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Posts posted by cory

  1. Whether it's true or not in reality is neither here nor there. It's been long established in animation culture that it's something audiences are accustomed to. Them's the rules.

    Gosh!, you's is rather hard on us plain ole folk.


  2. There was something missing... subtle. I couldn't figure it out... very frustrating... then it hit me.

    You probably haven't done a blink pass yet.


    Add the blinks and I think you've got it.

    I like. :)




    Yep, blinks or face animation. He's a little stonefaced isn't he? :) I'm trying to complete the bodies while the face poses are sorted out a little more. I think maybe someone else is supposed to add facial animation. I may if noone else does, after I complete the sequences I've been assigned. Thanks,



  3. Cory,


    I just saw this clip--it looks great--I'd be glad to re-do the audio. Is this the SIGGRAPH version? I assume you'd like it pretty much the way it was including a music track?


    Would you like me to create the closing credits? If so what is the final format and compression?


    I won't be able to get to it until later this week, but I'll try to have the first version done by this weekend at the latest. When do you have to turn it in?





    If you would, just the audio track. You can then send me a wave file using something like YouSendIt, I'll attach it to the animation in Premiere, and add the credits there. I'd like to get it to them ASAP. If anthing, I'll upload a version with sound to A:M FIlms.



  4. I'm so happy to see you TWO animators posting your WIPs here. I read every message, and I know a lot of other people do too. The animation is also visibly improving! This is why we're making a movie, guys.


    I hope ever MORE TWO animators start posting their WIPs!



    I hope to see more as well. Are Dhar and I the only two animating at this time, or are there more that are not posting WIPs?



  5. I think Ken described it as disturbing earlier. I ws hoping someone would jump out and say"Well I like it." But, alas, it hasn't happened. I'm not offended, just defending my little vision. In the end I'll do what's needed.


    Yeah... I think he did. If it disturbs the flow I guess you could say it was disturbing.

    Different context though.



    I liked it though. I acted it out in the mirror. It was a two arm point directly at tinseravant, then the hands clap quickly, yet quietly together, the woot stares at his hands as he is formulating his next statement. IT's classic. Happens all the time with characters who find themselves in a slight bind and need to think a little to get what they want. I don't understand this psychological stuff about barriers and all this other stuff. IT's a simple 2 second shot I was trying to dress up some. I suppose if you wanted to just follow the rules of animation you could really just use the 2 poses that were in the chor to begin with. It would work, it would follow the rules, but it would be IMHO, boring. I'm just trying to liven it up bit.


    The basic scene works for me.

    I thought I'd focus on the 'twinning' that was being mentioned earlier.

    That really is the whole focus of my comments.


    What does your art director have to say?

    That'd be Rhett right?


    Trust your instinct. Keep this one... and try another take! :)




    Rhett liked it. Sorry for the ruckus, I'm having a bad week/month.



  6. Thanks Cory. The hand in the air suggests concern (at least that's what i wanted it to suggest), as though he wants to say something but doesn't know what. Remember, Scarecrow & Tinman are very close friends.


    I had him support himself up by placing his left arm on the table, but I'm sure there are better ways, especially since he's the wobbly kind, according to the story.


    Ah, I see your point.



  7. Dhar,


    Looks great! I don't know about his left hand being in the air the whole time though. When I get up from a chair I usually use both hands to lever myself up. But I'm old and out of shape. It is looking very nice so far!



  8. I think Ken described it as disturbing earlier. I ws hoping someone would jump out and say"Well I like it." But, alas, it hasn't happened. I'm not offended, just defending my little vision. In the end I'll do what's needed.


    I liked it though. I acted it out in the mirror. It was a two arm point directly at tinseravant, then the hands clap quickly, yet quietly together, the woot stares at his hands as he is formulating his next statement. IT's classic. Happens all the time with characters who find themselves in a slight bind and need to think a little to get what they want. I don't understand this psychological stuff about barriers and all this other stuff. IT's a simple 2 second shot I was trying to dress up some. I suppose if you wanted to just follow the rules of animation you could really just use the 2 poses that were in the chor to begin with. It would work, it would follow the rules, but it would be IMHO, boring. I'm just trying to liven it up bit.



  9. Thanks for the input. I see now my whole idea and execution is crap.I'll start over.


    Now that is a serious self-critique if I ever saw one.

    It certainly wasn't that bad. :blink:


    If you can do better though... get to it!

    Your considerable talent will carry you though.




    When your work is described as "very awkward and disturbing" one might get the impression it is...how you say...crap. :)



  10. Cory,

    The twinning is definitely making the scene troublesome.

    The effect would be lessened if not for two twins in the space of what... 2 seconds?


    I haven't found much discussion about the difference between 'mirroring' and 'twinning'.

    In general Mirroring=good; Twinning=bad.


    Mirroring in this scene would be Woot demonstrating empathy with the servant character and assimilating some of his characteristics; repeating them if you will. I don't think they've know each other long enough for this to occur but its quite possible Woot by his very nature warms up to people immediately.


    Twinning on the other hand is the symmetricalFor an example of another way to animate the pointing you might look at Mike Stamm's (Luckbat) Ebon scene where they discussion 'coagulation'. The emphasis on words is a lot differnent so the action will be different but it seems very natural for Ebon to point in the manner she does.


    Edit: Went back and looked more closely. There seem to be 3 sets of twins that dominate the scene.

    The frames that aren't twins are transitions from one twin pose to the next. Verdict: The entire scene is twins (sorry). I've put together a graphic to try to pull some of my thoughts on the scene together. Take it for what its worth.


    Looking at the scene with the abutting scenes is really necessary to fully evaluate the scene and I haven't done that.





