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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Avi

  1. I think the dust would start a bit before the box hits the ground... Really cool looking though!
  2. Storyboards with Doug Sweetland! Man, I got really lucky with this Pixar exhibit at MoMA! The day before the Pixar exhibit closed there was another lecture, this time by animators. These animators were: Doug Sweetland (he animated that sequence of Woody and Jessie playing "Woody's Roundup" in Toy Story 2) and Kureha Yokoo (she animated that sequence of Bob and Helen where Bob tell her he's going to a 'confrence' in The Incredibles). Anyhow, they had a great presentation and afterwards I went to go talk to Doug Sweetland. Now, I didn't want to bother him with my storyboards, but I'm glad he looked at them in the end, since he gave me some invaluble advise (I had made a mitake when I showed them to Jason Katz, I didn't tell him the story, here I did). So, luckly I got a part of my story fixed, which if I hadn't shown him the storyboards, I would have never noticed, and would have killed the short! Pixar people never cease to amaze! (By the way he had taken a break from animation to be a story artist on The Incredibles, now he's back animating on Cars)
  3. Yeah! I've been waiting for a short from you Josh! Good luck and have fun (hopefully you wont be as slow, or picky, as I am)!
  4. Jason Katz liked my storyboards! Sunday, January 22, I went to a lecture by Jason Katz (who has been working in story at Pixar since Toy Story and is currently working on an untitled Pixar film) on storyboarding at the Pixar exhibit at MoMA. Afterwards, he waited around to answer questions. I had brought my storyboards, just in case he could look over them, so I left my place in line and went to the back to give people with questions a chance to ask them. When I got to the front I asked if I could show him my storyboards and he said ok. He started looking through them, and asked if I had studied this...well you could bet I wasn't expecting that! He just kept going on about how clear they were and everything, it definately made me happy! In the end he signed the first page of my storyboards, here's a picture:
  5. Storyboards I started these a while ago, but since then new ideas have come about, so I just started over again. Before, I was using index cards and it was starting to become a mess. So I made these templates and I've done about 30 panels already and I'm still going!
  6. Hi guys, I know I posted in OT, but I meant to post here so here it goes: Basically, I'm going to use this thread and the site to talk about stuff involving Crayon. Here, and on the site, I'll be giving updates and all that on how things are going. Anyhow, there's not much on the site yet but, I'll be updating it, with pictures and video and stuff. The URL is: http://crayon.avituchman.com/ Sometime tomorrow I'll add some storyboard pictures.
  7. Great job my fellow 15-year-old! I never really played with Bionicle, but you did a great job!
  8. Yeah, I also had a problem with the stuff that I intended to be snappy. Although, I have some moving holds in there, I just didn't know that they were called that... Also, which springing thing are you talking about? The one where he's like an accordian or when he jumps up? I hope it finishes soon... What should I do to fix it?
  9. Hi guys, I did another test, here's the good stuff, you can tell what's going on and I tryed to employ some old 2D stuff into it also! It's 22 seconds long and here it is: http://www.avituchman.com/animation/test_2.mov
  10. Thanks for the comments Gene, I'll have to try out that neck idea, I'll see what happens...
  11. Thanks Oakchas, I thought people would say they looked melted. When I drew the concept for the poster out on paper someone else said they look melted. What I'm trying to show is the crayons in the box looking down at the crayon on the floor. So, if anyone has a better way I can show that, I would be greatful. Oh, and the words were drawn a person, not the crayon.
  12. Guys, I don't want to sound impatient, but if you guys could tell me what you think that would be great, so I could send it to the printer.
  13. I couldn't find my old topic at the moment so I started a new one, this poster was made with most of the final set parts, although stuff might be found in different spots in the cartoon. Here it is:
  14. Thanks guys, as for the crayon looking like a garden hose, I don't know about that, but I like how he squashs. Although I was curious if you guys could read his emotion (sad) which is what the walk was, a sad walk, well that's what I was trying to achive. Also what's a fan bone? Anyhow thanks again. (Nancy - I'm accually redoing the poster cause I fixed up some models it'll look mostly the same, but, you'll see)
  15. I finished rigging the main model so I did an animation test: http://www.avituchman.com/stuff/animation/test_6.mov That's the url, if you have any constructive critisem then please tell me it. Also if you could tell me how to execute it then tell me that too.
  16. Oh sorry ZackBG, I'm trying to get it done for Siggraph.
  17. Wow, thanks guys, I'm flattered. Wwoelbel I accually was going to do something like that with them but their rigs are a bit messed up at the moment so, that's why their so static, but don't worry they won't be in the short.
  18. Well, here it is, it took quite a while due to this short being, basically, my first shot at about everything in A:M and that I was also busy with other things. I think everything came out nicely and I would like your comments and suggestions. Alright, well here it is...
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