TaoA:M Content
The Art of Animation:Master (TaoA:M) *Download* (64,353 visits to this link)
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5 topics in this forum
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- 10 replies
A series of videos designed to quickly present Animation:Master to people curious about it. They are for people who may be new to Animation:Master or may even be new to computer graphics entirely. They are brief so they can be digested easily. They are not intended as complete training, they are orientation to give the new user a sense of the end-to-end pipeline that Animation:Master encompasses so that as users pursue other specific-topic tutorials they may have a better sense of how they fit into the larger whole. These are the tutorials that are also linked to in the initial blue start-up screen in v17 This series is not done yet, the topics without l…
Last reply by robcat2075, -
The colors are fairly self explanatory but what about that Alpha Channel and how can we leverage it to composite images and enhance our animation? In this topic we'll explore Alpha Channels and how we best leverage their power in our work.
Last reply by Fuchur, -
- 15 replies
Initial preparatory work has been made for a minor update to bring The Art of Animation:Master manual up to date. A few goals: - Newer artwork - Update of obsolete data (references to accessing data on CD Rom etc.) - Correction of typos (if any) - Inclusion of links to current resources A few exploratory ideas: - Simplifying the collection of exercises in TaoA:M to focus more on basic introductory material. This in order to set the stage for a few other aspirations and to meet the needs of the A:M Community: i.e. Prepare the way for intermediate/expert/complex resources to be collected elsewhere (in new books, forum areas, hash ftp, etc. This might includ…
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 5 replies
Attached is a quick video tutorial outlining how to embed a project file. This file will be updated/replaced as necessary so if you have additional questions or insights into the topic please add your comments below. The Doors Still Stuck (Embedding Projects).mov
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 0 replies
RGBA (Red, Green, Blue and Alpha) The colors are fairly self explanatory but what about that Alpha Channel and how can we leverage it to composite images and enhance our animation? In this topic we'll explore Alpha Channels and how we best leverage their power in our work.
Last reply by Rodney,