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  1. Extending on from the tree making threads this is a test project , with only two planes and three materials. The sky is skytracer, the landscape is a darktree landscape texture which shades surfaces facing up with a grass like texture and vertical surfaces with a rocky surface. The forest is an AM11 fur material with tree images mapped onto the fur "strands". The animation render is a single pass multipass so there are quite a few artifacts. With some fine tuning of fur emmitters I think the trees can be considerably improved and the lighting is only test lighting. Still I thought it was worth showing
  2. I'm excited for this project. What will it be a short film?
  3. So the guy from Joe Millionaire worked on the project. MJ worked on it. Who else?
  4. heyvern


    Hmm... where is the cereal and milk? Oh never mind...that's my project. How did you determine the measurements? Like the proper hieght of a counter top and such. Did you just wing it? I have to build a kitchen my self. I keep putting it off. It would be easier to build a real kitchen. In a real kitchen everything already has "bevels". I have a fridge and a sink so far...oh and some counters. Vernon "Cereal Killer" Zehr
  5. The official crew is currently sitting at two, with additional 'angels' when i need a favor for a particularly troublesome aspect of production. Myself and Troy Gilliland are the primary workers, Carl Albrecht-Buehler is the "Pants Wrangler" other folks from the Chicago Hash User Group have provided help in one form or another, Jim Talbot is the most recent angel with the assistance on the coat. Folks like, Mooncaine (James), Carole Wilson, and John Burch did a lot of work on the original production run, much of which I am probably going to wind up retooling drastically as the new style of the piece takes over. There is indeed a secret website, but there is a lot to do before that secret isn't secret anymore and I tell you guys where to find it . There are other secret things that are also secret, so secret that even the knowledge that they are secret is a secret after this secret is no longer a secret I have another secret project tentatively planed to begin secret discussions with a secret collaborator . oh and here is the not so secret tomato with a shirt and tie -David "secret man" Rogers
  6. I dunno about a website, or how many people are involved, but some of old timers know about this secret project... And I for one am glad to see it moving forward! Good Luck, David & Gang.
  7. I dunno about a website, or how many people are involved, but some of old timers know about this secret project... And I for one am glad to see it moving forward! Good Luck, David & Gang.
  8. How many people are on this "secret project" and does it have a "secret website"? zack t.
  9. thanks:D I have to really try to make it dark..most of the first run models I've tested ans tossed for this project are too..I dunno, bright and cheery:D That and I have a real hard time getting to noses to look like noses.
  10. Looks like you've got a nice start to your project, looks wonderfully dark and gothic ...
  11. I had some issues with the project file for this guy but it looks like everything is okay now. I played the radiosity a bit last night and finally decided to let the thing render overnight... about eight hours later I had this image at 1024x768.
  12. Here are a couple of space images I'm working on for another project I'm fiddling around with. Critques welcome....
  13. Yeah, I know, my sound sucks little red rocks, sideways, through soda straws. (Dragon hangs her head in shame.) But I learned a lot doing it, and, hopefully, Everything I learned will go into bettering the next project. Wow! You got a chance to see that? Coolies! I'm hoping to post it here when it's done. Actually it is done short of Van getting off his butt and sending me the music file. Thanks for all the feed back!
  14. Nice to see that your project is still alive and well--I got to see Troy at SIGGRAPH, and saw him working on it a bit while we were there. Super! BTW, can one of you please PM me with Troy Gilliland's email address? I promised to send him a list of useful video apps for OSX, but I can't find his email address. That'd be swell. --James Poulakos
  15. Hey David - That is a very cool looking tomato. Cool and evil perhaps. I like the design. The hand looks really swell. Now what everyone has to do .... this has a similar look to a post I read at CGTalk in the LightWave area. Some guy was doing something called Killer Grapes or Attack of the Grapes or some such thing. Might wanna look, if you're at all interested. Anyhow, best of luck with your project. Doug
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