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Posts posted by cosmonaut

  1. I've not been able to use the latest Woot from Kevin with the hair and the new textures commited on july 26. When I try to load it, I get tons of error messages. The mesh seems to have been trashed in some way. Can someone else confirm this?


    Kevin, if your Woot file can be loaded in A:M, would you re-commit it to the SVN repository so I can re-update it from there?


    It seems to work fine on my machine. I made a few more tweaks and updated the model again, see if that works for you. Can someone else try loading Woot to see if he works?



  2. Hmm, Will actually gave me the file (he took care of resolving the differences). It loaded fine for me in AM before I committed it. I didn't realize there was anything wrong with it. I'll have to take a look at it when I get home tonight to see what went wrong. Sorry about that.



  3. Thanks for the comments guys ... finishing this model up was a lot of work. I've finally included the wire frame I promised to add last week...


    this is a sweet model, the shadows especially are super. Are they all part of the actual render, or tweaked in Photoshop?


    It was actually two renders composited together. One pass was just a standard pass with all the lights, materials, specular highlights, reflections, etc. The second pass was a white Ambient Occlusion pass with an all white material for everything (which took 50 hrs at poster resolution!). I then layered the occlusion pass over the standard pass and multiplied it to get the final look.




  4. Weight Mover won't work with Version 13 due to the file format for .mdl changing. Unless Anzovin plans to update Weight Mover or Hash adds a way to save a model in an earlier format we're out of luck. Anyone from Anzovin care to comment? It's a great tool and it'd be a shame not to be able to use it anymore, short of modelling in an earlier version...

  5. I made the Woot Green Monkey. I doubt you'd be able to reshape the model into a Mrs. Yoop monkey model. I don't believe I ever saw a design for the Mrs Yoop Green Monkey. Anyone know if one even exists?

  6. Thanks guys...


    LOVE IT!!!


    The only nit-pick I would have is the chrome hardware My Les's Tune-O-Matic bridge is very shiny chrome...but DUDE...Awesomely great image. Have you ever shown a wire of it?




    - pjc


    Thanks, I agree about the hardware, mine is very shiny also. I probably should push the reflections more. I was actually more concerned with the odd stair stepping in the reflection and the controls knobs look a little odd. One of these days I'll fix it. I'll post a wire tonight...


    Kevin awsome job on this model, looks real....I just think the edges of the model to be a little jagged but it's not a big deal.... keep up the great work..


    Do you mean where the top of the body meets the side or somewhere else? I do have a bevel there but it's very small.

  7. Something else to consider ... what size do we need to make these maps? Is plan still to render for HD? If so these characters might need some pretty big maps.


    Also, should we plan to save the psd files in svn as well (assuming we use them)?

  8. As far as filename goes, I'm fine with the actor name, like I said, it was a nitpick.


    I also tend to include the ears and even the neck in my face "flattens" I usually just do the face and then the back of the head. It usually works out fine.

  9. Rhett,

    That sounds about right. The only thing I'm not sure of is having Actor_Name in front of the files, i.e. Actor_Name_flat_face.act. To me that seems redundant since the files are already under the actor's directories. But that's a nit so I don't really care either way. Also, should we list how we want to do the decaling, meaning face, head, top hands, etc?



  10. Yep, the lighting looks different but it's not. All I did was turn off hair (which uses muhHair) and rerender. It happened with the Chopfyt test earlier too as Matt pointed out. I sent an email to Bob Croucher about it to see if he has any ideas.

  11. It might be ok for the whites of the eye but I noticed the iris looks like it's glowing. I tried unsetting it but then the eye loses almost all color. Anyway, I've got some progress (and some problems) with Woot's hair and texturing here.


    Yves, I tried using your skin shader on Woot but he turned orange and no matter what I did he was always really really orange. I had a similar problem in V12. Should the skin shader be working in V13 and is it worth trying to use for TWO? Thanks.



  12. Crap, it appears to be something related to the hair. I just did a test render of woot with and without his new hair, here's the diff. The only thing I would expect to see different is the hair but this shows a difference all over the place. Looks like I need to talk to Bob before submitting this...




    And here are the two images I compared, keep in mind this is the exact same setup one with hair enabled, one with hair turned off.




  13. Actually, I'm not a 100% sure what happened there. It shouldn't effect the skin at all but you're right, it is different. It almost looks like I turned off the fill light on the muhHair render.

  14. No No ambiance. This messes up all effort for good lighting. So if you find ambiance anywhere in any model, you may set it to 0% right away.

    That's what I assumed, just wanted to make sure before I turned it off. I was suprised to see ambiance set all over the place on Woot. In fact I probably spent the first hour tweaking my hair material because it kept turning out really bright and I couldn't figure out why.

  15. I prefer breaking up the models into different regions to stamp, it's easier to make higher res maps. I've started doing exactly what Rhett mentioned to Woot. So far I've just flattened his face in action and created a group for the flattened cp's. I'm not sure it matters who does the stamping (though I kind of prefer to do my own). BTW, how much latitude do we have in doing this texturing? Meaning, can I just go to town on texturing Woot? Also, is there some reason we are using 20% ambience on Woot (and I assume the other characters)?



  16. Well, that didn't work either. I was able to get Woot and the hair back into the same model but half the groups were missing and none of the materials were moved over. I'm just too worried about screwing up someone elses work. I've decided to just redo the styling...thanks for all the help anyway

  17. What happened to cause this? Maybe it might help avoid it in future.


    Just my own stupidity.



    Again out of curiousity - Did you try importing Woot into the hair model & then changing the percentage values of the poses in the xml to reflect what they were in the Woot only model? Wasn't clear from your explanation (nor do I know if this is all that would be needed, aside from boning the hair patches).


    No, I didn't try that, might be worth a shot. I can always diff the files to hopefully see what pose values got reset.

  18. Well, my experiments with editing the xml were not succesful (sorry Nancy). I just couldn't figure out what needed to be brought over to properly include the grooming. I tried doing a diff on the two files but that wasn't very helpful. I tried importing the hair guide settings under the material after importing the skull cap but it didn't seem to work either since the cp's had changed(?). I could probably spend some more time and figure it out but I've decided to just redo the grooming, at this point it will probably take me less time. I'll try to get at least the hair and the flatten action into SVN tonight, after messing around with the xml I ran out of time last night.



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