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  1. Installers: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit Intel Mac Intel Mac SSE4.2 Change Log Fixed All - 6601: Percentage pose and skeltal keyframe bug Fixed All - 6599: Filepath recognition is not the same as used in master.exe and renderserver.exe Fixed All - 6311: Patch Images do not Bake Fixed All - 6598: realtime display error for textures with alpha channels Fixed All - 6595: Boolen Cutter is working from some viewpoints perfectly, but from other not.... Fixed All - 6539: average normal Fixed All - 6597: Crash when rendering from a non camera view and Motionblur is active New All - 6391: Set camera to current view two new menu entries for camera objects in a chor Set camera to bird view" transfer the actual camera view into a birdseye view in perspective mode "Set bird view from camera" transfer the actual birdseye view to the selected camera, switch to camera view and make keyframes for rotation and transformation, the birdseye view must be in perspective mode otherwise this option is not avaible New All new plugin "Textured Grid", avaible only from the objects folder self "Select Image", opens a image selection dialog for selecting the decalimage to use "Pixel per Unit", let You define the gridsize for the create model can be a float value (as example 6.4) "Subdivision x" , how many subdivision in the width axis should be createt "Subdivision y" , how many subdivision in the height axis should be createt "Offset (Pixel)", how much pixel the decal should moved on the gridplane in x and/or y axis , if there any other value as 0 in this editfields a wraparound for the decal is done "Copies", how many models should be createt , minimum value is 1 makes only sense if a offset is used , the offset is shifted for each model "Use offset for the first model",if the checkbox is checked the offset values are used also for the first created model "Orientation" , in which view the grid should be created "Modelname" , the name for the created model , if "Copies" > 1 then a numericalvalue is add to the name Changed All new button for "Zoom Selected Object", add this button manually from "Customize->Commands->Navigation" to a toolbar keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Z (as before), but can be changed now if You use this from camera or light view , it creates a keyframe for the computet new rotation Changed All ViewSettingsDialog added a "Apply" button applied changed settings without closing the dialog Changed All Switching viewmode to perspective has now as default keyboard shortcut VK_NUMPAD9 (9 on the numpad) , only active if You have not changed any keyboard acceleration at "Customize->Commands->Keyboard" to get the default acceleration back , You need to delete the file Master.MAC(Master_64.MAC for the 64bit version) in the A:M directory Changed All Particle systems speedup for Blobby (rendering) and Fluid (computation) Changed All Final rendering with SSS on speedup, if OpenMP is enabled
  2. Installers: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit Intel Mac Intel Mac SSE4.2 Change Log New All: (0006593: Wizard: Import Images on Grids) Plugin "Gridimages" , avaible from a choreographie "Add Images"opens a image selection dialog for selecting the decalimage, multiple selection is possible if the checkbox "Import as an animation or a sequence of images" (win) or "Import as sequence" (mac) is checked and the selected image is a imagesequence a animated decal is created can be used multiple times, new selected images are added at the end of the imagelist "Clear List" remove all items from the imagelist Listbox Imagelist you can drag and drop the entries to make a specific order with You get a menu Menu item "Add Images" the same as the Button "Add Images" Menuitem "Remove selected" removes the selected item from the list "Pixel per unit" let You define the gridsize for the create model/layer, can be a float value (as example 6.4) resulting gridsize is shown in the listbox "Subdivision" how many subdivision in the width/height axis should be createt, has only influence if "Create as" "Model" is selected "Create as" "Model" , creating models for the images "Layer" , creating layers for the images[/b][/b] "Create as CookieCut Decal" create the decal as a CokkieCut deacltype instead of the default Color typ decal has only influence if "Create as" "Model" is selected[/b][/b] "Add to chor" add the created models/layers to the choreographie, if more than one image is in the imagelist a general offset between the importet models is computet, so they don't overlap[/b][/b] "First position" the position for the first created model[/b] "Offset" a additonal position offset "Orientation" in which view the grid should be created has only influence if "Create as" "Model" is selected "Modelname" the basename for the created models/layers New All: menu entry bones menu "Bone snap to CP" snap Bone to nearest cp no keyboard modifier -> bone pivot is snapped keyboard modifier Shift -> bone pivot is snapped, bone end is moved to maintain bone length keyboard modifier Ctrl -> bone end is snapped, bone pivot is moved to maintain bone length New All: popup menu entry for imagecontainer "Reload Images" reload all images, if the timestamp for a image is modified , refresh icons in the projectbar and realtime textures related sdk command GetHProject()->ReloadImages(); New All: popup menu entry for single image "Reload Image" reload the image, if the timestamp for the image is modified , refresh icons in the projectbar and realtime textures New All: SDK addition HLayer creation and import into a chor Fixed All: Turn rotates only around the global axis of selected objects , not the local axis Fixed All: [bug]6605[/bug] Group constraint does not obey normal Compensate Mode practices. Fixed All: [bug]6606[/bug] Moving Bone does not "dirty" model Fixed All: "Snap group to grid" for CP's in action or relation Fixed OSX: Imagefile dialog has now the checkbox "Import as sequnce" similar to the windows version Fixed OSX: file open dialog has now the checkbox "Cancel all remaining missing files during this load." similar to the windows version Informational "Bone snap to grid" snap Bone to nearest grid position no keyboard modifier -> bone pivot is snapped keyboard modifier Shift -> bone pivot is snapped, bone end is moved to maintain bone length
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