I'm running on Athlon 64 bit processor, New Asus mother board, 2 gig's of matched Ram and 700 gigs of hard drive space. I have windows XP serv pk 2 platform and use water cooling for efficiency.
I have no Idea Why I'm having this problem. For a while I was rendering HDV shots and SD shots no problem. Now when I go to render a shot it gives me "undocumented error"
When I go to play the file it states it is corrupted.
It Will still let me do Low rez shots just fine just not the high end shots. That is a huge problem cause I'm trying to finish this film sometime in this millennium and this has set me back a week. The video card is kind of weak but that shouldn't matter on the final render right? Is it just a bad load and I should try reloading the software?
Is it the athlon because it doesn't have the hyper threading needed for graphics and should consider an even higher end processor?
I really , badly, desperately need some advice otherwise My picture will be doomed!
I'd do anything to make it work.
- Sean