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Posts posted by Liquidspaceman

  1. From the Lagoon of Liquidspaceman...


    Very nice work Kin. I think you have captured the emotions the movie will be portraying, whether it be character or environment. I don't know if you are in need of any instruments, but it doesn't hurt to ask. I use a Yamaha KX88 controller and a Proteus 2, with an orchestral expansion chip. So, if you are looking for that haunting oboe, or french horn sound, etc. let me know. Again, very nice work Kin. :rolleyes:

    ...Liquidspadceman, over and out

  2. From the Lagoon of Liquidspaceman...


    Hello all! As Jack Nicholson says, "I'm back!" B) I want to thank you, Rodney and Leo, right now for all the thankless time you put into this forum helping fledgling animators, (including me). I have just got back from the darkside (another animation software). I got hung up on this exercise and didn't perservere! But the prodical son is back. I hope you will except my apologize and welcome me back. I will promise to get shaggy through that door. If I have to push him through it myself!

    ...Liquidspaceman, over and out

  3. From the Lagoon of Liquidspaceman...


    Thank you Leo for your insight. It's funny how you watch something over and over and not see the obvious. Bunny's arms do look rather odd in that position. I do need to say, in my defense, I did the tutorial on my 2nd monitor and stopped it along the way, the entire tutorial. I fix those arms and stiffness when I get a chance. Thanks Leo! :D


    Liquidspaceman, over and out




  4. Is it possible that you're pulling Shaggy too far away from the doorknob? That would create all sort of crazy things with the constraints. Then again, since I can't see what it is you're talking about, I could be wrong. Some screen caps would help us find out where it is you're having problems.



    Yes! I extended his arms a lot, to make him look really exaggerated. So I will go back and try it with the joints still touching. I won't use the up/down keys to make his arms longer. Thanks Dhar for your guideness


    Liquidspaceman, over and out

  5. From the Lagoon of Liquidspaceman...



    Ok, Shaggy isn't the only one stuck on this exercise! :blink:


    After looking at all the posts in this thread, I'm still no further along with this project. I find that I need to keyframe each and every frame regarding Shaggys hands. Are others having to do this? Why use constraints? They seem to be such a bother! In one frame, Shaggy's wrist, out from nowhere has a twist in it, ouch! Where did that come from? I have done the constraints properly and I am using the updated Shaggy. What gives?


    Liquidspaceman, over and out

  6. From the Lagoon of Liquidspaceman...


    Name: Mark D. Newitt


    Exercise Completed: Exercise 5, Take a Walk



    Date Completed: March 3, 2006


    Instructor: Mr. Peanuthead aka Rodney :o lol! Love ya Mr. R.


    Remarks/Suggestions for Improvement: I know bunny's feet slide a little bit, ...but that's because of the surface of the road, yeah, that's it, the surface of the road.

    Anyway here is the first frame...


    and here is the movie,

    be sure to have the volume on. Remember, no toons were hurt in the making of this movie.


    ...Liquidspaceman, over and out



  7. From the Lagoon of Liquidspaceman...


    Well, here it is. The game is back on! The score is Knights 3, Shags 2.

    Here is a pic of the first frame.

    and here is the link to the movie. [attachmentid=14756]


    Name: Mark D. Newitt


    Exercise Completed: Exercise 4


    Date Completed: Feb. 26, 2006


    Instructor: Rodney and all the fine folks on this forum


    Remarks/Suggestions for Improvement: Take a look at the web tutorials, they are very helpful :lol:


    ...Liquidspaceman, over and out


  8. From the Lagoon of Liquidspaceman..



    Well, good news. After watching the tutorial, I finally finished the pitch exercise! I highly recomend watching the tutorials. My project is now rendering on my other computer (about an 1 1/2hr left). I want to put some sound to it in my editing program and also encode it for the web. I wasn't able to use the tutorial in the two parts. I had to download the complete 48mb version. With dialup, that was going to take most of the day. My son got a download accelerator for free, so we used that. It really sped things up. If you are on dailup you might want to look into it. The url is www.speedbit.com . Look for the free version, unless money is no object, but if money is no object you wouldn't have dailup would you? :blink: Later today I will post my finished work.



    ...Liquidspaceman, over and out

  9. From the Lagoon of Liquispaceman...


    Well, the game got postponed again :angry2: I thought after spent all afternoon Friday and Saturday morning working on this 1 hour tutorial, I would conceed and watch the web tutorial. Everything was going fine and then the first part of the tutorial ended midway through (see arrow below). I went to the second part, but it starts further along in the tutorial. What gives? I was trying to watch it because, when I playback what I have done so far, my knight decides to fly in the air as it goes through the motions. What gives? I want to move on!