    Thanks for the input. I see now my whole idea and execution is crap.I'll start over.



  11. The curled fingers aren't looking great in the point.


    Try to make the points abit less symetrical.


    It's very rare that limbs are fully straightened. Try putting a little bend in woots elbows on the pointing. It might make it more natural.


    On the transition from point to thought position, the hands look very awkward. Maybe abit of hand/wrist offset might correct that.....ie bend the wrists during the transition.


    Maybe a head turn away from Tinservant while he's thinking. He doesn't want him to see he's in trouble.


    PS Am I the only one who thinks woots lower arms are grossly out of proportion to his upper arms? I know it's bad to change anything now, but better now than later.




    Thanks for the thoughts, here are mine:


    I fixed the fingers in the point. You were right, they looked crappy. I think this cropped up in transitioning from the proxy to the model.


    "Try to make the points abit less symetrical."

    It is asymetrical now. If you watch it you'll see that the hands and forearms arrive seperately, but close enough together to be pointing with both arms at the same time.


    "It's very rare that limbs are fully straightened. Try putting a little bend in woots elbows on the pointing. It might make it more natural."

    This is one of those rare moments. It does not look unnatural to me. Act it out and you'll see your arms fully extend. When you are throwing out your hands the momentum brings the arms all the way out. At least mine do. We may be thinking of two different things though.


    "On the transition from point to thought position, the hands look very awkward. Maybe abit of hand/wrist offset might correct that.....ie bend the wrists during the transition."

    Very awkward? I don't see it. There is only about five frames to transition in, adding too much makes it looks way busy. I tried it, makes the wrists seem limp if you allow them to flap about in such a short span.


    "Maybe a head turn away from Tinservant while he's thinking. He doesn't want him to see he's in trouble."

    My thought was to have him look at his hands while he was attempting to put his thoughts together. His hand movement mirrors this idea. I know I am guilty of this move, especially when a bit nervous.







  12. Good first take, Cory! I like where you're headed so keep going with it. If you'd like to try Ken's pointing gesture go ahead; I could be sold on that as well on your move. I like the hat-fumbling, though. Keep that in there.


    My thoughts for the next pass:

    Having Woot'sarm cross in from of him looks a bit awkward. Would it work to have his first gesture go to camera-left for "Yes!"? That'd give you a really clear sillhouette for that pose and make a more explicit move into the "ummm..." pose.


    Woot's arms just need a second-pass I think to smooth or emphasize poses.


    This is good stuff Cory. Keep it Coming :)






    I worked a little more on the hat fumbling, moved his right arm to stage left, but when I started on the pointing version I liked it much better. Here's both...




    I may be able to add the hat trick at the end of the pointer, what do you think? I really think the pointing fits the scene best. :)





  13. Here's a look at a first pass for 1_02_40...

    If you like the direction I'll charge ahead...

    If not I'll try something else...suggestions welcome!

    BTW, The white blobby thing to the right is a super low point TinServant Proxy I made up. I also have one I made for Woot. These are extremely low proxies and although they are ugly, they give almost realtime feedback for timing on my lowly 1ghz P3 laptop that has only a 16mb video display card. The regular models(even the proxies) absolutely bring it to it's knees! As soon as I am confident I can upload stuff w/o screwing everything up, I'll get them on the SVN. MAybe someone else in a similiar situation could use them as well. I'll have a talk with my savvy AD about that soon.





  14. I'm really a little too old to be starting out at Pixar or the like.


    WHAT!? Too OLD!!!? Come on man!!! Your stuff looks really good. Yes your reel needs editing and some of the animation can be a little more polished but your work is VERY impressive. Why not try and go for that "Big Studio" gig or maybe even a games studio? I see potential in you. The worst they could say to you is "No Thanks". You got nothing to loose from where I see it!


    If you don't want to move because you like to stay close to family and friends then why not try a smaller/medium size outfit near where you live? Could be worth a looking into.


    Just my 2 cents.




    P.S. Did you rig everything yourself from scratch or did you use something like TSM?



    Thanks. Yeah, I've got a big family and we just had to relocate for my job recently. I don't think starting animators make what I would need to make. ESpecially if I had to move to the west coast. There is a studio here in Winston Salem NC. I'll polish up my reel and send it to them and see what they say. I think they use another software package that shall remain nameless. ( that I don't own )


    Well, I rigged some parts myself, and I plucked other parts from the 2001 rig. Why re-invent the wheel, you know? I have started to use relationships quite a bit as well. I really like those.





    PS-You don't have to track too hard, here it is-



    from the website:


    "Despiser" is the tightly scripted tale of a washed-up, out-of-work artist ... making an unexpected visit to purgatory ...


    Yikes!!! - Sounds realllyyyyy scary - Is this a true story? (except for the washed up part) ;)


    Love your demo reel - and yes parts can be edited



    It is not true, except for the washed up part. :)



  15. This is one cool reel...


    I have to say that ant part of the demo looks a bit too unpolished compared to the rest of it...


    Cloth simulation part: cape and groincloth are of the same colour and when I wached it for the first time I was certain that capes passed through poor Thom ;P


    Other than that, fantastic! Your creatures are very frightening and have air of reality about them.


    Keep us posted!




    I liked the ant, it seems pretty obvious it was my first A:M creation. Stretching my wings as it were.


    I'll keep you posted.



  16. Okay,

    Fixed finger drumming, brought arms up sooner, added a little "doink" the first 20 frame or so to give body an arc as it moves up and back...I think someone else is handling the face, as the lips were allready synched up. I don't have a clue as to how to even show the face controls, much less use them. Maybe someone can give me some pointers.






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