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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Posts posted by Malaclypse235

  1. If the image is small enough you can use the "file attachments" browse button right below where you are typing your post. If it is a file type that is not supported, or if it is too large to include you can link to the file on your website. Hit the "http://" button above where you are typing and put a link directly to your file in the box that pops up. The second box is the text that will be displayed for your link. I hope this helps..



  2. Jim,


    I also want to say that it looks great. I also am very happy that you and Colin explained about using a paint program after to soften the look of the model. It never occured to me before, and it was like a light going on in my head.


    It's so nice to have Masters around for us apprentices to learn from.



  3. Hey Tom,


    I don't know if it's the "right" thing to do, but I hate having holes where they don't belong, so I rarely just shrink the circle of cps together. Instead I join them to make new patches and close it off. That's another way to solve you foot problem.


    While I don't know how it works, porcelain is supposed to be the best way to smoothe things out. I believe there is a tutorial on it's use at the resource matrix, or if not I bet someone has a link to the tut handy and could post it.


    As for making it plasticy... sorry, I have no idea on that one.


    Good luck,



  4. It looks right then... I thought it looked like a (man-made) sattelite that had fallen into an atmosphere. Very nice work with the sprites. I tried using sprites once, but tweaking the settings kept crashing me and I couldn't get anything to look good.



  5. I wish I had a record around to test this, but I don't so here is a theoretical idea that might be terrible.


    If you take a picture of a record using a bright light, it might bring out enough detail in the grooves for you to convert it to greyscale and use as a bump map.


    If it works it should be pretty quick and easy if you have a record and a digital camera lying around.


    Ok, I just found a (semi crappy) image of a record on the net. despite the picture's lack of quality I get fairly good results using it as a color and bump map. See below.


    I hope this helps some...




  6. I feel swayed... gonna have to go find a picture now, and see what else I am missing.


    As for where you live, well, I look at it this way. Most of the people on this board are here because in some way or another they are artists at heart. Some (like me) may not be very good at art, but we still have that artistic spirit. Maybe some Americans would not be supportive of you for such stupid reasons as where you live, what color you are, or what your government does. I doubt many of those types of people frequent this board.


    I'm an American, and I love my country, but I tell people I meet from other countries that they shouldn't judge all Americans by what our government does. They should only judge the ones who voted for Bush (heh, j/k kinda).


    Just my thoughts on the matter...



  7. Hi all,


    I've been working hard to incorporate your suggestions into my rifle model. I think your ideas have made it many times better than it originally was. Thank you :D


    Beveling - Failure on my part. Tried to improve it some though.


    Attach hand grips - Done


    "Dirtying it up" - Done


    Leveling of stock - Done


    Second cylinder on ejection port - Done.


    4 out of 5 isn't too bad... a B grade if I remember right. I am probably done working on this model, but if anyone else has any suggestions on what I could have or should have done with this, I'd love to hear them.


    Thanks again all...




  8. Paul,


    It's looking good so far. I have no advice for you on the modeling since I am new at it too (About to post an update of my first model after this), but whenever things are looking strange in shaded mode, and I want to know if it's real or just the shaded real time render acting up, I hit the render mode button (or q on the keyboard) and can get a real render of most things pretty quick. That way I know if the problem is real or not.


    I hope this helps some,



  9. I know this isn't the newbie board but what is a "a spline dead-heading into an intersection"?


    If somene could give a quick explanation and/or post a pic for those of us less well informed I'd appreciate it.





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