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  1. Hello all, boy has it been ages. I have these models I wish to export as .obj files, but I have no idea how to do it. I looked around online, and got no viable answers. I wanted to export them as .obj files to fiddle with in other programs, which accept such files. Nothing accepts .mdl files. Anyone wish to help me out? I am using A:M version 15, which by the looks of things is fairly old. It sounds viable, as others have mentioned being able to export as .obj files, but I am unsure if it is limited to newer versions of A:M or if there is a step I am missing. Thank you!
  2. Okay, I stand corrected. Robert had mentioned changing a texure from .png to .tga and my response was that I thought those were hard coded into the .OBJ file. We *can* change the texture format of an .OBJ and we can do a whole lot more too. The secret sauce is in the .MTL file which can be edited in a text editor. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wavefront_.obj_file Look down until you get to the Material template library section. To go out on a limb and possibly be wrong yet again I'll say that perhaps it is that material that is assigned to the .OBJ that is interferring with the rendering of the image/texture? Attached is an image I got out of A:M's renderer by adjusting the dissolve (transparency) parameter in the MTL file and here is the text of (my) current MTL file: Initially I thought the ka was for Alpha... but that is ambiance. the d (by itself) is dissolve which is akin to transparency. You may note in the text that a URL with the name assimp is listed. That program was recently updated/replaced (as of June) and is yet one more of many converters making the rounds.
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