Mascot Contest rules:
All entries must be at least 1440 x 1920 and keep the 3:4 aspect ratio.
The winner must summit a rendered image with no background of 480 x 640.
All entries are usable by Hash, Inc. and Animation Maser for promotional material.
All entries must be emailed to by midnight pst on 09/05/16
No offensive or pornographic material.
The winning image as voted by the Animation Master Community will be the new splash screen for v19.0.
Rules are subject to change without notice.(I do not plan on any changes but you all know I forget stuff all the time)
1st place will get to be the v19.0 mascot, $150.00 gift card.
2nd Place will get $100.00 gift card.
3rd place will get $75.00 gift card.
Notes: This has no bearing on the time frame till v19.0 is release so please lets not go down that path here. Good Luck All! Jason Simonds.