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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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What I want to have is a background showing the noise eg. on a TV-screen. And hopefully not only black and white noise - but RGB-noise - Red, Green, Blue - noise.


I have had a look on this:


made by the forum member aaver


Perhaps that is the way to go? Making a noise-material. Someone having a noise-material to offer? Or some suggestions how to make "




I have had a try - rendering time is long so the rendering is short - rendering time also a problem - and it is not really the thing - but perhaps a start... Have a look at noise_media01.avi


OK! There is also the effect of Teslas EarthQuake Machine to see, but that effect is really easy to make...




Tesla has been called everything from a genius to a quack. The fact remains that the alternating current electrical system now used worldwide was his conception, and among other inventions he perfected a remote controlled boat in 1897 only a few years after the discovery of radio waves. This device was publicly demonstrated at Madison Square Garden the next year to capacity crowds.


He put his little vibrator in his coat-pocket and went out to hunt a half-erected steel building. Down in the Wall Street district, he found one&endash;ten stories of steel framework without a brick or a stone laid around it. He clamped the vibrator to one of the beams, and fussed with the adjustment until he got it.


Tesla said finally the structure began to creak and weave and the steel-workers came to the ground panic-stricken, believing that there had been an earthquake. Police were called out. Tesla put the vibrator in his pocket and went away. Ten minutes more and he could have laid the building in the street. And, with the same vibrator he could have dropped the Brooklyn Bridge into the East River in less than an hour.

noise_media01.movFetching info...

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The-War-Of-The-Ants-Material I want to use as a background in strugglingfellowbright.mov.

Have a look! Now I am using a bitmap as a material animated with a pose. But I am not satisfied... I want to have a noise screen material.


Someone knowing how to make it? Or someone has already made it? Can post it?


Hopefully it can become a noisy RGB-screen - not only a black-and-white noise screen.

strugglingfellowbright.movFetching info...


Just a little longer sequence of my trying to get a noise screen.


Hopefully someone can help. Is it possible to do a "The Ants War Material"? Can you use animations in materials? Perhaps it is as easy as animating a bitmap inside a material?

Grateful for some tips!



And you can get a better understanding of the Tesla EarthQuake Machines effects in this movie...

antswar01.movFetching info...

  Mr MM said:
Tesla has been called everything from a genius to a quack. The fact remains that the alternating current electrical system now used worldwide was his conception, and among other inventions he perfected a remote controlled boat in 1897 only a few years after the discovery of radio waves. This device was publicly demonstrated at Madison Square Garden the next year to capacity crowds.

Finally someone has seen Tesla for his genius! About a fuzzy screen. Make a material, right click on Attribute 1 and go to Change type to>Combiner>Turbulence>Fractal Sum and set the first attribute to white and the second attribute to black. Change the octaves on Fractal Sum to 3. Now move the material to where you want the fuzzy tv screen. In chor, click on the boxes with wires with a big red X over it next to the model you put the material on. Open groups look for the material and check properties next to fractal sum. open translation and set key frames 0cm 0cm and 0cm on frame 0. Now open the timeline and set random frames for the translation. This causes random translation to the fuzzyness causing movement in the fuzzyness. A pic:


  Vash said:

Finally someone has seen Tesla for his genius!


Tesla was great - perhaps too great - using natural science to make dangerous things like an EarthQuake MAchine to bring down buildings with. Perhaps we better stop experimenting with Natural Science or where will it end?



Thanks for your experimentations to make a fuzzy material.


I have tried following your tutorial but as you can see my TV in the Choreograpy window is missing the groups you have.


What have I done wrong?





The icon with text next to it and a red line under it is stopping you from seeing the groups. Follow this pic and click where it points to.



I made it - thanks! :D


It is too grey but I can change the materials amplitude and scaling

but I do not believe I can get this fractal material to turn into only black and white - do you?


Perhaps you can help me with the other way to make "war of the ants"?

