Thanks for your comments. I agree his movement is not top notch. I basically ran out of time. : ). I like the puppet better then the 3D Yoda and wanted to do an in-between version. This I think I did well from a modeling side but from an animation stand point,.. not so much. So, I wanted to get some other peoples opinion. Thanks again.
I ran into something “interesting” while modeling this Yoda. As I was working from the reference I had gathered. I discovered that the real Yoda was different in almost every reference I had. In the original 3 movies there was like a million Yoda puppets.(even in the same movie) All slightly different. Even in the new 3 movie, the 3D Yoda changes. Not as often but big enough to make modeling a pain in the butt. It came down to me having to just simple choose which reference I would follow for each little part of him. Something I never expected to run into. : )
*attachment* -just a fun animation I put at the end of my Demoreel