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  1. Hey everyone, A while ago, I mentioned that I was working on a pair of base meshes for my own projects, and that I also would be willing to share with the community at large. I have a full body finished now, but there is still a lot of tweakage to be done. I've been looking at this for a while now, so I was hoping to get some fresh perspective other than the random references I've cobbled together. Please visit the page and let me know what you think and what features you think would be useful in a basic mesh of this type (in terms of being able to stretch/shrink parts of the body, change levels of musculature, whatever). -Edit: Still graphics heavy, but the initial load has been reduced by a factor of 2 or 3. http://www.prism.gatech.edu/~gtg724n/common.html Thanks in advance, Bjorn
  2. Hey all, Remember this Guy (note thicker hands :))? Well he and his growing cast of cohorts are getting ready to become mobile soon, but they could all use a bit of dressing up. To that end the Super Secret Project Crew™ is looking to add a new member, specifically a texture artist. (not only for the characters, the sets modeling will start soon and will also need texturing.) So if you fancy yourself as such or would just like to give it a shot please email me at [email=david@am-guide.com]david@am-guide.com[/email]. As an "audition" of sorts I will send out the model file for this character to all who email me. This is a volunteer project but I am holding it up to a certain level of quality. To any budding texture artists out there you might consider this a good way to get some material for your portfolio. If you have a few extra hours a week that you feel could be dedicated to something of this nature I encourage you to give it a shot. The production is pretty relaxed, but I will ask all applicants to agree to some basic terms of confidentiality. I am not necessarily looking for professional quality here, in fact if you show promise on the test and are willing to endure some critique that would almost be better, since i would feel less like a free loader on someone's talent :). All members of the project so far have been hand picked by myself and this is the first open call to any outside source. primarily because I know how collaborative projects can fall apart if there isn't some form of bond between the members of the team. In a sense I'm looking to this to see if it is possible to assemble a team just from the list/forum members. If anyone has questions about me, the current crew, or just wants to know a little more about the project feel free to email me directly.[email=david@am-guide.com]david@am-guide.com[/email] Thanks for your time, -David Rogers
  3. Hi Gang - Attached is the early stage of a my first *scene* in A:M. There will be an inhabitant and grass and all that .... but I'm posting for your comments. Thanks for looking. Doug click me ...
  4. I'm working on a personal project I hope to animate sometime soon. When I finish this model, it will be my first real completed 3d model. The entire thing is being modeled in Animation Master 9.5 (atleast until I upgrade to 10). As I get further along, I'll be posting finished models, textures and storyboards. Any tips, crits, or input are greatly appreciated. I'm teaching myself as I go.
  5. I'm not showing too much of this stuff around (just a treat for the forum crowd ) but here is a character I am working on for my In progress short film. More details and will be forthcoming as soon as the crew and I have things more in hand. -David Rogers
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