See - Burned out - why?



A:M does not want to loop a movie I have made looping.

And I do not want to make a movie with war of the ants 10 seconds! gives too many bytes. The short movie just a second is 3 Mbyte.

So how to get A:M to loop a rotoscope in the Choreography?

Or is there some other workaround?

TVfussttest01.movFetching info...


Thanks a lot!


I will have a test... of "the war of ants".... the real media screen... the chaos everyting is emerging from.... or perhaps it is "the lovemaking of ants" that is everythings origin.... or perhaps we have not words for it.... trying to substitute it with our own words.... calling it god, jehova, allah, car, coffecup, hickup or something else....



And as I can understand you are a creative guy - is it possible? - to animate bitmaps in materials - a lot of bitmaps - inside a material - eg. bitmaps of people with different positons of love, hate, fear.... to make a "screensaver" material that is some kind of background material

or you cannot use bitmaps but you can program pixels that gives an impression of peoples faces, figures in different positions?


Or can you program a lot of models in A:M to go to randomly choosen positons?


That were some questions perhaps you have some answer...

Thanks a lot once again for your little hack. I wll have a try.... some other day... to buzy today...



Yes, busy today


but I just had to have a try to test your material WarOfAnts.atx

making a movie called LovemakingOfAntsTest01.mov


Fantastic! The ants are really busy making love - not war!


I tried to scale the dots in the material - I could not make it function.

Perhaps you can program it to function - scaling the dots - to get bigger ants?


Another question - how do you make .atx-files? using C or someother language?

Are there tutorials on it?


My wish - perhaps you can fulfill it - is to have a background with all sorts of creatures making love/war - some mixtures.... lar and wove -to have as a background to a character(s) not just having a certain background - sky - city - to make a more existential movie... with this chaotic background ...in some way....


And THANKS again for your excellent contribution to the LifeOfAnts materials...


LovemakingOfAntsTest01.movFetching info...

  Mr MM said:
[...]is it possible? - to animate bitmaps in materials - a lot of bitmaps - inside a material - eg. bitmaps of people with different positons of love, hate, fear.... to make a "screensaver" material that is some kind of background material

or you cannot use bitmaps but you can program pixels that gives an impression of peoples faces, figures in different positions?

Yes, probably, but I think using Sprites is a much better choice.


Or can you program a lot of models in A:M to go to randomly choosen positons?
Crowd Flocking is the answer to this, I think.
  Mr MM said:
[...]I tried to scale the dots in the material - I could not make it function.

Perhaps you can program it to function - scaling the dots - to get bigger ants?

Yes, I probably can. It's a bit harder though. Maybe not very hard, but in comparison to WarOfAnts, which is probably the simplest plugin ever made for A:M, I'd say it's much harder. ;)


Another question - how do you make .atx-files? using C or someother language?

Are there tutorials on it?

There are source code for some plugins that work very good as tutorials for those who already knows how to program. For more information on this, please visit the SDK forum.

Particularly this link will answer some of your questions.


My wish - perhaps you can fulfill it - is to have a background with all sorts of creatures making love/war -  some mixtures....  lar and wove -to have as a background to a character(s) not just having a certain background - sky - city - to make a more existential movie... with this chaotic background ...in some way....


As I wrote in my last post, I think Sprites and/or Crowds is the solution. Good luck! :)

Thanks being nice to answering my questions! :D


It seems to me that you perhaps will try to program the scaling of the dots-.That would be nice...


If you found interesting my suggestion is not doing just round dots - but doing dots resembling ants - six legs do they have - and ant anthennas to - and the body is three dots- well perhaps you know - and then you can program in some random movement in the ants - and if you find this amusing you can have some AI - Artificial Intelligence in the ants so they know then to make love and not war. :D


I have had a look at the SDK - I think I leave it to you- :D


Thanks again! And hope you will try to scale the ants/dots. :blink:

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