    ...Liquidspaceman, over and out


  10. From the Lagoon of Liquidspaceman...



    Problem solved! The bad Knight that use to say "KNEEk," (the one from the Yeti CD) was somehow being used. I thought that I was using the v11 knight, but I wasn't. I imported the v11 knight into the chor and poof it works. So now I'm back on track. The baseball game will proceed as planned! The Knights vs the Shags, it should be a good game. ...Popcorn anybody? Thanks to Robert-Jank, Itsjustme, and the fine people at Hash for trying to figure out this problem. :)


    ...Liquidspaceman, over and out

  11. As you can see the knee bone has been turned into a Translate cursor, can it be turned into a manipulator?


    That's actually a rotate on the 'Y' axis indicator...you should be able to rotate the knee using it and it should limit your manipulation to that axis. You can change it if you want, but the way it's setup should keep the movement correct.


    Hope that helps.


    Thank you for the clarification, but it only allows me to go left or right. I need to bend the knee using the perpendicular axis (move his foot closer to his bottom).

  12. From the Lagoon of Liquidspaceman..


    Ok, I need someone to break the kneecaps of my knight! I think I have the new knight (old knight), so that shouldn't be the problem, but it still could be. Does the CD reload (update the library) each time I start the program? As you can see the knee bone has been turned into a Translate cursor, can it be turned into a manipulator?





    ...Liquidspaceman, over and out


  13. Liquid,


    Click on the The Art of Animation Master link under New Users. Scroll down the first post where Rodney talks about the instructions and such. The section on attachments is right after the languages section.


    Hope that helps,




    Thank you for the quick answer Mr. Leo! I knew it was there somewhere close to home. (I didn't venture out very far on the forum).

  14. Liquid,


    ...The only thing that I can see (IMO) is on the left side. The placement of the light with the two rabbits on the barrels give that section sort of a cluttered feel. I think if you were to move the light to the left more than it would open up some nice negative space between the two on the barrels. Just my opinions though.


    Yea, you're right. If I get any free time, I might clean up the left side.


    As for Rodney, Leo73 was able to see the picture and I saw it on another computer, so I assume it is working correctly. Let me know if you can't see it. Since we are on the subject of postings, I know I saw where and how I can post images for these exercises. Please, someone direct me to the treasue trove of knowledge. :(


    One other thing, The boards seemed to be down Sunday, did anyone else notice this?


    ...Liquidspaceman, over and out

  15. From the Lagoon of Liquidspaceman...



    I've finally finished this exercise! Here is the picture...






    ..and here is the link to the movie...

    Cancan movie


    Sung to the tune of the cancan...

    "...Can, can, can you do the cancan, can you do the cancan, can you do the can, can ,can, can, can, can, can, can, can?"


    Name: Mark D. Newitt

    Exercise: #2, A Chorus line

    Finish Date: Feb. 18, 2006

    Teacher: Mr. Rodney

    Suggestions: Maybe explain how to put the fixed knight (Version 12 problem) into the library. I had a little problem figuring out how to paste the knight into my library. On to Exercise three!


    ...Liquidspaceman, over and out

  16. From the Lagoon of Liquidspaceman...


    I too have a Knight with bad knees. he said it was only a flesh wound, but I know better. I'm going back to a pre v12.0, which I just bought, and show you my knight with knees of Royalty



    Bad knight of the dark forest, soon to be replaced by the Good Knight of the Light Forest! :D

  17. From the Lagoon of Liquidspaceman...



    Here is my first exercise.




    Name: Mark Newitt


    Exercise Completed: Exercise 1



    Date Completed: Feb. 12, 2006



    Remarks/Suggestions for Improvement: And...awaaaaay we goooo!


    Sorry about the size. I meant to use the thumbnail version. If I get a chance, I will change it.




    Liquidspaceman, over and out

  18. From the Lagoon of Liquidspaceman...


    Well, hello all. I just got back from Wondercon06, in SF. I spacifically went to get my A:M upgrade. I am going to try to go through the tutorials and this time try to finish all of them. Thank you Rodney for all the support you have here at the forums. This reminds me of the saying, "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." Well, Rodney can lead me to the tutorials, but he can't make me do them." I need to get off my sweet potato and start doing them! Thanks for all the support here at the forums and the kind people at HASH.



    Liquidspaceman, over and out

  19. Great topic,

    I was just thinking that A:M should have a dedicated discussion area for A:M and how it applies to 3D gamestudio. With the popularity of computer games, I would only think it would be a natural to promote A:M in this area. ;)

  20. From the Lagoon of Liquidspaceman...


    Hello All,

    This thread looks about the closest I'm going to get to answering any of my questions and meeting new people with like interests. B)

    I have been dabbling in A:M for a few years now and it is time to take it to the next level. My son is interested in video games (what kid isn't?). Anyway, I thought that I want my son not just playing them, but also learning how to create them as well. Last Christmas we got him 3D Gamemaker and he had some fun with that. I want to consolidate some programs (A:M and some game engine). So, we have downloaded a 30 day trail of 3D Gamestudio and the tutorial, (great tutorial by the way) and we are 4 days into it. So far everything is looking great. I like the level of detail with 3D Gamestudio (much better than Darkbasic Pro). So, if anybody has any input with the "marriage" of these two fine products, please feel free to respond. :)


    Liquidspaceman, over and out...

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