Special Effect). If u have enough time, can make such Effect in A:M too.....I guess Thanks Antonyw
  5. >>How did you get that effect with the lights when the weapons are swung??? 1. Render with Alpha Channel in A:M(800x600 Char. Only). 2. Import those frames to Illusion. 3. Add Effect in Illusion. 4. Render Effect with Alpha Channel from Illusion(800x600 Effect Only). 5. Import A:M rendered(Char.) frames and Illusion Rendered(Effect) frames to Photoshop. 6. Use Photoshop(Action) combine Char. + Effect, then save one by one frame. ............Nightmare job....some angle need to retouch one by one frame..... >>What was the game named? The Name of the Game is call "Identity". >>how well did it sell? We didnt lose money, but.....didnt earn much >>Sadly, a lot of your older pics are now missing from the forum. Sorry, because I didnt have enough space to put my A:M Render on internet.....actully I still have alot of render can show here(my old artwork), anyway, I will post later Thanks all the reply AGAIN. Antonyw p.s hope to use New A:M cloth soon
  6. hehe, This VIVI done in last year, used AM 11. I will post here later Antonyw p.s. I'm the big fans of FF(specially love FF7, FF8 and FF9) Graphics Only
  7. Hi all Thanks all the replied This game was released in 2002(if i remember correctly), only have asian language.... We have 2 guys modelling and 1 for animating and rendering, Here is the breakdown of the whole game. a. 120 small size characters(including monster), b. 4 direction(45, 135, -135, -45degree)(every character). c. Normal Stand........................(4 frames) Battle Stand..........................(10frames - 15frames) Walk.....................................(10frames) Rest......................................(10frames) Defense(Block)......................(4frames) Hit by emery.........................(4frames) Attack...................................(10 - 35frames) Perpair spell..........................(1 - 10frames) Cast spell..............................(1-10frames) frames X 2 for SHADOW. So, every character at least have "55frames X 2Shadow X 4Direction = 440frames" Special Effects need Extra add into every frame(very huge job too) We used around 5-6 month finished all of the game pics and animation. Some of the still pictures I were posted here(fourm) one month ago. Just ask me if anyone want to know more Thanks again! Antonyw p.s. This is SLG game
  8. still have alot......but I need time to post and convert those to gif format...... anyway hope u like it(btw, the walk action are not that good thanks
  9. Hi all All of the gif are done in AM8.5 in 2001 hope u guys like it.
  10. Btw, Is here has anyone know which shareware program can make GIF format fast and easy to use? Thanks Antonyw
  11. Hi, All Those images are for a SLG game(story telling use), and the game was released in 2000(if I remember correctly). I will try to find out more image for this game then share on this forum. Thanks all the reply Antonyw p.s. next share will be animated gif format(if I find them out )
  12. Hi, Hasher Long time didnt post image here(I think no ppl know me ) Anyway, I just find out some old render, these image were used A:M 8.5(Char.) + 3d Max(scense) + PhotoShop(retouch). Hope u guys like it. of course, any comments are always welcome
  13. Within 5 hours if I remember correctly.
  14. Thanks all the reply. As u can see, the wheel is very high destisty patches, adjust them by hand(faster than use bump map or material, and easy to get good result). wireframe
  15. Hi All, I did this at last few month in my spare time, nothing special, just want to share here. This car is for my baby learn walking Thanks Antonyw My Webpage
  16. The last server always crash...... Now, I were moved those images to another server, this server wont that easy crash(I hope)
  17. Ross Smith "Antony, something tells me you're a big Final Fantasy Tactics fan." Yes, I'm a big fans of the Final Fantasy's art work(not only Tactics) "Are they animate-able?" Yes, This is for a game movie. but the movie are not 100% A:M Rodney "More poses? A:M Digest cover?" Yes, More poses were posted. Yes, u are welcome to use it on A:M Digest cover if u want. Sacman "Can we please, please, please see wireframes?" Yes, wireframe were posted too. the face is quite high density Thanks all the replied again Regards Antonyw
  18. Hi, All Hasher Firstly, Sorry to later reply, and thanks all the reply. I have found out some of the render, here it is. I have uninstalled my v8.5P++, so the below images were import to v11 for the Render, I didnt retouch on the model. Hope u guys like the above render too Thanks Antonyw
  19. This movie really good, I love it Specially like the Scenes and the Sound. I always lazy to work on the Scenes Keep to show such good things to us.
  20. Hi all hasher Attached herewith our old character render for test the Sky-Light program, but I just rendered 2 times, because Sky-Light take around 10 hours on PIII 800 512Mb Ram(if remember correct), so I didnt add too many light. Anyway, Hope u guys like it. Regards Antonyw
  21. Hair Lock is A:M 10.5 features, not yet in v11. but u still can use in v11. just hold down shift then click in "hair" while u create hair material. more info. is here http://www.hash.com/am2003/Locks%20of%20Hair/index.htm Just need little bit impovenment then the Hair Lock features can do almost any complicate hair style......Yes, it's really good hair system. Antonyw
  22. Thank you for all the suggestions, I will try to increase the density of the hair, and when I finished the rest parts(body, sword...etc), then I will post another image here. My suggestion for who want use a lot of Hair Lock's hair, u should beware your display card, My Radeon 9000(64mb ram) are always crash(shade + Fur display), but my Quadro2 MX/REX(32mb ram) without any problem. good luck. Thanks again. Antonyw
  23. RayTrace Render take 8:40sec on my P4 1.6 with 512Mb Ram, No MultiPass, One Light cast shadow. I only turned on one Material cast shadow(3 splines). I found that it is really hard to let the "Hair" have specular in Cho. Window(seems 100% no specular in the Rendered image), maybe I dont know how to let it work......, but hair specular in modeling window are no any problem. If you guys have time, pls take some time to try the Hair's specular. and let us know how it work. Thanks in advanced. RayTrace Render is here Thanks
  24. Thanks for the replied The Ear shape has some problem, I hope.......I would fix it. When I finished the rest(body, weapon...etc), I will post another finally render here. Thanks Antonyw
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