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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by Rampage0007

  1. I am just now trying to render in stereo. Without the stereo option checked, the image renders beautifully, but as soon as I turn on stereo, using Anaglyph, it now renders as an all black screen. Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong to cause this? I can post the exact details of my cho, but I thought it might be a common problem and just an option I am not attending to?? Any help is greatly appriciated...
  2. That I see, but is that a .cho that is rendering at 1 frame per second? Otherwise it did not really answer my question as that particle trail had all the way to the 01:00 to be left? Unless your saying the bullet was on 65000 mark on one frame, and at the 0 mark on the VERY next frame???
  3. MattWBradbury, please explain what you are showing me in that image. I am running 2005, but I dont see where in that screen grab it offers a solution. Just to clarify, if a particle emitting model is at coordinate X on frame 00:00, and coordinate Y on frame 00:01, A:M is only going to emit particles at coordinates X and Y. But, realistically there should be particles emitted between X and Y, as the model would have traveled from X to Y between frame 00:00 and 00:01 in reality.
  4. OK, so I am rendering a scene where one actor shoots at another actor. I have bullet/laser model that emits particles, and motion blur turned on. My animation is rendered and plays at 30 frames per second. ...with me so far? Because my bullet travels fast, at 30 frames per second it is only in frame for say, maybe two frames. Problem is animation Master is only calculating its motion blur and particles at 30 frames per second, so the bullet only emits particle at the two points in space it appears in frame. Is there any way to have animation Master calculate the particles and motion blur at say... 120 frames per second, with out actually rendering 120 frames per second. I still want my video to only be 30 frames per second. Is my only option to ACTUALLY render 120 frames per second, and then only keep every 4th frame, or is there an option to have it just do the math??
  5. So I want to have a force blow some hair on a model, but I also have some smoke particles in the same choreography I DO NOT want to have that force effect. is this possible... and how? Thanks for any help that can be offered...
  6. I appologize if this question is in the wrong place, but I couldnt find the info through several searches. I currently use version 12, and am seriously considering upgrading to 13. I was just curious what the new features are in 13 and if you guys thought it was worth the money to upgrade??
  7. I am hoping someone here can lend me a hand. I am using v.12 and trying to animate streak emitter properties. According to the info I have, you need to create an Action, and then just drag the Emitter Properties into the action. Well, that doesnt work. As soon as you drag the Emitter properties onto the action window, my cursor turns into that circle with a slash through it. Can someone please help me out and let me know how this is done??? THANKS
  8. My crude drawing didnt get my problem across I am afraid. I have a screen capture here of the actual .Cho You can see there are particles emitting out of nowhere, away from the model. All of my force properties are set to 0. If I set my initial velocity to 0, the line goes away, but then particles arent really "emitted" they are just kind of left behind. The viscocity setting dont make a difference in getting rid of the problem either. I want them just to emit from the group of patches I have selected. Does anyone know what is causing this????
  9. I have modeled a character, and for a scene I am animating his hand needs to appear to be on fire. So I created a material with particles, however, when I add the material to his hand and render it there seems to be a beam of random particles that are emitting from nowhere. I have included a pic illustrating what is happening as well as the specifics of my material. Can anyone tell me what is going on, and more importantly, how to stop it?? My Particle Material My crudely drawn example of the problem Any ideas as to what is going on??
  10. I have been using v11.1 for over a year, and just recently downloaded the upgrade for 12.0 It installs fine, but once it is installed, there are no plugins. WHat I mean by that is that any tree that has a plugin, when plugins is highlighted nothing comes up. Also, help topis brings up an error box saying "failed to launch help". Just to see if it was aproblem with v12.0 I downloaded the upgrade to my laptop and it brings up all plugin fine. Have I done something wrong or is there a setting I have failed to turn on. PLease tell me someone has had this problem and has a solution????? Thanks
  11. I have pretty much figured out my first question, but I am still unclear once you have used ease to stop an actor from following a path, how do you get him to start on another path in the middle of a choregraphy?
  12. Quick question regarding something I am not understanding. If I have a Choreography with two actors in it, and then create two paths. Say I constrain Actor 1 to path A with a Chor range of 4 seconds, and then I contrain Actor 2 to Path B with a Chor range 15 seconds, somehow Actor 1's contraint to Path A will automatically change the Chor range to 15 seconds as well. My question is how do I keep actor 1 going long Path A for just 4 seconds?? Is there a way to edit the keyframes or something else I am missing?? ANy help would be greatly appriciated... EDIT: or I could just go watch the video tutorial on this. Sorry, I didnt see it earlier.
  13. That was it! Believe it or not I have never used that option. I thank you for your help my friend!!!
  14. Someone please help explain this to me. WHat options besides Fog: ON have to be accounted for when using Fog. I have it ON, I set the Start and End to where I want them, however, I never am able to get any fog to show up when I render my image. What am I missing?? Any help would be greatly appriciated!! Thanks!
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