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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by mfortunato

  1. Hi Jeff -


    I really liked the concept of your animation. It definitely made me laugh. As you continue to learn the program and continue to gain an understanding of animation, you will be able to take this even further.


    Regarding rendering times - if you are looking to just get an idea if your animation is working, you can render it out in Shaded mode and not Final mode. This will render MUCH faster as it doesn't take into account shadows, reflections, etc. This will help you to quickly see if an animation needs tweaking before final rendering.


    Also, as stated above, if you are rendering a long sequence or series of sequences, you can break them up. Render them in bits at a time. The animation doesn't have to be rendered all at once.


    Great job! I look forward to seeing more.


    - Michael

  2. Animation looks very good. I think my only comment would be to give the tinservant a bit more expression - how does he feel about his job scrubbing his boss' behind? ;).


    Of course, I do not know how much time you are allotted for this cut as I am not part of the TWO project.


    Overall, really excellent job!


    - Michael

  3. I just went to the Natural History Museum in NYC a few weeks ago and they have updated a number of their dinosaur exhibits. Your model is very accurate from my memory of the changes they made to the theropods. I don't know much about the current information about dinosaurs but I was with a friend who was educating me. I'm sending him a link to this image - he will be thrilled!


    Incredible work. I immediately recognized that you had feathers on the velociraptor. Looks fantastic!


    - Michael

  4. Bloody Brilliant!!!! I love it! I don't know how you textured that - I haven't quite figured out BitmapPlus. I suppose if I just read a tute, that would do it :P.


    OOOH - render this guy in Stereoscopic 3D!!!!! he he he.


    Makes me want to go back and take another stab at this bad boy :D. So many places this could go. That one needs to become a background for awhile on my desktop.


    - Michael

  5. When I was going through TAo:AM, I found it really helpful and inspiring to see everyone else's posts for the exercise I was working on. Having them each in their own topic (like they are now), I find is most beneficial to help us learn. We can quickly see how others tackled the assignments, what obstacles they encountered, and the solutions to get through them. If each person kept a personal journal for their exercises, I feel people would be less inclined to look through them for help and inspiration.


    Just my two cents :).


    - Michael

  6. I have the same issue. I think it's because of my graphics card and drivers (Intel integrated piece of junk). I have to normally save, close A:M and reopen it again to solve the problem. I'm using the latest update to v.13.


    - Michael

  7. You can definitely use the fog and volumetric lighting together. Give it a shot. Place your Kleig so it is sitting behind the furthest section of the bridge. Now have it shine toward the foreground bridge. You may have to help the volumetric light look by placing an object between the bridge and the light - an object like a grid. The light will then shine through it, creating those volumetric rays of light (like when the sun shines through the clouds).


    Anyway - I don't know how much help I can be with this. But keep working at it. The image is really beautiful.


    - Michael

  8. Beautiful image and very nice use of the fog. Are you looking for a volumetric lighting effect? Like the light reflects off of the fog so you see streams of light shooting through the open areas of the bridge?


    If so, you will need to set up a light (a kleig, or spot light) with volumetric lighting turned on.


    I haven't experimented much with volumetric lighting just yet. I've been able to get it to work, just not with the results I was looking for :).


    I hope that's what you were looking for.


    - Michael

  9. PB is so cute! Sorry, couldn't resist. Looks good. My only comments on the lighting: I like the deep blue you've got on the stones, the ground, the tent and the rock. But why isn't that light also on PB? He almost looks like he was pasted in. It's kind of strange. He's only orange.


    Just my two cents. Otherwise, I love it! Now add trees to the bg and flames to the fire (and some roasting marshmallows) and you've got a camping scene! :D.


    - Michael

  10. This image is absolutely gorgeous as is the modeled version.


    Perhaps adding some geometry to the models and using textures with alpha maps on them could create the effect of the brush strokes? It's worth a shot. This is stunning work and if you could animate it to look like the still image - it will be even more phenomenal :D.


    This is actually the same technique I'm going to apply to my textures for the Lost World image I am working on. Except, I'm going to make it look a bit less impressionistic. Of course, I will be painting over parts of the final render to make it look more like a painting and less "3D".


    - Michael

  11. Wow! The toon render even "toonifies" the textures? That looks brilliant! But I see what you mean by the lighting. It's rather flat. I cannot wait to see it with the lighting completed - the model and textures are beautiful!


    - Michael

  12. Great animation, Heath! I love the music and sfx they fit beautifully.


    My only comments - while the sfx helped so that we knew there was water in the cup/bowl, some visual indication of liquid would be helpful.


    Also, it looks like the blue ball ends up sitting in the "event" before bouncing away. Perhaps having the blue ball move further away so it doesn't look like, to the audience, it's getting a little "wet".


    Otherwise, really good stuff!

    - Michael

  13. I also read it as a joke. It wasn't meant to be taken seriously. I would think he would be thrilled that someone was using A:M for a commercial endeavour. A:M has been used for video games and for commercials. It's good publicity for the software and thusly for the company. I doubt he meant it negatively.


    btw - excellent animation on the commercials. I really enjoyed them. "Belle Tire!" "Belle Tire!"


    - Michael

  14. With your obvious talent and dedication, you will land a fantastic job! "The Mountain" is looking incredible and I can't wait to see your final cut :D. With the skills and talent you have already demonstrated here, I think you will be extremely successful.


    - Michael

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